Christian Messier

Christian Messier

Liens d'intérêt
Informations générales

Cheminement académique

Professeur titulaire
Département des sciences naturelles, UQO (2013- )

Professeur titulaire
Département des sciences biologiques, UQAM (2000- )

Institut des Sciences de la Forêt tempérée (ISFORT) (2013- )

Titulaire de la Chaire CRSNG/Hydro-Québec, sur le contrôle de la croissance de l'arbre (2010- )

Directeur du centre d'étude de la forêt
Université du Québec à Montréal (2006-2010)

Membre du bureau de direction du réseau GDF
Réseau de gestion durable des forêts du Canada (2002-2010)

Co-Directeur de réseau ligniculture Québec(RLQ)
Université du Québec à Montréal -VRQ (2001-2006)

Membre du bureau de l'ordre
Ordre des Ingénieurs Forestiers du Québec (2001-2004)

Directeur du GREFi
Université du Québec à Montréal (1999-2005)

Unités de recherche

  • Centre d'étude de la forêt (CEF)
  • Prix Acfas - Michel-Jurdant 2010 (Sciences de l'environnement), 2010
  • Prix des présidents d'excellence du Réseau de Centres d'Excellence du Canada, 2006
  • Prix d'excellence en Sciences forestières de l'Institut de foresterie du Canada, 2006
  • Membre honoraire de l'Association des Biologistes du Québec (ABQ), 2006
  • Sélectionné par l'UQAM pour la mise en candidature de la prestigieuse bourse STEACIE du CRSNG, 2000
  • Ingénieur forestier de l'année 2000 par l'Ordre des Ing. For. du Québec, 2000
Services à la collectivité

Membre du CA Kenauk Nature, 2016-
Directeur de l'Institut de la Forêt tempérée (ISFORT), 2003-
Comité des locaux, 2007-
Directeur du Centre d'étude de la forêt (CEF), 2006-2012
Directeur scientifique du RLQ, 2002-2006
Directeur du GREFi, 2002-2005
Directeur du GREF, GREFi, Co-leader du Réseau GDF, Co-directeur, 1995-2002
Ligniculture-Québec, Comité des locaux
Responsable des séminaires départementaux, 1993-1994
Membre du Comité d'élaboration de problèmes pour le nouveau baccalauréat en sciences biologiques par apprentissage par problèmes (APPP)
Responsable des séminaires du GREF, 1992-1994
Délégué au SPUQ, 1992-1993

Directions de thèses et mémoires

Thèses de doctorat
Rapports de recherches


Articles scientifiques
  • Witté, I., Messier, C., Kneeshaw, D. et Filotas, E. Incorporation complex network theory into forest management : a mini-review. Canadian Journal of Forest Research/Revue canadienne de recherche forestière.
    Notes: Soumis
    Obtenir ce livre à l'UQAMObtenir "Incorporation complex network theory into forest management : a mini-review" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM
  • Alam, M., Dupras, J., Tittler, R. et Messier, C. Loss of ecosystem services due to conversion of grassland and forest in a rapidly-developing North American suburb. Landscape and urban planning : An International journal of landscape Science, Planning and Design.
    Notes: Soumis
    Obtenir ce livre à l'UQAMObtenir "Loss of ecosystem services due to conversion of grassland and forest in a rapidly-developing North American suburb" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM
  • Craven, D., Filotas, E., Angers, V. et Messier, C. Resilience of tree communities in fragmented landscapes : linking local impacts of functional diversity with connectivity. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America.
    Notes: Soumis
  • Tittler, R. et Messier, C. Setting goals for old growth forest : how large should management units be? Forest Ecology and Management.
    Notes: Soumis
    Obtenir ce livre à l'UQAMObtenir "Setting goals for old growth forest : how large should management units be?" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM
  • Follett, M., Nock, C., Buteau, C. et Messier, C. Testing a new approach to compare branch growth responses to pruning for electrical line clearance among three temperate tree species. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry.
    Notes: Soumis
  • Alam, M., Dupras, J. et Messier, C. (2016). A framework towards a composite indicator for urban ecosystem services. Ecological Indicators : Integrating Sciences for Monitoring, Assessment and Management, 60, 38–44.
  • Lambert, J.B., Ameztegui, A., Delagrange, S. et Messier, C. (2016). Birch and conifer deadwood favour early establishment and shade tolerance in yellow birch juveniles growing in sugar maple dominated stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research/Revue canadienne de recherche forestière, 46(1), 114–121.
  • Verheyen, K., Vanhellemont, M., Auge, H., et al. (2016). Contributions of a global network of tree diversity experiments to sustainable forest plantations. Ambio : A Journal of the Human Environment, 45(1), 29–41.
    Notes: Première publication : 2015
  • Muhr, J., Messier, C., Delagrange, S., Trumbore, S.,, Xu, X. et Hartmann, H. (2016). How fresh is maple syrup? Sugar maple trees mobilize carbon stored several years previously during early springtime sap‐ascent. New Phytologist, 209(4), 1410–1416.
    Notes: Première parution en 2015
  • Dupras, J., Patry, C., Tittler, R., Gonzalez, A., Alam, M. et Messier, C. (2016). Management of vegetation under electric distribution lines will affect the supply of multiple ecosystem services. Land Use Policy, 51, 66–75.
    Notes: Février 2016
  • Jewell, M.D., Shipley, B., Paquette, A., Messsier, C. et Reich, P. (2015). A traits-based perspective of the home-field advantage of mixed-species litterdecomposition. Journal of Ecology.
    Notes: Soumis
    Obtenir ce livre à l'UQAMObtenir "A traits-based perspective of the home-field advantage of mixed-species litterdecomposition" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM
  • Jewell, M.D., Shipley, B., Paquette, A., Messsier, C. et Reich, P. (2015). A traits-based test of the home-field advantage of mixed-species tree litter decomposition. Annals of Botany, 116(5), 781–788.
  • Bannon, K., Delagrange, S., Bélanger, N. et Messier, C. (2015). American beech and sugar maple sapling relative abundance and growth are not modified by light availability following partial and total canopy disturbances. Canadian Journal of Forest Research/Revue canadienne de recherche forestière, 45(6), 632–638.
  • Dutilleul, P., Han, L., Valladares, F. et Messier, C. (2015). Crown traits of coniferous trees and their relation to shade tolerance can differ with leaf type : a biophysical demonstration using computed tomography scanning data. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6(172).
  • Paquette, A., Joly, S. et Messier, C. (2015). Explaining forest productivity using tree functional traits and phylogenetic information : two sides of the same coin over evolutionary scale? Ecology and Evolution, 5(9), 1774–1783.
  • Messier, C., Puettmann, K. et Chazdon, R. (2015). From management to stewardship : viewing forests as complex adaptive systems in an uncertain world. Conservation Letters, 8(5), 368–377.
  • Paine, C.E.T., Amissah, L., Auge, H., et al. (2015). Globally, functional traits are weak predictors of juvenile tree growth, and we do not know why. Journal of Ecology, 103(4), 978–989.
  • Dupras, J., Messier, C. et Alam, M. (2015). How do different management practices affect the ecosystem services provided by vegetation underelectrical distribution lines? Agriculture and Urban Forestry.
    Notes: Accepté
  • Nolet, P., Delagrange, S., Bannon, K., Messier, C. et Kneeshaw, D. (2015). Liming has a limited effect on sugar maple : American beech dynamics compared with beech sapling elimination and canopy opening. Canadian Journal of Forest Research/Revue canadienne de recherche forestière, 45(10), 1376–1386.
  • Galicia, L.S., Potvin, C. et Messier, C. (2015). Maintaining the high diversity of pine and oak species in Mexican temperate forests : a new management approach combining functional zoning and ecosystem adaptability. Canadian Journal of Forest Research/Revue canadienne de recherche forestière, 45(10), 1358–1368.
  • Lindenmayer, D., Messier, C., Paquette, A. et Hobbs, R.J. (2015). Managing tree plantations as novel socioecological systems : Australian and North American perspectives. Canadian Journal of Forest Research/Revue canadienne de recherche forestière, 45(10), 1427–1433.
  • Tittler, R., Filotas, E., Kroese, J. et Messier, C. (2015). Maximizing conservation and production values with intensive forest management : it's all about location. Environmental Management, 56(5), 1104–1117.
  • Ameztegui, A., Coll, L. et Messier, C. (2015). Modelling the effect of climate-induced changes in recruitment and juvenile growth on mixed-forest dynamics : the case of montane–subalpine Pyrenean ecotones. Ecological Modelling : International Journal on Ecological Modelling and Systems Ecology, 313, 84–93.
  • Ramirez, J.A., Posada, J.M., Handa, I.T., et al. (2015). Near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) predicts non‐structural carbohydrate concentrations in different tissue types of a broad range of tree species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6(9), 1018–1025.
  • Wallace, J., Aquilué, N., Archambault, C., et al. (2015). Present forest management structures and policies in temperate forests of Mexico : challenges and prospects for unique tree species assemblages. The Forestry Chronicle, 91(3), 306–317.
  • Rivest, D., Paquette, A., Shipley, B., Reich, P.B. et Messier, C. (2015). Tree communities rapidly alter soil microbial resistance and resilience to drought. Functional Ecology, 29(4), 570–578.
  • Alam, M., Olivier, A., Paquette, A., Dupras, J., Revéret, J.-P. et Messier, V. (2014). A general framework for the quantification and valuation of ecosystem services of tree-based intercropping systems. Agroforestry Systems : An International Journal Incorporating Agroforestry Forum, 88(4), 679–691.
  • Nolet, P., Doyon, F. et Messier, C. (2014). A new silvicultural approach to the management of uneven-aged Northern hardwoods : frequent low-intensity harvesting. Forestry : An International Journal of Forest Research, 87(1), 39–48.
  • Tobner, C.M., Paquette, A., Reich, P., Gravel, D. et Messier, C. (2014). Advancing biodiversity-ecosystem functioning science using high-density tree-based experiments over functional diversity gradients. Oecologia, 174(3), 609–621.
  • Trottier-Picard, A., Thiffault, E., DesRochers, A., Paré, D., Thiffault, N. et Messier, C. (2014). Amounts of logging residues affect planting microsites : a manipulative study across northern forest ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management, 312, 203–215.
  • Park, A., Puettmann, K., Wilson, E., Messier, C., Kames, S. et Dhar, A. (2014). Can boreal and temperate forest management be adapted to the uncertainties of the 21st century climate change? Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 33(4), 251–285.
  • Ruiz-Benito, P., Gómez-Aparicio, L., Paquette, A., Messier, C., Kattge, J. et Zavala, M. (2014). Diversity increases carbon storage and tree productivity in Spanish forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23(3), 311–322.
    Notes: Première publication : 2013
  • Girard, F., Beaudet, M., Mailly, D. et Messier, C. (2014). Integrating climatic response in competition dependent tree-level growth models for northern hardwoods. Forest Ecology and Management, 323, 138–147.
  • McCavour, M., Paré, D., Messier. C., Thiffault, N. et Thiffault, E. (2014). Leaving forest harvest residue as discrete piles increases soil fertility, plant growth and reproduction, and resources for pollinators and frugivores. Soil Science Society of America Journal.
    Obtenir ce livre à l'UQAMObtenir "Leaving forest harvest residue as discrete piles increases soil fertility, plant growth and reproduction, and resources for pollinators and frugivores" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM
  • Fedrowitz, K., Koricheva, J., Baker, S.C., et al. (2014). Review : can retention forestry help conserve biodiversity? A meta‐analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51(6), 1669–1679.
  • Beaudet, M., Angers, V. et Messier, C. (2014). Seedbed proportions in and outside skid trails : temporal variation following selection cutting in northern hardwood forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 318, 151–157.
  • Nock, C.A., Taugourdeau, O., Work, T., Messier, C. et Kneeshaw, D. (2014). Urban forests on the front line. Science, 343(6168), 249.
  • Bouttier, L., Paquette, A., Messier, C., Rivest, D., Olivier, A. et Cogliastro, A. (2014). Vertical root separation and light interception in a temperate tree-based intercropping system of Eastern Canada. Agroforestry systems, 88(4), 693–706.
  • Filotas, E., Parrott, L., Burton, P.J., et al. (2014). Viewing forests through the lens of complex systems science. Ecosphere, 5(1), 1–23.
  • Rivest, D., Paquette, A., Moreno, G. et Messier, C. (2013). A meta-analysis reveals mostly neutral influence of scattered trees on pasture yield along with some contrasted effects depending on functional groups and rainfall conditions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 165, 74–79.
  • Nock, C., Taugourdeau, O., Delagrange, S. et Messier, C. (2013). Assessing the potential of low-cost 3D cameras for the rapid measurement of plant woody structure. Sensors, 13(12), 16216–16233.
  • Witté, I., Kneeshaw, D. et Messier, C. (2013). Do partial cuts create forest complexity? A new approach to measuring the complexity of forest patterns using photographs and the mean information gain. The Forestry Chronicle, 89(3), 340–349.
  • Nock, C.A., Paquette, A., Follett, M., Nowak, D.J. et Messier, C. (2013). Effects of urbanization on tree species functional diversity in eastern North America. Ecosystems, 16(8), 1487–1497.
  • Patry, C., Kneeshaw, D., Wyatt, S., Grenon, F. et Messier, C. (2013). Forest ecosystem management in North America : from theory to practice. The Forestry Chronicle, 89(4), 525–537.
  • Nock, C.A., Greene, D., Delagrange, S., Follett, M., Fournier, R. et Messier, C. (2013). In Situ quantification of experimental ice accretion on tree crowns using terrestrial laser scanning. PLOS ONE, 8(5).
    Notes: Art. No. : e64865
  • Tobner, C.M., Paquette, A. et Messier, C. (2013). Interspecific coordination and intraspecific plasticity of fine root traits in North American temperate tree species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 4(242), 72–93.
  • Bilodeau-Gauthier, S., Paré, D., Messier, C. et Bélanger, N. (2013). Root production of hybrid poplars and nitrogen mineralization improve following mounding of boreal Podzols. Canadian Journal of Forest Research/Revue canadienne de recherche forestière, 43(12), 1092–1103.
  • St-Denis, A., Messier, C. et Kneeshaw, D. (2013). Seed size, the only factor positively affecting direct seeding success in an abandoned field in Quebec, Canada. Forests, 4(2), 500–516.
  • Graham-Sauvé, L., Work, T.T., Kneeshaw, D. et Messier, C. (2013). Shelterwood and multicohort management have similar initial effects on ground beetle assemblages in boreal forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 306, 266–274.
  • Rivest, D., Lorente, M., Olivier, A. et Messier, C. (2013). Soil biochemical properties and microbial resilience in agroforestry systems : effects on wheat growth under controlled drought and flooding conditions. Science of the Total Environment, 463-464, 51–60.
  • Lindenmayer, D.B., Franklin, J.F., Lõhmus, A., et al. (2012). A major shift to the retention approach for forestry can help resolve some global forest sustainability issues. Conservation Letters : a Journal of the Society for Conservation Biology, 5(6), 421–431.
  • Tittler, R., Messier, C. et Fall, A. (2012). Concentrating anthropogenic disturbance to balance ecological and economic values : applications to forest management. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America, 22(4), 1268–1277.
  • Posada, J.M., Sievänen, R., Messier, C., Perttunen, J., Nikinmaa, E. et Lechowicz, M.J. (2012). Contributions of leaf photosynthetic capacity, leaf angle and self-shading to the maximization of net photosynthesis in Acer saccharum: a modelling assessment. Annals of Botany, 110(3), 731–741.
  • Seiferling, I.S., Proulx, R., Peres-Neto, P.R., Fahrig, L. et Messier, C. (2012). Measuring protected-area isolation and correlations of isolation with land-use intensity and protection status. Conservation Biology, 26(4), 610–618.
  • Paquette, A., Fontaine, B., Berninger, F., et al. (2012). Norway maple displays greater seasonal growth and phenotypic plasticity to light than native sugar maple. Tree Physiology, 32(11), 1339–1347.
  • Gustafsson, L., Baker, S.C., Bauhus, J., et al. (2012). Retention forestry to maintain multifunctional forests : a world perspective. BioScience, 62(7), 633–645.
  • Boivin, F., Paquette, A., Racine, P. et Messier, C. (2011). A fast and reliable method for the delineation of tree crown outlines for the computation of crown openness values and other crown parameters. Canadian Journal of Forest Research/Revue canadienne de recherche forestière, 41(9), 1827–1835.
  • Bilodeau-Gauthier, S., Houle, D., Gagnon, C., Côté, B. et Messier, C. (2011). Assessment of sugar maple tree growth in relation to the partitioning of elements in xylem along a soil acidity gradient. Forest Ecology and Management, 261(1), 95–104.
  • Messier, C., Bélanger, N., Brisson, J., Lechowicz, M.J. et Gravel, D. (2011). Comments on “Present-day expansion of American beech in northeastern harwood forests : does soil base status matter?”. Canadian Journal of Forest Research/Revue canadienne de recherche forestière, 41(3), 649–653.
    Notes: NSERC
  • Messier, C. et Puettmann, K.J. (2011). Forests as complex adaptive systems : implications for forest management and modelling. The Italian Journal of Mountain and Forest Environments (L’Italia Forestale e Montana), 66(3), 249–258.
  • Malo, C. et Messier, C. (2011). Impact of primary and secondary machinery tracks on fine root growth of sugar maple after selection cutting. Canadian Journal of Forest Research/Revue canadienne de recherche forestière, 41(4), 892–897.
  • Hartmann, H. et Messier, C. (2011). Interannual variation in competitive interactions from natural and anthropogenic disturbances in a temperate forest tree species: Implications for ecological interpretation. Forest Ecology and Management, 261(11), 1936–1944.
  • Bilodeau-Gauthier, S., Paré, D., Messier, C. et Bélanger, N. (2011). Juvenile growth of hybrid poplars on acidic boreal soil determined by environmental effects of soil preparation, vegetation control, and fertilization. Forest Ecology and Management, 261(3), 620–629.
    Notes: FQRNT, NSERC
  • Beaudet, M., Harvey, B.D., Messier, C., et al. (2011). Managing understory light conditions in boreal mixedwoods through variation in the intensity and spatial pattern of harvest: A modelling approach. Forest Ecology and Management, 261(1), 84–94.
  • Domenicano, S., Coll, L., Messier, C. et Berninger, F. (2011). Nitrogen forms affect root structure and water uptake in the hybrid poplar. New Forests, 42(3), 347–362.
    Notes: FQRNT
  • Coll, L., González-Olabarria, J.R., Mola-Yudego, B., Pukkala, T. et Messier, C. (2011). Predicting understory maximum shrubs cover using altitude and overstory basal area in different Mediterranean forests. European Journal of Forest Research, 130(1), 55–65.
  • Coll, L., Schneider, R., Berninger, F., Domenicano, S. et Messier, C. (2011). Quantifying the effect of nitrogen-induced physiological and structural changes on poplar growth using a carbon-balance model. Tree Physiology, 31(4), 381–390.
  • Gravel, D., Beaudet, M. et Messier, C. (2011). Sapling age structure and growth series reveal a shift in recruitment dynamics of sugar maple and American beech over the last 40 years. Canadian Journal of Forest Research/Revue canadienne de recherche forestière, 41(4), 873–880.
  • Vanderwel, M.C., Caspersen, J.P., Malcolm, J.R., Papaik, M.J. et Messier, C. (2011). Structural changes and potential vertebrate responses following simulated partial harvesting of boreal mixedwood stands. Forest Ecology and Management, 261(8), 1362–1371.
    Notes: NSERC
  • Paquette, A. et Messier, C. (2011). The effect of biodiversity on tree productivity : from temperate to boreal forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 20(1), 170–180.
    Notes: Publié en ligne en septembre 2010; NSERC
  • Aubin, I., Garbe, C.M., Colombo, S., et al. (2011). Why we disagree about assisted migration : ethical implications of a key debate regarding the future of Canada's forests. The Forestry Chronicle, 87(6), 755–765.
Chapitres de livre
  • Messier, C., Puettmann, K.J. et Coates, K.D. (2013). A new integrative framework for understanding and managing the world forest : the complex adaptive system. Dans C. Messier, K.J. Puettmann et K.D. Coates (dir.). Managing forests as complex adaptive systems : building resilience to the challenge of global change. London : Routledge.
  • Paquette, A. et Messier, C. (2013). Managing tree plantations as complex adaptive systems. Dans C. Messier, K.J. Puettmann et D. Coates (dir.). Managing forests as complex adaptive systems : building resilience to the challenge of global change. London : Routledge.
  • Doyon, F., Sturtevant, B.R., Papaik, M., et al. (2012). Assessing knowledge ambiguity in the creation of a model based on expert knowledge and comparison with the results of a landscape succession model in central Labrador. Dans Perera A., A. Drew et Johnson C. (dir.). Expert knowledge and its application in landscape ecology (p. 189–210). New York : Springer.
  • McAfee, B., de Camino, R., Burton, P., et al. (2010). Managing forested landscapes for socio-ecological resilience. Dans G. Mery, P. Katila, G. Galloway, et al. (dir.). Forests and society : responding to global drivers of change (volume 25) (p. 401–439). Vienne, Autriche : IUFRO.