Allison Harell

Allison Harell

Photo de Allison Harell
Téléphone : (514) 987-3000 poste 5676
Local : R-3215
Langues : Français, Anglais
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Direction des unités de premier cycle, Département de science politique 2014-2015

Directions de thèses et mémoires

Thèses de doctorat
Travaux dirigés
  • Caron, Samuel. (2023). Élections à l'ère des mégadonnées : les conséquences de l'hyperclientélisme politique au Canada. (Travail dirigé). Université du Québec à Montréal.


Articles scientifiques
  • French Bourgeois, L., Harell, A., Stephenson, L., Guay, P. et Lysy, M. (2023). Always a Bridesmaid: A Machine Learning Approach to Minor Party Identity in Multi-Party Systems. Statistics, Politics and Policy.
  • Stephenson, L.B. et Harell, A. (2023). Blame, Hope, or Gratitude? Voting Decisions during the Pandemic. Regional and Federal Studies.
  • Chen, P., Thomas, M., Harell, A. et Gosselin, T. (2023). Explicit Gender Stereotyping in Canadian Politics. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 56(1), 209–221.
  • Lee, A.H., Harell, A., Stephenson, L., Rubenson, D. et Loewen, P. (2023). Motivated to Forgive? Partisan Scandals and Party Supporters. Political Psychology.
  • Clavier, C., D’Aoust, A.-M., Harell, A. et Coenga-Oliviera, D. (2023). Perspectives étudiantes et professorales croisées sur un séminaire doctoral à vocation pratique en science politique : entre démocratisation de l’accès aux codes de la discipline et travail émotionnel. Politiques et sociétés, 42(3).
  • Mansell, J., Harell, A., Thomas, M. et Gosselin, T. (2022). Competitive Loss, Gendered Backlash and Sexism in Politics. Political Behavior, 44(1), 455–476.
  • Banting, K., Harell, A. et Kymlicka, W. (2022). Nationalism, Membership and the Politics of Minority Claims-Making. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 55(3), 537–560.
  • Mansell, J., Harell, A., Thomas, M. et Gosselin, T. (2021). Competitive Loss, Gendered Backlash and Sexism in Politics. Political Behavior, Prépublication.
  • Harell, A. et Lieberman, E. (2021). How Information about Race-Based Health Disparities Affects Policy Preferences: Evidence from a Survey Experiment about the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States. Social Science and Medicine, 277, article 113884.
  • Harell, A., Stephenson, L. et Stolle, D.(dir.). (2021). Intergroup Dynamics and Electoral Politics [Dossier thématique]. Frontiers in Political Science.
  • Stephenson, L., Harell, A., Rubenson, D. et Loewen, P. (2021). Measuring Preferences and Behaviours in the 2019 Canadian Election Study. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 54(1), 118–124.
  • Durazo Herrmann, J., Gosselin, T. et Harell, A.(dir.). (2021). Populism, Media and Journalism [Numéro spécial]. Brazilian Journalism Research, 17(3).
  • Durazo Herrmann, J., Gosselin, T. et Harell, A. (2021). Populism, Media and Journalism. An Introduction to the Special Issue. Brazilian Journalism Research, 17(3), 522–535.
  • Jordan Mansell, A.H., Elisabeth Gidengil, and Patrick Stuart. (2021). Psychophysiology, cognition, and political differences: Guest Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue. Politics and the Life Sciences, 40(2), 137–141.
  • Mansell, J., Harell, A., Gidengil, E. et Stewart, P.(dir.). (2021). Psychophysiology, Cognition, and Political Ideology [Numéro spécial]. Politics and the Life Sciences, 40(2).
  • Harell, A., Banting, K., Kymlicka, W. et Wallace, R. (2021). Shared Membership Beyond National Identity: Deservingness and Solidarity in Diverse Societies. Political Studies, Prépublication.
  • Harell, A., Hinckley, R. et Mansell, J. (2021). Valuing Liberty or Equality? Empathetic Personality and Political Intolerance of Harmful Speech. Frontiers in Political Science, 3, article 663858.
  • Thomas, M., Harell, A., Rijkhoff, S.A.M. et Gosselin, T. (2020). Gendered News Coverage and Women as Heads of Government. Political Communication, 38(4), 388–406.
  • Hinckley, R. et Harell, A. (2020). Selective Exposure and the Authoritarian Dynamic: Evidence from Canada and the United States. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 8(1), 151–172.
  • French Bourgeois, L., Harell, A. et Stephenson, L. B. (2020). To follow or not to follow: Social norms and civic duty during a pandemic. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 53(2), 273–278.
  • Harell, A., Stolle, D. et Quintellier, E. (2019). Experiencing Political Diversity: The Mobilizing Effect Among Youth. Acta Politica, 54(4), 684–712.
  • Valentino, N., Ishiyama, J., Soroka, S., Iyengar, S., Aalberg, T., Duch, R., Fraile, M., Hahn, K., Harell, A., Helbling, M., Jackman, S. et Kobayashi. (2017). Economic and Cultural Drivers of Immigrant Support Worldwide. British Journal of Political Science, 49(4), 1201–1226.
  • Harell, A. (2017). Intersectionality and Gendered Political Behaviour in a Multicultural Canada. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 50(2), 495–514.
  • Harell, A. et Dupuis-Déri, F. (2017). Les thèmes de la représentation et de la démocratie au sein de la revue Politique et Sociétés. Politique et Sociétés, 36, 75–83.
  • Harell, A., Soroka, S. et Iyengar, S. (2017). Locus of Control and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Political Psychology, 38(2), 245–260.
  • Harell, A., Stolle, D. et Quintelier, E. (2016). Experiencing Political Diversity: The Mobilizing Effect Among Youth. Acta Politica.
  • Harell, A., Soroka, S. et Iyengar, S. (2016). Race, Prejudice and Attitudes toward Redistribution : A Comparative Experimental Approach. European Journal of Political Research, 55(4), 723–744.
  • Stolle, D., Harell, A., Soroka, S. et Benkhe, J. (2016). Religious Symbols, Multiculturalism and Policy Attitudes. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 49(2), 335–358.
  • Fournier, P., Gélineau, F. et Harell, A. (2015). Les Systèmes d’Aide au Vote peuvent-ils être utiles pour l’étude des élections? Revue international de la politique comparée, 22(2), 269–296.
  • Bilodeau, A. et Harell, A. (2015). Évaluation et défis à venir pour Politique et Sociétés : l’opinion des abonnés. Politique et Sociétés, 34(1), 3–9.
  • Harell, A., Soroka, S. et Ladner, K. (2014). Public opinion, prejudice and the racialization of welfare in Canada. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(14), 2580–2597.
  • Ivengar, S., Jackman, S., Messing, S., Valentino, N., Aalberg, T., Duch, R., Hahn, K.S., Soroka, S., Harell, A. et Kobayashi, T. (2013). Do attitudes about immigration predict willingness to admit individual immigrants? Public Opinion Quarterly, 77(3), 641–665.
  • Harell, A. et Panagos, D. (2013). Locating the aboriginal gender gap: The political attitudes and participation of aboriginal women in Canada. Politics and Gender, 9(4), 414–438.
  • Stolle, D. et Harell, A. (2013). Social Capital and Ethno-racial Diversity: Learning to Trust in an Immigrant Society. Political Studies, 61(1), 42–66.
  • Quintelier, E., Stolle, D. et Harell, A. (2012). Politics in Peer Groups: Exploring the Causal Relationship between Network Diversity and Political Participation. Political Research Quarterly, 65(4), 868–881.
  • Harell, A., Soroka, S., Iyengar, S. et Valentino, N. (2012). The impact of economic and cultural cues on support for immigration in Canada and the United States. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 45(3), 499–530.
  • Hooghe, M., Claes, E., Harell, A., Quintelier, E. et Dejaeghere, Y. (2010). Anti-gay sentiment among adolescents in Belgium and Canada: A comparative investigation into the role of gender and religion. Journal of Homosexuality, 57(3), 384–400.
  • Harell, A., Gidengil, E., Soroka, S. et Stolle, D.(dir.). (2010). Diversity and Democratic Politics [Numéro thématique]. Revue canadienne de science politique/Canadian Journal of Political Science, 43(2).
  • Harell, A. et Stolle, D. (2010). Diversity and democratic politics: an introduction. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 43(2), 235–256.
  • Harell, A. (2010). Political tolerance, racist speech, and the influence of social networks. Social Science Quarterly, 91(3), 724–740.
  • Harell, A. (2010). The limits of tolerance in diverse societies: Hate speech and political tolerance norms among youth. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 43(2), 407–432.
  • Harell, A. (2009). Equal participation but separate paths?: Women's social capital and turnout. Journal of Women, Politics and Policy, 30(1), 1–22.
Chapitres de livre
  • Harell, A. et Hinckley, R. (2022). Racial Attitudes and Opposition to Immigration. Dans C. Anderson et M. Turgeon (dir.). Comparative Public Opinion (p. 331–348). Routledge.
  • Harell, A., Kymlicka, W. et Banting, K. (2022). The boundaries of generosity: Membership, inclusion, and redistribution. Dans M. Crepaz (dir.). Handbook on Migration and Welfare (p. 102–117). Edward Elgar.
  • Banting, K., Kymlicka, W., Harell, A. et Wallace, R. (2020). Beyond National Identity: Liberal Nationalism, Shared Membership and Solidarity. Dans G. Gustavsson et D. Miller (dir.). Liberal Nationalism and Its Critics: Normative and Empirical Questions (p. 205–225). Oxford University Press.
  • Harell, A., Stephenson, L. et Deschatelêts, L. (2020). Public Opinion and Political Cleavages in Canada. Dans A.G. Gagnon et J. Bickerton (dir.). Canadian Politics (7e éd., p. 237–252). University of Toronto Press.
  • Harell, A., Stolle, D., Duguay, P. et Mahéo, V.-A. (2020). Young People: Politics and Digital Technologies. Dans T. Small et H. Jansen (dir.). Digital Politics in Canada (p. 202–222). University of Toronto Press.
  • Scott, S. et Harell, A. (2019). Towards an Applied Social Psychology of Democratic Citizenship. Dans K. O'Doherty et D. Hodgetts (dir.). The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Psychology (p. 127–147). Sage Publications.
  • Thomas, M., Harell, A. et Gosselin, T. (2018). Gender, Tone, and Content of Premiers’ News Coverage: A Matched Comparison. Dans A. Marland, T. Giasson et A. Lawlor (dir.). Political Elites in Canada: Power and Influence in Instantaneous Times (p. 89–108). University of British Columbia Press.
  • Duguay, P. et Harell, A. (2018). La communication interpersonnelle et la socialisation politique : de l’école de Columbia à l’ère Facebook. Dans A.-M. Gingras (dir.). Histoires de communication politique (p. 259–280). Presses de l'Université du Québec.
  • Harell, A., Soroka, S., Iyengar, S. et Lapointe, V. (2017). Attitudes toward Work, Motherhood and Parental Leave in Canada, the US and the UK. Dans A. Bittner et M. Thomas (dir.). Mothers and Others (p. 247–267). UBC Press.
  • Harell, A. et Duguay, P. (2017). Les élections au Québec et au Canada. Dans A.-G. Gagnon et D. Sanschagrin (dir.). La politique québecoise et canadienne : acteurs, institutions, sociétés (2e éd., p. 395–417). Presses de l'Université du Québec.
  • Soroka, S., Harell, A. et Iyengar, S. (2016). Heterogeneity in the Impact of Immigration on Social Welfare Spending. Dans G. Freedman (dir.). Elgar Handbook on Migration and Social Policy (p. 330–342).
  • Harell, A. et Stolle, D. (2015). Diversity and Social Cohesion. Dans S. Vertovec (dir.). Routledge International Handbook of Diversity Studies (p. 294–301). Routledge.
  • Harell, A. (2015). Measuring Outcomes: Youth and Interculturalism in the Classroom. Dans R. Zapata-Barrero (dir.). Interculturalism In Cities Concept, Policy and Implementation (p. 166–182). Edward Elgar.
  • Stolle, D. et Harell, A. (2015). The Consequences of Ethnic Diversity: Advancing the Debate. Dans R. Koopmans, B. Lancee et M. Schaeffer (dir.). Social Cohesion and Immigration in Europe and North America : Mechanisms, Conditions, and Causality (p. 105–122). Routledge.
  • Harell, A. et Deschatelêts, L. (2014). Political Culture(s) in Canada: Orientations to Politics in a Pluralist, Multicultural Federation. Dans J. Bickerton et A. Gagnon (dir.). Canadian politics (6e éd.). University of Toronto Press.
  • Harell, A. (2014). The Limits of Tolerance in Diverse Societies : Hate Speech and Political Tolerance Norms among Youth. Dans C. Mudde (dir.). Youth and the Extreme Right (p. 107–132). IDebate Press.
  • Gidengil, E. et Harell, A. (2013). L'appui des Québécoises aux partis politiques provinciaux. Dans F. Bastien, É. Bélanger et F. Gélineau (dir.). Les Québécois aux urnes : les partis, les médias et les citoyens en campagne (p. 209–222). Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
    Notes: collection Paramètres
  • Stolle, D., Pederson, E.F., Harell, A. et Dufour, P. (2013). Le "printemps érable" et l'élection québécoise de 2012. Dans É. Bélanger, F. Bastien et F. Gélineau (dir.). Les Québécois aux urnes : les partis, les médias et les citoyens en campagne (p. 271–284). Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
    Notes: collection Paramètres
  • Harell, A. (2013). Revising the Ethnic Vote : Liberal Allegiance and Vote Choice among Racialized Minorities. Dans A. Bittner et R. Koop (dir.). Parties, elections, and the future of Canadian politics (p. 140–160). University of British Columbia Press.
  • Harell, A. (2012). La démocratie représentative. Dans P.P. Tremblay (dir.). L'administration contemporaine de l'État : une perspective canadienne et québécoise (p. 333–350). Presses de l'Université du Québec.
  • Harell, A., Panagos, D. et Matthews, J.S. (2011). Explaining Aboriginal Turnout in Federal Elections : Evidence from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Dans J.P. White, J. Peters et D. Beavon (dir.). Aboriginal Policy Research : Voting, Governance and Research Methodology (p. 3–24). Thompson Educational Publishing.
  • Harell, A. (2011). Reconciling Diversity and Community? Defining Social Cohesion in Democracies. Dans M. Hooghe (dir.). Social Capital and Social Cohesion : Interdisciplinary Theoretical Perspectives (p. 8–43). Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts.
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