Alessandro Marco Forte
Professeur associé
Alessandro Marco Forte
Professeur associé
Courriel :
Téléphone :
Langues :
Français, Anglais, Italien
Ce professeur désire s'entretenir avec les médias
Domaines d'expertise
- Assimilation de données
- Changements climatiques
- Croûte terrestre
- Effets des changements climatiques
- Évolution tectonique
- Évolution terrestre
- Géodynamique
- Géologie
- Géophysique
- Intégration mathématiques-physique
- Lithosphère
- Manteau terrestre
- Mathématiques appliquées
- Paléoclimatologie
- Sciences de la terre
- Sismologie
Liens d'intérêt
Informations générales
Unités de recherche
Affiliations externes principales
- Géophysique globale (2022, 2021, 2020)
- Lauréat de l'appel à projet "Make Our Planet Great Again" (Paris, France)
- Fellow de la Fondation John Simon Guggenheim (2013)
- Fellow de l'Institut Canadien de Recherche Avancée (2000-2015)
- Chaire de recherche du Canada (niveau 1) en Modélisation de la Dynamique Terrestre (2003-2010)
Directions de thèses et mémoires
Thèses de doctorat
- Glisovic, Petar. (2012). Modelling of thermal convection in the earth's mantle. (Thèse de doctorat). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Thomas, Marie. (2017). Numerical modelling of lateral viscosity variations in the Earth's mantle. (Mémoire de maîtrise). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Calderón Goyeneche, Erika Zaray. (2014). The lithospheric flexure of South America induced by sediment accumulation on the passive margin during the Cenozoic era. (Mémoire de maîtrise). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Auerbach, Paul. (2011). Neotectonic subsidence, sediment transport, lithospheric flexure and mantle convection about four major fluvial basins : a dynamical link. (Mémoire de maîtrise). Université du Québec à Montréal.
Autres directions et supervisions
- Lu, Chang (2018). Constraining Mantle Heterogeneity and Mantle Flow Using Seismic and Geodynamic Data (Thèse de doctorat, en co-supervision) University of Texas at Austin, USA.
- Simmons, Nathan (2007). Mantle Heterogeneity and Flow from Seismic and Geodynamic Constraints (Thèse de doctorat, en co-supervision) University of Texas at Austin, USA.
Articles scientifiques
- Rowley, D.B., Forte, A.M., Moucha, R., Mitrovica, J.X., Simmons, N.A. et Grand, S.P. (2013). Dynamic topography change of the Eastern United States since 3 million years ago. Science, 340(6140), 1560–1563.
- Morrow, E., Mitrovica, J.X., Forte, A.M., Glišović, P. et Huybers, P. (2012). An enigma in estimates of the Earth's dynamic ellipticity. Geophysical Journal International, 191(3), 1129–1134.
- Glišović, P., Forte, A.M. et Moucha, R. (2012). Time-dependent convection models of mantle thermal structure constrained by seismic tomography and geodynamics: Implications for mantle plume dynamics and CMB heat flux. Geophysical Journal International, 190(2), 785–815.
- Soldati, G., Boschi, L. et Forte, A.M. (2012). Tomography of core-mantle boundary and lowermost mantle coupled by geodynamics. Geophysical Journal International, 189(2), 730–746.
- Moucha, R. et Forte, A.M. (2011). Changes in African topography driven by mantle convection. Nature Geoscience, 4(10), 707–712.
- Walker, A.M., Forte, A.M., Wookey, J., Nowacki, A. et Kendall, J.-M. (2011). Elastic anisotropy of D′′ predicted from global models of mantle flow. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12(10).
- Forte, A.M., Moucha, R., Simmons, N.A., Grand, S.P. et Mitrovica, J.X. (2010). Deep-mantle contributions to the surface dynamics of the North American continent. Tectonophysics, 481(1-4), 3–15.
- Simmons, N.A., Forte, A.M., Boschi, L. et Grand, S.P. (2010). GyPSuM: A joint tomographic model of mantle density and seismic wave speeds. Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth, 115(12).
- Forte, A.M., Quéré, S., Moucha, R., et al. (2010). Joint seismic-geodynamic-mineral physical modelling of African geodynamics: A reconciliation of deep-mantle convection with surface geophysical constraints. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 295(3-4), 329–341.
- Perry, H.K.C. et Forte, A. (2010). Upper mantle thermochemical structure from seismic-geodynamic flow models: Constraints from the Lithoprobe initiative. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 47(4), 463–484.
- Moucha, R., Forte, A.M., Rowley, D.B., Mitrovica, J.X., Simmons, N.A. et Grand, S.P. (2009). Deep mantle forces and the uplift of the Colorado Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 36(19).
- Simmons, N.A., Forte, A.M. et Grand, S.P. (2009). Joint seismic, geodynamic and mineral physical constraints on three-dimensional mantle heterogeneity: Implications for the relative importance of thermal versus compositional heterogeneity. Geophysical Journal International, 177(3), 1284–1304.
- Forte, A.M., Moucha, R., Rowley, D.B., et al. (2009). Recent tectonic plate decelerations driven by mantle convection. Geophysical Research Letters, 36(23).
- Moucha, R., Forte, A.M., Mitrovica, J.X., et al. (2008). Dynamic topography and long-term sea-level variations: There is no such thing as a stable continental platform. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 271(1-4), 101–108.
- Moucha, R., Forte, A.M., Rowley, D.B., Mitrovica, J.X., Simmons, N.A. et Grand, S.P. (2008). Mantle convection and the recent evolution of the Colorado Plateau and the Rio Grande Rift valley. Geology, 36(6), 439–442.
- Forte, A.M., Mitrovica, J.X., Moucha, R., Simmons, N.A. et Grand, S.P. (2007). Descent of the ancient Farallon slab drives localized mantle flow below the New Madrid seismic zone. Geophysical Research Letters, 34(4).
- Moucha, R., Forte, A.M., Mitrovica, J.X. et Daradich, A. (2007). Lateral variations in mantle rheology: Implications for convection related surface observables and inferred viscosity models. Geophysical Journal International, 169(1), 113–135.
- Simmons, N.A., Forte, A.M. et Grand, S.P. (2007). Thermochemical structure and dynamics of the African superplume. Geophysical Research Letters, 34(2).
- Simmons, N.A., Forte, A.M. et Grand, S.P. (2006). Constraining mantle flow with seismic and geodynamic data: A joint approach. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 246(1-2), 109–124.
- Goy, J.L., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Zazo, C., et al. (2006). Further evidence for a relatively high sea level during the penultimate interglacial: Open-system U-series ages from La Marina (Alicante, East Spain). Geodinamica Acta, 19(6), 409–426.
- Quéré, S. et Forte, A.M. (2006). Influence of past and present-day plate motions on spherical models of mantle convection: Implications for mantle plumes and hotspots. Geophysical Journal International, 165(3), 1041–1057.
- Mitrovica, J.X. et Forte, A.M. (2004). A new inference of mantle viscosity based upon joint inversion of convection and glacial isostatic adjustment data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 225(1-2), 177–189.
- Daradich, A., Mitrovica, J.X., Pysklywec, R.N., Willett, S.D. et Forte, A.M. (2003). Mantle flow, dynamic topography, and rift-flank uplift of Arabia. Geology, 31(10), 901–904.
- Mound, J.E., Mitrovica, J.X. et Forte, A.M. (2003). The equilibrium form of a rotating earth with an elastic shell. Geophysical Journal International, 152(1), 237–241.
- Gaboret, C., Forte, A.M. et Montagner, J.-P. (2003). The unique dynamics of the Pacific Hemisphere mantle and its signature on seismic anisotropy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 208(3-4), 219–233.
- Perry, H.K.C., Forte, A.M. et Eaton, D.W.S. (2003). Upper-mantle thermochemical structure below North America from seismic-geodynamic flow models. Geophysical Journal International, 154(2), 279–299.
- Forte, A.M., Mitrovica, J.X. et Espesset, A. (2002). Geodynamic and seismic constraints on the thermochemical structure and dynamics of convection in the deep mantle. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 360(1800), 2521–2543.
- Perry, H.K.C., Eaton, D.W.S. et Forte, A.M. (2002). LITH5.0: A revised crustal model for Canada based on Lithoprobe results. Geophysical Journal International, 150(1), 285–294.
- Forte, A.M. et Mitrovica, J.X. (2001). Deep-mantle high-viscosity flow and thermochemical structure inferred from seismic and geodynamic data. Nature, 410(6832), 1049–1056.
- Mitrovica, J.X., Forte, A.M. et Simons, M. (2000). A reappraisal of postglacial decay times from Richmond Gulf and James Bay, Canada. Geophysical Journal International, 142(3), 783–800.
- Forte, A.M. et Perry, H.K.C. (2000). Geodynamic evidence for a chemically depleted continental tectosphere. Science, 290(Washington, DC, United States), 1940–1944.
- Dehant, V., Arias, F., Bizouard, C., et al. (1998). Considerations concerning the non-rigid Earth nutation theory. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 72(4), 245–310.
Obtenir "Considerations concerning the non-rigid Earth nutation theory" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Mitrovica, J.X. et Forte, A.M. (1998). New insights obtained from joint inversions for the radial profile of mantle viscosity. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 23(9-10), 857–863.
- Milne, G.A., Mitrovica, J.X. et Forte, A.M. (1998). The sensitivity of glacial isostatic adjustment predictions to a low-viscosity layer at the base of the upper mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 154(1-4), 265–278.
Obtenir "The sensitivity of glacial isostatic adjustment predictions to a low-viscosity layer at the base of the upper mantle" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Forte, A.M. et Mitrovica, J.X. (1997). A resonance in the Earth's obliquity and precession over the past 20 Myr driven by mantle convection. Nature, 390(6661), 676–680.
- Mitrovica, J.X., Forte, A.M. et Pan, R. (1997). Glaciation-induced variations in the Earth's precession frequency, obliquity and insolation over the last 2.6 Ma. Geophysical Journal International, 128(2), 270–284.
Obtenir "Glaciation-induced variations in the Earth's precession frequency, obliquity and insolation over the last 2.6 Ma" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Mitrovica, J.X. et Forte, A.M. (1997). Radial profile of mantle viscosity: Results from the joint inversion of convection and postglacial rebound observables. Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth, 102(B2), 2751–2769.
Obtenir "Radial profile of mantle viscosity: Results from the joint inversion of convection and postglacial rebound observables" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Forte, A.M. et Woodward, R.L. (1997). Seismic-geodynamic constraints on three-dimensional structure, vertical flow, and heat transfer in the mantle. Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth, 102(B8), 17981–17994.
Obtenir "Seismic-geodynamic constraints on three-dimensional structure, vertical flow, and heat transfer in the mantle" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Forte, A.M. et Mitrovica, J.X. (1996). New inferences of mantle viscosity from joint inversion of long-wavelength mantle convection and post-glacial rebound data. Geophysical Research Letters, 23(10), 1147–1150.
Obtenir "New inferences of mantle viscosity from joint inversion of long-wavelength mantle convection and post-glacial rebound data" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Panasyuk, S.V., Hager, B.H. et Forte, A.M. (1996). Understanding the effects of mantle compressibility on geoid kernels. Geophysical Journal International, 124(1), 121–133.
Obtenir "Understanding the effects of mantle compressibility on geoid kernels" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Forte, A.M., Dziewonski, A.M. et O'Connell, R.J. (1995). Continent-ocean chemical heterogeneity in the mantle based on seismic tomography. Science, 268(5209), 386–388.
Obtenir "Continent-ocean chemical heterogeneity in the mantle based on seismic tomography" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Forte, A.M., Dziewonski, A.M. et O'Connell, R.J. (1995). Thermal and chemical heterogeneity in the mantle: a seismic and geodynamic study of continental roots. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 92(1-2), 45–55.
Obtenir "Thermal and chemical heterogeneity in the mantle: a seismic and geodynamic study of continental roots" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Mitrovica, J.X., Pan, R. et Forte, A.M. (1994). Late Pleistocene and Holocene ice mass fluctuations and the Earth's precession constant. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 128(3-4), 489–500.
Obtenir "Late Pleistocene and Holocene ice mass fluctuations and the Earth's precession constant" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Forte, A.M. et Peltier, W.R. (1991). Mantle convection and core-mantle boundary topography: explanations and implications. Tectonophysics, 187(1-3), 91–116.
Obtenir "Mantle convection and core-mantle boundary topography: explanations and implications" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM
Chapitres de livre
- Forte, A.M. (2007). Constraints from Geodynamics on Seismological Models. Dans G. Schubert (dir.). Treatise on Geophysics (vol. 1, p. 805–858). Oxford, Royaume-Uni : Elsevier.
- Forte, A.M. et Peltier, W.R. (1994). The Kinematics and Dynamics of Poloidal-Toroidal Coupling in Mantle Flow : The Importance of Surface Plates and Lateral Viscosity Variations. Dans R. Dmowska et B. Saltzman (dir.). Advances in Geophysics (vol. 36, p. 1–119).