Anne de Vernal

Anne de Vernal

Photo de Anne de Vernal
Liens d'intérêt
Informations générales

Cheminement académique

1986: Ph.D. physical geography (marine palynology), Université de Montréal
1983: M.Sc. physical geography (terrestrial palynology), Université de Montréal
1980: B.Sc physical geography, Université de Montréal

Unités de recherche

Affiliations externes principales

  • Professeur associé à l'Institut des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski
  • Medal Willet G. Miller of the Royal Society of Canada (Canada, 2016)
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada - Academy of Science, Division of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (Canada, 2013)
  • Michel Jurdant Prize - Association Canadienne Française pour l'avancement des Sciences (Québec, 2011)
  • Michael J. Keen Medal - Marine Geoscience Division, Geological Association of Canada (Canada, 2006)
  • Outstanding professional achievement award from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the Université de Montréal (Canada, 2005)
  • Prize of Excellence in Research from the network of the Universités du Québec (1996)
  • Research fellowship from the Natural sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (1987-1992)
Services à la collectivité


Member of the A. E. Lalonde AMS laboratory board (2018 et p.)
Selection Committee of the Canadian Foundation of Earth Science mentorship medal (2018)
Committee member of REFORMAR (2016 et p.)
Steering Committee of the PAGES Working Group on the Climate Variability Across Scales: from centuries to millennia (CVaS) (2016-2019)
Selection committee of the Huntsman Award (2012-2017; Chair in 2016)
Selection Committee of the new Fellow of the Academy of Sciences of Royal Society of Canada's (2016-2018)
Steering Committee of the PAGES-PMIP Working Group on Quaternary Interglacials (QUIGS) (2015-2018)
Evaluation committee for the Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (2015)
Selection Committee of the Royal Society of Canada's College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists (2014)
Canadian speaker of the International training programme on the processes and impacts of climate change in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Canadian Arctic (ArcTrain; 2013-2019)
Member of the editorial Board of Marine Micropaleontology (2013 et p.)
Steering Committee of the PAGES Sea Ice Proxy working group (2011-2014)
Steering Committee of the Palaeo-Arctic Spatial and Temporal Gateways (PAST Gateways) network officially endorsed by the `International Arctic Science Committee' (IASC; 2011-2017)
Member of the new International Committee of the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (2011-2013)
Associate editor of the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2012 et p.)
Selection committee of the FRQNT Prize (2012, 2013)
Canadian representative on the Council of the European Consortium of Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD; 2008-2015)
Chair of the Canadian Consortium for Ocean Drilling (CCOD; 2008-2014)
Selection committee of the NSERC Major Resource Support program (2010-2012)
Selection committee of the NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplements program in Physical Sciences (2009)
Selection committee for the Programme de Nouveaux Chercheur du Fond NATEQ (2004)
Ship time selection committee of NSERC (2003-2005)
Editorial board of the Revista Española de Micropaleontología (2001-2012)
Scholarship NSERC selection committee "Earth Sciences and Ecology" (2000-2002)
Scientific Steering Committee of PAGES (Past Global Changes) within IGBP: The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme: A study of Global change (1998-2000)
Scientific Committee of PMIP (Paleoclimate Model Intercomparison Project; 1996-2000)
Board of Director IsoTrace in Toronto (1996-2003)
Canadian national committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences (1994-2000)


Symposium ¿Past changes in the atmosphere, oceans and cryosphere, and their relevance for future climate¿ at the International Union Geologal Sciences (IUGS), Montréal, July 2019.
Special session ¿Processes and Impacts of climate change in the Arctic and North Atlantic Ocean: from past to future¿, European scientific Union (EGU), Vienna, April 2018.
Special session on paleoecology and Workshop on quantitative data treatment at Dino-11, Bordeaux, July 2017.
Workshop of the PAGES working Group QUIGS ¿Glacial Terminations: Timing & Shape¿, UQAM, Montréal, Octobre 2016.
Workshop on the Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea corridor with focus on the western Greenland margins, Aarhus University, Juin 2016
Special session ¿Processes and Impacts of climate change in the Arctic realm: from past to future¿, European scientific Union (EGU), Vienna, April 2016.
Scale and scaling in the climate system: bridging theory, climate models and data, Jouvence-Qc, October 2015
ArcTrain summer school on ¿the reality of Arctic¿, Northern Québec-Labrador, August 2015
Special session Exploring the Subsurface Through Scientific Drilling: Contributions From ICDP and IODP, Joint AGU meeting, Montréal, May 2015.
Special session The Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea Corridor: Marine Geology, Paleoceanography, and Role in the Land Ocean Climate System, Joint AGU meeting, Montréal, May 2015.
Member of the scientific committee for the organisation of the 11th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP11), Barcelona, 1-6 September 2013.
PAGES Open Science Meeting session 10 : Sea level change and the coastal zone: Threats for human societies, Goa, February 2013.
International palynological Conference session SS25 : Late Cenozoic palynology of the circum-Pacific, Tokyo, August 2012.
International summer school in paleoceanography on the theme of ¿Impact of the cryosphere dynamics: from land to ocean¿, GEOTOP-UQAM, July 2012.
First workshop of the Sea ice proxy (SIP) working group, GEOTOP-UQAM, March 2012
Member of the scientific committee for the organisation of the Dino9 International conference on living and fossil dinoflagellates, Liverpool, August-September 2011.
41th Arctic Workshop, GEOTOP-UQAM, March 2011.
International summer school in marine geology on the theme of ¿Climate and Ocean changes in polar and subpolar seas¿, UQAQ, INRS-ETE, UQAR, June-July 2010.
Workshop on Baffin Bay paleoceanography, GEOTOP, Montréal, February 2009. Co­ordinated Scientific Drilling in the Beaufort Sea: Addressing past, present, and future changes in Arctic terrestrial and marine systems, Kananaskis, February 2012.
Dino8 International conference on living and fossil dinoflagellates, UQAM-Montréal, May 2008.
IODP-Canada Workshop, McGill University, February 2007-09-28
Special session and workshop on micropaleontological tracers, GAC-MAC, Montréal, May 2006.
Workshop on the 8.2 ka event, GEOTOP, May 2004.
International Workshop on dinocysts aiming at the development of standardized databases, GEOTOP, April 1999, May 2000, September 2004.
Workshop on the Arctic-North Atlantic linkages during the Holocene, GEOTOP-UQAM, February 2002.
International PMIP Workshop, GEOTOP-UQAM, October 1999.

Directions de thèses et mémoires

Thèses de doctorat
Autres directions et supervisions
  • Hébert, Raphaël (2017) : A Scaling Model for the Forced Climate Variability over the Anthropocene, MSc Thesis, McGill [co-direction : S. Lovejoy, McGill] Tougas Lemay, Mathieu (2014) : Changements climatiques le long de la côte nord de l'estuaire et du golfe du Saint-Laurent Durant l'Holocène relation entre les conditions hydrographiques et le développement des tourbières ombrotrophes, MSc Thesis, UQAM [co-direction : M. Garneau] Aubry, Aurélie (2013): Paleoceanography of isotopic stage 31 in the Labrador Sea [Master 2 - Paris VI] Cormier, Marc-André (2013): Environmental conditions of the North Water Polynya over the last centuries, MSc Thesis, UQAR [co-direction : A. Rochon, UQAR; Y. Gélinas, Concordia]. Barré, Lucie (2009): Réponse isotopique des morphotypes de Neogloboquadrina pachyderma dans les sédiments de l'Océan Arctique, Master 1 Thesis, U. Bordeaux. [co direction: F. Eynaud] Dyck, Sarah (2008) : Modeling the Arctic sea-ice cover from the early Holocene, MSc Thesis, University McGill [co-direction : Bruno Tremblay, McGill] de Vareilles, Mahaut (2008) : Organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in recent sediments from the Guadiana River estuary, South-East Portugal, MSc Thesis, Universidade do Algarve. [co-direction: C. Veiga-Pires, U. Algarve]. Vasquez Bedoya, Luis-Fernando (2006) : Geocronología reciente (210Pb) de la evolución del estado troficó en la zona costera del golfo de Tehuantepec, MSc Thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónomao de México (UNAM). [co-direction: A.C. Ruiz Fernandez, UNAM]. Mouradian, Maggy (2005): Using Sterol Biomarkers in Paleoecological Studies, MSc Thesis, Concordia University. [co-direction: Y. Gélinas, Concordia U.]. Leroy, Valérie (2001) : Traceurs palynologiques et flux biogéniques dans les environnements côtiers: exemple de l'étang de Berre, Mémoire de DEA, Université de Aix-Marseille. Hamel, Dominique (2001): Les palynomorphes et traceurs géochimiques: marqueurs de la productivité des cinq derniers siècles dans les eaux du Nord et le Nord de la Baie de Baffin (75-79°N-66-80°W), MSc Thesis, UQAM. [M.Sc.; co-direction de Michel Gosselin, UQAR]. Simard, Annie (1995): Distribution postglaciaire d'Alexandrium excavatum le long des marges est-canadienne: production et dispersion des kystes en relation avec les changements environnementaux, MSc Thesis, UQAM. Marmen, Sylvain (2000): Le contenu en alkénones des sédiments quaternaires du nord-ouest de l'Atlantique Nord: biomarqueurs de la productivité et des conditions thermiques. MSc Thesis, UQAM. [co direction: P.Pichet]. Daigneault, Martin (1997): Stratigraphie et paléocéanographie Quaternaire dans le secteur de la fracture de Gibbs, Atlantique Nord, MSc Thesis, UQAM. [co direction: C. Hillaire-Marcel]. Bilodeau, Guy (1990): Paléoenvironnements postglaciaires de la baie d'Hudson par l'analyse micropaléontologique de carottes de forage, MSc Thesis, UQAM. [co direction: C. Hillaire-Marcel]. Giroux, Luc (1990): Distribution moderne de la palynoflore dans l'estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent, MSc Thesis, UQAM. [co direction: C. Hillaire-Marcel].