Sarah Bourdeau

Sarah Bourdeau

Photo de Sarah Bourdeau
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Articles scientifiques
  • Bourdeau, S., Ollier-Malaterre, A. et Houlfort, N. (2019). Not All Work-life Policies Are Created Equal: Career Consequences of Using Enabling versus Enclosing Work-Life Policies. The Academy of Management Review, 44(1), 1–22.
  • Houlfort, N., Philippe, F. L., Bourdeau, S. et Leduc, C. (2018). A Comprehensive Understanding of the Relationships Between Passion for Work and Work–family Conflict and the Consequences for Psychological Distress. International Journal of Stress Management, 25(4), 313–329.
  • Bouizegarene, N., Bourdeau, S., Leduc, C., Gousse-Lessard, A.-S., Houlfort, N. et Vallerand, R. (2018). We Are Our Passions: The Role of Identity Processes in the Development of Passion and Links to Optimal Functioning in Society. Self and Identity, 17(1), 56–74.
  • Amiot, C.E., Louis, W. R., Bourdeau, S. et Maalouf, O. (2017). Can Harmful Intergroup Behaviors Truly Represent the Self?: The Impact of Harmful and Prosocial Normative Behaviors on Intra-individual Conflict and Compartmentalization. Self and Identity, 16(6), 703–731.
  • Bourdeau, S. et Houlfort, N. (2015). Adaptation française et validation d’une échelle d’enrichissement travail-famille. Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement/Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 47(2), 184–190.
Chapitres de livre
  • Houlfort, N., Lauzier, J. et Bourdeau, S. (2019). Passion and Retirement: When Passion for Work Paves the Way to a Healthy Retirement. Dans R. Vallerand et N. Houlfort (dir.). Passion for Work: Theory, Research, and Applications (p. 389–410). Oxford University Press.
  • Vallerand, R., Houlfort, N. et Bourdeau, S. (2019). Passion for Work: The Dualistic Model of Passion—15 Years Later. Dans R. Vallerand et N. Houlfort (dir.). Passion for Work: Theory, Research, and Applications (p. 17–66). Oxford University Press.
Autres publications
  • Houlfort, N., Descheneaux, J., Labelle, P., Marion, C., Gervais, M.-J., Bourdeau, S., Martel, B. et Leduc, C. (2015). SACO – Stratégies de transfert et d’utilisation des connaissances. Chaire CJM-IU-UQAM d’étude sur l’application des connaissances dans le domaine des jeunes et des familles en difficulté.