Kim Lavoie
Kim Lavoie
Autre téléphone : 514-338-2222 (3709)
Cheminement académique
- 2006, University of Pittsburgh, Certificat, Mind-Body Center
- 2002-2005, McGill University, Postdoctorat, Psychologie
- 2002-2005, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur, Postdoctorat, Pneumologie: Axe de recherche en santé respiratoire
- 2004, University of Pittsburgh, Certificat, Mind-Body Center
- 2003, University of Pittsburgh, Certificat, Mind-Body Center
- 2003, Duke University Medical Center, Certificat, Psychiatrie et sciences comportementales
- 2002, Columbia University, Certificat, Psychiatrie
- 1997-2003, Université Concordia, Doctorat (PhD), Psychologie
- 1995-1997, Université Concordia, Maîtrise (MA), Psychologie
- 1992-1995, Université McGill, Baccalauréat (BA), profil honors, Psychologie
Unités de recherche
- Chaire de recherche du Canada en médecine comportementale
- Institut Santé et société (ISS)
Partenaires (organismes, entreprises)
- CIUSSS-NIM, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal; Centre de médecine comportementale de Montréal (CMCM)
Affiliations externes principales
- Médecine behaviorale (2025, 2024, 2022, 2021)
- Séminaire spécialisé en thérapie behaviorale (2024, 2023, 2022)
- Coup de coeur de l'enseignement et de la recherche, CIUSSS-NIM, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur (2021)
- Titulaire, Chaire de recherche du Canada de niveau 1 en médecine comportementale (2020-2027)
2021-pres - Membre du conseil et présidente des adhésions, Académie de recherche en médecine comportementale (ABMR)
2021-prés - Membre exécutive, Réseau Respiratoire, FRQS
2020-pres - Membre du groupe d'experts, Conseil consultatif national COVID-19, Gouvernement du Canada
2015-pres - Co-responsable, Plateforme des sciences du comportement, Réseau canadien de recherche respiratoire
2014-pres - Responsable, Réseau canadien pour le changement et la promotion des comportements de santé (CAN-Change)
2014-pres - Co-responsable, Réseau international sur les essais comportementaux (IBTN)
2013-2019 - Présidente du programme, Section de psychologie de la santé, Société canadienne de psychologie
2013-pres - Membre, Comité sur le transfert des connaissances, Association canadienne sur la prévention et la réadaptation cardiovasculaire (CACPR)
2012-prés - Membre, Comité sur l'adhésion, Comité canadien sur les lignes directrices sur l'hypertension
2006-2013 - Secrétaire, Section de psychologie de la santé, Société canadienne de psychologie
2006-2011 - Membre du conseil d'administration, Association Pulmonaire du Québec
Réseaux :
2015-pres - Réseau canadien de recherche respiratoire
2014-pres - Réseau international sur les essais comportementaux (IBTN)
2014-pres - Réseau canadien pour le changement et la promotion des comportements de santé (CAN-Change)
2009-pres - GENESIS - Gender and Sex Determinants of Circulatory and Respiratory Health ICE
2009-pres - Programme de formation en santé respiratoire des IRSC
2007-pres - Réseau en santé respiratoire
Associations :
2018-pres - Académie de recherche en médecine comportementale (ABMR)
2016-pres - Collège de nouveaux chercheurs et créateurs en art et en science, Société royale du Canada
2012-pres - Association canadienne sur la prévention et la réadaptation cardiovasculaire (CACPR)
2012-pres - Société canadienne de thoracologie/American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP)
2006-pres - Société canadienne de psychologie
2003-pres - American Thoracic Society (ATS)
1996-pres - American Psychosomatic Society
1996-pres - Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM)
Directions de thèses et mémoires
- Gemme, Claudia. (2024). Documentation du processus méthodologique permettant l'amélioration d'une intervention en communication motivationnelle pour les comportements d'observance à la médication en contexte d'asthme. (Thèse de doctorat). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Dumoulin, Stéphanie. (2022). Quelles sont les variables psychologiques impliquées dans la gestion de la douleur aiguë en réalité virtuelle?. (Thèse de doctorat). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Dragomir, Anda Ioana. (2021). Formation de médecins en counseling pour le changement de comportement : état actuel des connaissances et développement d'un nouveau modèle de formation en « communication motivationnelle ». (Thèse de doctorat). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Gosselin Boucher, Vincent. (2021). Développement et validation d'un outil d'évaluation des compétences en communication motivationnelle auprès de médecins. (Thèse de doctorat). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Plourde, Annik. (2018). Les effets du stress psychologique aigu et du stress psychologique chronique sur les réponses physiologiques des asthmatiques. (Thèse de doctorat). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Jacob-Lessard, Ariane. (2018). Développement d'un programme cognitif-comportemental de perte de poids auprès d'asthmatiques en surpoids ou obèses. (Thèse de doctorat). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Boudreau, Maxine. (2016). Réactivité bronchique aux tests de provocation respiratoire à la méthacholine et au dioxyde de carbone chez les patients asthmatiques avec et sans trouble panique. (Thèse de doctorat). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Favreau, Hélène. (2015). Le trouble panique et l'idéation suicidaire au sein d'une population adulte avec de l'asthme. (Thèse de doctorat). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Pelletier, Roxanne. (2011). L'impact des troubles de l'humeur et des troubles anxieux sur la sensibilité de certaines méthodes d'investigation de l'ischémie myocardiaque, ainsi que sur la morbidité cardiovasculaire et la mortalité générale. (Thèse de doctorat). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Mercier, Li Anne. (2024). La nature et l'évolution des attentes des patients en matière de chirurgie bariatrique : une étude qualitative unicentrique des perspectives des patients. (Essai doctoral). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Julien, Cassandre. (2022). Revue systématique sur l'efficacité de l'intervention comportementale complémentaire pour le contrôle du poids en contexte de chirurgie bariatrique. (Essai doctoral). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Ouellet, Karine. (2018). Relation entre le tabagisme, les troubles anxieux et dépressifs et le contrôle de l'asthme chez les patients atteints d'asthme. (Essai doctoral). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Stébenne, Philippe. (2015). Relation entre les émotions positives et négatives, la perception de la douleur thoracique et la présence d'ischémie chez les patients atteints de maladie coronarienne athérosclérotique. (Essai doctoral). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Boulet, L.P., Lavoie, K.L., Raherison-Semjen, C., Kaplan, A., Singh, D. et Jenkins, C.R. (2022). Addressing sex and gender to improve asthma management. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 32(1), article 56.
- Gosselin Boucher, V., Bacon, S., Voisard, B., Dragomir, A.I., Gemme, C., Larue, F., Labbé, S., Szczepanik, G., Corace, K., Campbell, T.S., Vallis, M.T., Garber, G., Rouleau, C., Diodati, J.G., Rabi, D., Sultan, S., Lavoie, K.L. et Network For Health Behavior Change And Promotion(CAN-Change). (2022). Assessing physician’s motivational communication skills: 5-step mixed-methods development study of the Motivational Communication Competency Assessment Test (MC-CAT). JMIR Medical Education, 8(2), article e31489.
- Enticott, J., Singh Gill, J., Bacon, S.L., Lavoie, K.L., Epstein, D.S., Dawadi, S., Teede, H.J. et Boyle, J. (2022). Attitudes towards vaccines and intention to vaccinate against COVID-19: A cross-sectional analysis: Implications for public health communications in Australia. BMJ Open, 12(1), article e057127.
- Schaeffer, M.R., Cowan, J., Milne, K.M., Puyat, J.H., Voduc, N., Corrales-Medina, V., Lavoie, K.L., Mulloy, A., Chirinos, J.A., Abdallah, S.J. et Guenette, J.A. (2022). Cardiorespiratory physiology, exertional symptoms, and psychological burden in post-COVID-19 fatigue. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 302, article 103898.
- Dragomir, A.I., Voisard, B., Gosselin Boucher, V., Szczepanik, G., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2022). Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing in Managing Overweight and Obesity. Annals of Internal Medicine, Letters, 175(9), W104–W105.
- Meade, O., O'Brien, M., Mc Sharry, J., Lawless, A., Coughlan, S., Hart, J., Hayes, C., Keyworth, C., Lavoie, K.L., Murphy, A.W., Murphy, P., Noone, C., O'Reilly, O., Health Psychology Public Advisory Panel et Byrne, M. (2022). Enhancing the implementation of the Making Every Contact Count brief behavioural intervention programme in Ireland: Protocol for the Making MECC Work research programme. HRB Open Research, 5(6).
- Ross, K.M., Hoggan, R., Campbell, T.S., Gordon, J., Gosselin Boucher, V., Kim, E., Lavoie, K., Linden, W., Rash, J.A., Rouleau, C.R., Stewart, S.H. et Presseau, J. (2022). Health psychology and behavioral medicine researchers in Canada: An environmental scan. Journal of Health Psychology, 28(6), 509–523.
- Joyal-Desmarais, K., Stojanovic, J., Kennedy, E.B., Enticott, J.C., Gosselin-Boucher, V., Vo, H., Košir, U., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2022). How well do covariates perform when adjusting for sampling bias in online COVID-19 research? Insights from multiverse analyses. European Journal of Epidemiology, 37(12), 1233–1250.
- Dev, R., Raparelli, V., Bacon, S.L., Lavoie, K.L., Pilote, L. et Norris, C.M. (2022). Impact of biological sex and gender-related factors on public engagement in protective health behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic: Cross-sectional analyses from a global survey. BMJ Open, 12(6), article e059673.
- Neto, D.H., Carvalho, S.D.L., Ribeiro, P.A.B., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L. et Cornélio, M.E. (2022). Methods to assess ambivalence towards food and diet: A scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 20(4), 1142–1149.
- Chapman, K.R., Canonica, G.W., Lavoie, K.L., Nenasheva, N., Garcia, G., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Bourdin, A., Cano, M.C.D., Abhijith, P.G. et Aggarwal, B. (2022). Patients' and physicians' perspectives on the burden and management of asthma: Results from the APPaRENT 2 study. Respiratory Medicine, 201, article 106948.
- Jenkins, C.R., Boulet, L.P., Lavoie, K.L., Raherison-Semjen, C. et Singh, D. (2022). Personalized treatment of asthma: The importance of sex and gender differences. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 10(4), 963–971.e3.
- Miles, L.M., Ducharme, F.M., Collin, J., Blais, L., Bacon, S.L., Lavoie, K.L., McKinney, M.L. et Peláez, S. (2022). Physician's perspective regarding asthma guided self-management: Directives or guidance? Journal of Asthma, 59(6), 1263–1268.
- Belan, M., Gélinas, M., Carranza-Mamane, B., Langlois, M.F., Morisset, A.S., Ruchat, S.M., Lavoie, K., Adamo, K., Poder, T., Gallagher, F., Pesant, M.H., Jean-Denis, F., Baillargeon, J.P. et Fit-For-Fertility Study Group. (2022). Protocol of the Fit-For-Fertility study: A multicentre randomised controlled trial assessing a lifestyle programme targeting women with obesity and infertility. BMJ Open, 12(4), article e061554.
- Jenkins, C.R., Boulet, L.P., Lavoie, K.L., Raherison-Semjen, C. et Singh, D. (2022). Reply to "Importance of β2-receptor function in premenstrual asthma". The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 10(10), 2776–2777.
- Gisinger, T., Dev, R., Kautzky, A., Harreiter, J., Raparelli, V., Kublickiene, K., Trinidad Herrero, M., Norris, C.M., Lavoie, K.L., Pilote, L. et Kautzky-Willer, A. (2022). Sex and Gender Impact Mental and Emotional Well-Being During COVID-19 Pandemic: A European Countries Experience. Journal of Women's Health, 31(11), 1529–1539.
- Woods, R., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2022). The Factor Structure and Stability of the Beck Depression Inventory‑II (BDI‑II) in a Population Undergoing Bariatric Surgery. Obesity Surgery, 32(11), 3732–3739.
- Labbé, S., Colmegna, I., Valerio, V., Gosselin-Boucher, V., Pelaez, S., Dragomir, A.I., Laurin, C., Hazel, E.M., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2022). Training physicians in motivational communication to address influenza vaccine hesitation: A proof-of-concept study. Vaccines, 10(2), article 143.
- Lavoie, K.L., Gosselin-Boucher, V., Stojanovic, J., Gupta, S., Gagné, M., Joyal-Desmarais, K., Séguin, K., Sheinfeld-Gorin, S., Ribeiro, P., Voisard, B., Vallis, M., Corace, K., Presseau, J. et Bacon, S.L. (2022). Understanding national trends in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Canada: Results from five sequential cross-sectional representative surveys spanning April 2020-March 2021. BMJ Open, 12(4), article e059411.
- Noone, C., Warner, N.Z., Byrne, M., Durand, H., Lavoie, K.L., McGuire, B.E., McSharry, J., Meade, O., Morrissey, E., Molloy, G.J., O'Connor, L. et Toomey E. (2021). A scoping review of research on the determinants of adherence to social distancing measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Psychology Review, 15(3), 350–370.
- Dragomir, A.I., Gosselin Boucher, V., Bacon, S., Gemme, C., Szczepanik, G., Corace, K., Campbell, T.S., Vallis, M.T., Garber, G., Rouleau, C., Rabi, D., Diodati, J.G., Ghali, W. et Lavoie, K.L. (2021). An International Delphi Consensus study to define Motivational Communication in the Context of Developing a Training Program for Physicians. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 11(2), 642–652.
- Chapman, K.R., An, L., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Campomanes, C.M., Espinosa, J., Jain, P., Lavoie, K.L., Li, J. et Butta, A.K. (2021). Asthma patients' and physicians’ perspectives on the burden and management of asthma. Respiratory Medicine, 186, article 106524.
- Colmegna, I., Valerio, V., Boucher, V.G., Lacoste, G., Labbe, S., Lavoie, K.L., Hazel, E., Ward, B., Hudson, M. et Pelaez, S. (2021). Barriers and facilitators to influenza and pneumococcal vaccine hesitancy in rheumatoid arthritis: a qualitative study. Rheumatology, 60(11), 5257–5270.
- Julien, C., Lavoie, K.L., Ribeiro, P., Dragomir, A., Mercier, L., Garneau, P., Pescarus, R. et Bacon, S.L. (2021). Behavioral weight management interventions in metabolic and bariatric surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis investigating optimal delivery timing. Obesity Reviews, 22(4), article e13168.
- van Allen, Z., Bacon, S.L., Bernard, P., Brown, H., Desroches, S., Kastner, M., Lavoie, K., Marques, M., McCleary, N., Straus, S., Taljaard, M., Thavorn, K., Tomasone, J.R. et Presseau, J. (2021). Clustering of Unhealthy Behaviors: Protocol for a Multiple Behavior Analysis of Data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(6), article e24887.
- Stojanovic, J., Boucher, V.G., Boyle, J., Enticott, J., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2021). COVID-19 Is Not The Flu: Four Graphs from Four Countries. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, Article 628479.
- Vallis, M., Bacon, S., Corace, K., Joyal-Desmarais, K., Sheinfeld Gorin, S., Paduano, S., Presseau, J., Rash, J., Mengistu Yohannes, A. et Lavoie, K. (2021). Ending the Pandemic: How Behavioural Science Can Help Optimize Global COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake. Vaccines, 10(1), article 7.
- Boucher, V.G., Gemme, C., Dragomir, A.I., Larue, F., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2021). Evaluation of Communication Skills Among Physicians: A Reply to the Commentary by Smith, Kovar-Gough, and Grayson-Sneed. Psychosomatic Medicine, 83(1), 102–103.
- Farrell, K., Durand, H., McSharry, J., Meade, O., The Health Psychology Public Advisory Panel, Kenny, E. Noone, C., O'Connor, L.L., Lavoie, K.L., Byrne, M., Mooney, R., McGuire, B.E. et Molloy, G. J. (2021). Exploring barriers and facilitators of physical distancing in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative interview study [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. HRB Open Research, 4, article 50.
- Van der Heide, I., Poureslami, I., Shum, J., Goldstein, R., Gupta, S., Aaron, S., Lavoie, K.L., Poirier, C. et FitzGerald, J.M. (2021). Factors affecting health literacy as related to asthma and COPD management: learning from patient and health care professional viewpoints. HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice, 5(3), e179–e193.
- Stojanovic, J., Boucher, V.G., Gagne, M., Gupta, S., Joyal-Desmarais, K., Paduano, S., Aburub, A.S., Sheinfeld Gorin, S.N., Kassianos, A.P., Ribeiro, P.A.B., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2021). Global Trends and Correlates of COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy: Findings from the iCARE Study. Vaccines, 9(6), article 661.
- Larue, F., Tasbih, T., Ribeiro, P.A.B., Lavoie, K.L., Dolan, E. et Bacon, S.L. (2021). Immediate physiological effects of acute electronic cigarette use in humans: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Respiratory Medicine, 190, article 106684.
- Bacon, S., Lavoie, K.L., Boyle, J., Stojanovic, J. et Joyal-Desmarais, K. (2021). International assessment of the link between COVID-19-related attitudes, concerns and behaviours in relation to public health policies: Optimising policy strategies to improve health, economic and quality of life outcomes (iCARE Study):Protocol paper. BMJ Open, 11(3), article e046127.
- Asamoah-Boaheng, M., Badejo, O.A., Bell, L.V., Buckley, N., Busse, J.W., Campbell, T.S., Corace, C., Cooper, L.K., Flusk, D., Garcia, D.A., Hossain, M.A., Iorio, A., Lavoie, K.L., Poulin, P.A., Skidmore, B. et Rash, J.A. (2021). Interventions to Influence Opioid Prescribing Practices for Chronic Noncancer Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 60(1), e15–e26.
- Enticott, J., Slifirski, W., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L., Teede, H. et Boyle, J.A. (2021). Knowledge, attitude, and self-reported practice towards measures for prevention of the spread of COVID-19 among Australians: A nationwide online longitudinal representative survey. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, article 630189.
- Bourbeau, J., Sedeno, M., Zhi Li, P., Troosters, T., Hamilton, A., DeSousa, D., Maltais, F., Erzen, D. et Lavoie, K.L. (2021). Mechanisms associated with increased physical activity in patients undergoing self management behaviour modification in the randomised PHYSACTO® trial. ERJ Open Research, 7(1), article 00533–2020.
- Stojanovic, J., Raparelli, V., Boccia, S., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2021). Public perceptions and behavioural responses to the first COVID-19 pandemic wave in Italy: results from the iCARE study. European Journal of Public Health, 31(6), 1270–1277.
- Abdallah, S.J., Voduc, N., Corrales-Medina, V.F., McGuinty, M., Pratt, A., Chopra, A., Law, A., Garuba, H.A., Thavorn, K., Reid, R.E.R., Lavoie, K.L., Crawley, A., Chirinos, J.A. et Cowan J. (2021). Symptoms, Pulmonary Function and Functional Capacity Four Months after COVID-19. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 18(11), 1912–1917.
- Boucher, V.G., Pelaez, S., Gemme, C., Labbé, S. et Lavoie, K.L. (2021). Understanding factors associated with vaccine uptake and vaccine hesitancy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A scoping literature review. Clinical Rheumatology, 40(2), 477–489.
- Beland, M., Lavoie, K.L., Briand, S., White, U., Gemme, C. et Bacon, S.L. (2020). Aerobic exercise alleviates depressive symptoms in patients with a major non-communicable chronic disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54(5), 272–278.
- Byrne, M., McSharry, J., Meade, O., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2020). An international, Delphi consensus study to identify priorities for methodological research in behavioural trials in health research. Trials, 21(1), article 292.
- Dumoulin, S., Bouchard, S., Loranger, C., Quintana, P., Gougeon, V. et Lavoie, K.L. (2020). Are cognitive load and focus of attention differentially involved in pain management: an experimental study using a cold pressor test and virtual reality. Journal of Pain Research, 13, 2213–2222.
- Poureslami, I., Shum, J., Goldstein, R., Gupta, S., Aaron, S.D., Lavoie, K.L., Poirier, C., Kassay, S., Starnes, K., Akhtar, A. et Fitzgerald, J.M. (2020). Asthma and COPD patients’ perceived link between health literacy core domains and self-management of their condition. Patient Education and Counseling, 103(7), 1415–1421.
- Cooke, S.J., Nguyen, V.M., Anastakis, D., Scott, S.D., Turetsky, M.R., Amirfazli, A., Hearn, A., Milton, C.E., Loewen, L., Smith, E.E., Norris, D.R., Lavoie, K.L., Aiken, A., Ansari, D., Antle, A.N., Babel, M., Bailey, J., Bernstein, D.M., Birnbaum, R.,... Woolford, A. (2020). Diverse perspectives on interdisciplinarity from the Members of the College of the Royal Society of Canada. FACETS, 5(1), 138–165.
- Gosselin Boucher, V., Gemme, C., Dragomir, A.I., Bacon, S.L., Larue, F. et Lavoie, K.L. (2020). Evaluation of communication skills among physicians: A systematic review of existing assessment tools. Psychosomatic Medicine, 82(4), 440–451.
- Rabi, D.M., McBrien, K.A., Sapir-Pichhadze, R., Nakhla, M., Ahmed, S.B., Dumanski S.M., Butalia, S., Leung, A.A., Harris, K.C., Cloutier, L., Zarnke, K.B., Ruzicka, M., Hiremath, S., Feldman, R.D., Tobe, S.W., Campbell, T.S., Bacon, S.L., Nerenberg, K.A., Dresser, G.K., Fournier, A.,... Daskalopoulou, S.S. (2020). Hypertension Canada's 2020 Comprehensive Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis, Risk Assessment, and Treatment of Hypertension in Adults and Children. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 36(5), 596–624.
- Durand, H., Bacon, S.L., Byrne, M., Kenny, E., Lavoie, K.L., McGuire, B.E., Mc Sharry, J., Meade, O., Mooney, R., Noone, C., O’Connor, L.L., O’Flaherty, K. et Molloy, G.J. (2020). Identifying and addressing psychosocial determinants of adherence to physical distancing guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic – project protocol. HRB Open Research, 3, article 58.
- Noone, C., Warner, N., Byrne, M., Durand, H., Lavoie, K.L., McGuire, B.E., McSharry, J., Meade, O., Morrissey, E., Molloy, G., O-Connor, L. et Toomey E. (2020). Investigating and evaluating evidence of the behavioural determinants of adherence to social distancing measures – A protocol for a scoping review of COVID-19 research. HRB Open Research, 3, article 46.
- Gosselin Boucher, V., Dragomir, A., Gemme, C,, Bacon S.L. et Lavoie K.L. (2020). Physician perceptions of the importance of addressing health risk behaviours among patients with non-communicable chronic diseases: A survey of Canadian physicians. Translational Behavioral Medicine.
Obtenir "Physician perceptions of the importance of addressing health risk behaviours among patients with non-communicable chronic diseases: A survey of Canadian physicians" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Hossain, M.A., Asamoah-Boaheng, M., Badejo, O. A., Bell, L.V., Buckley, N., Busse, J.W., Campbell, T.S., Corace, K., Cooper, L.K., Flusk, D., Garcia, D.A., Iorio A., Lavoie, K.L., Poulin, P.A., Skidmore B. et Rash J.A. (2020). Prescriber adherence to guidelines for chronic noncancer pain management with opioids: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Psychology, 39(5), 430–451.
- Bacon, S.L., Campbell, T.S. et Lavoie, K.L. (2020). Rethinking how to expand the evidence base for health behavior change in cardiovascular disease prevention. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 75(20), 2619–2622.
- Dumoulin, S., Bouchard, S., Ellis, J., Lavoie, K.L., Vezina, M.P., Charbonneau, P., Tardif J. et Hajjar A. (2019). A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Use of Virtual Reality for Needle-Related Procedures in Children and Adolescents in the Emergency Department. Games for Health Journal, 8(4), 285–293.
- Paine, N.J., Joseph, M.F., Bacon, S.L., Julien, C.A., Cartier, A., Ditto, B., Favreau, H. et Lavoie, K.L. (2019). Association between depression, lung function and inflammatory markers in patients with asthma and occupational asthma. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 61(6), 453–460.
- Lavoie, K.L., Sedeno, M., Hamilton, A., Li, P.-Z., DeSousa, D., Troosters, T., Maltais, F. et Bourbeau, J. (2019). Behavioral interventions targeting physical activity improve psycho-cognitive outcomes in COPD. ERJ Open Research, 5(4), article 00013–2019.
- Yousif, A., Lemière, C., Cartier, A., Forget, A., Blais, L., for the RESP investigators(Bacon, S., Beauchesne, M.F., Lavoie, K., Moullec, G., Pepin, V., Spahija, A.). (2019). Development of a graphical tool to measure medication adherence in asthma patients: A mixed-methods pilot study. Journal of Asthma, 56(5), 543–552.
- Farnesi, B.C., Ducharme, F.M., Blais, L., Collin, J., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L., McKinney, M.L. et Peláez, S. (2019). Guided asthma self-management or patient self-adjustment? Using patients' narratives to better understand adherence to asthma treatment. Patient Preference and Adherence, 13, 587–597.
- Gosselin Boucher, V., Colmegna, I., Gemme, C., Labbe, S., Pelaez, S. et Lavoie, K.L. (2019). Interventions to improve vaccine acceptance among rheumatoid arthritis patients: A systematic review. Clinical Rheumatology, 38(6), 1797–1798.
- Lavoie, K.L., Powell, L.H., Ninot, G. et Bacon, S.L. (2019). It’s time for a culture change in behavioral medicine: Proceedings of the 2nd International Behavioural Trials Network (IBTN) Meeting. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(3), 296–298.
- Paine, N.J., Bacon, S.L., Bourbeau J., Tan, W.C., Lavoie K.L., for the CanCOLD Study Investigators, Aaron, S.D., Chapman, K.R., FitzGerald, J.M., Hernandez, P., Marciniuk, D.D., Maltais, F., O'Donnell, D.E., Sin, D. et Walker, B.L. (2019). Psychological distress is related to poor health behaviours in COPD and non-COPD patients: evidence from the CanCOLD study. Respiratory Medicine, 146, 1–9.
- Blais, L., Ahmed, S.I.S., Beauchesne, M.F., Forget, A., Kettani, F.Z. et Lavoie, K. L. (2019). Risk of Postpartum Depression Among Women with Asthma. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 7(3), 925–933.
- Lavoie, K.L., Laurin, C., Flores-Echaiz, C., Paine, N.J., Arsenault, A., Gordon, J. et Bacon, S.L. (2019). The impact of cumulative smoking volume and length of smoking cessation on endothelial function. Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
Obtenir "The impact of cumulative smoking volume and length of smoking cessation on endothelial function" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Dragomir, A.I., Julien, C.A., Bacon, S.L., Gosselin Boucher, V. et Lavoie, K.L. (2019). Training physicians in behavioural change counseling: A systematic review. Patient Education and Counselling, 102(1), 12–24.
- Byrne, M., McSharry, S.J., Meade, O., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2018). An international, Delphi consensus study to identify priorities for methodological research in behavioural trials: A study protocol [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. HRB Open Research, 1(11).
- Troosters, T., Maltais, F., Leidy, N., Lavoie, K.L., Sedeno, M., Janssens, W., Garcia-Aymerich, J., Erzen, D., De Sousa, D., Korducki, L., Hamilton, A. et Bourbeau, J. (2018). Effect of Bronchodilation, Exercise Training, and Behavior Modification on Symptoms and Physical Activity in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 198(8), 1021–1032.
- Mercer, D., Ditto, B., Lavoie, K.L., Campbell, T.S., Arsenault, A. et Bacon, S.L. (2018). Health locus of control is associated with physical activity and other health behaviors in cardiac patients. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 38(6), 394–399.
- Rash, J.A., Buckley, N., Busse, J.W., Campbell, T.S., Corace, K.M., Cooper, L., Flusk, D., Iorio, A., Lavoie, K.L., Poulin, P.A. et Skidmore, B. (2018). Healthcare provider knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices surrounding the prescription of opioids for chronic non-cancer pain in North America: Protocol for a mixed-method systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 7(1), article 189.
- Nerenberg, K.A., Zarnke, K.B., Leung, A.A., Dasgupta, K., Butalia, S., McBrien, K., Harris, K.C., Nakhla, M., Cloutier, L., Gelfer, M., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Milot, A., Bolli, P., Tremblay, G., McLean, D., Padwal, R.S., Tran, K.C., Grover, S., Rabkin, S.W.,... et Daskalopoulou, S.S. (2018). Hypertension Canada's 2018 Guidelines for Diagnosis, Risk Assessment, Prevention, and Treatment of Hypertension in Adults and Children. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 34(5), 506–525.
- Jacob, A., Moullec, G., Lavoie, K.L., Laurin, C. et Bacon, S.L. (2018). Impact of cognitive-behavioral interventions on weight loss and psychological outcomes: A meta-analysis. Health Psychology, 37(5), 417–432.
- Poureslami, I., Pakhale, S., Lavoie, K.L., Gupta, S., Bacon, S.L., Aaron, S., To, T., Boulet, L.P. et Fitzgerald, J.M. (2018). Patients as research partners in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma research: Priorities, challenges and recommendations from asthma and COPD patients. Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, 2(3), 138–146.
- Tang, A.R., Rabi, D.M., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L., Pilote, L. et Kline, G.A. (2018). Prolonged hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation after acute coronary syndrome in the GENESIS-PRAXY cohort. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 25(1), 65–72.
- Lavoie, K.L., Paine, N.J., Pelletier, R., Arsenault, A., Diodati, J., Campbell, T.S., Pilote, L. et Bacon, S.L. (2018). Relationship between antidepressant therapy and risk for cardiovascular events in patients with and without cardiovascular disease. Health Psychology, 37(11), 989–999.
- Lavoie, K.L., Rash, J.A. et Campbell, T.S. (2017). Changing provider behavior in the context of chronic disease management: Focus on clinical inertia. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 57, 263–28.
- Lipszyc, J.C., Silverman, F., Holness, D.L., Liss, G.M., Lavoie, K.L. et Tarlo, S.M. (2017). Comparison of Clinic Models for Patients with Work-Related Asthma. Occupational Medicine, 67(6), 477–483.
- Lipszyc, J.C., Silverman, F., Holness, D.L., Liss, G.M., Lavoie, K.L. et Tarlo, S.M. (2017). Comparison of Psychological, Quality of Life, Work-Limitation, and Socioeconomic Status between Patients with Occupational Asthma and Work-Exacerbated Asthma. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 59(7), 697–702.
- Plourde, A., Lavoie, K.L., Raddatz, C. et Bacon, S.L. (2017). Effects of acute psychological stress induced in laboratory on physiological responses in asthma populations: A systematic review. Respiratory Medicine, 127, 21–32.
- Djandi, F., Lamontagne, A.J., Blais, L., Bacon, S.L., Ernst, P., Grad, R., Lavoie, K.L., McKinney, M.L., Desplats, E. et Ducharme, F.M. (2017). Enablers and determinants of the provision of written action plans to patients with asthma: a stratified survey of Canadian physicians. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 27(1).
- Leung, A.A., Daskalopoulou, S.S., Dasgupta, K., McBrien, K., Butalia, S., Zarnke, K.B., Nerenberg, K., Harris, K.C., Nakhla, M., Cloutier, L., Gelfer, M., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Milot, A., Bolli, P., Tremblay, G., McLea, D., Tobe, S.W., Ruzicka, M., Burns, K.D.,...Rabi, D.M. (2017). Hypertension Canada's 2017 Guidelines for Diagnosis, Risk Assessment, Prevention, and Treatment of Hypertension in Adults. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 33(5), 557–576.
- Boudreau, M., Bacon, S.L., Paine, N.J., Cartier, A., Trutschnigg, B., Morizio, A. et Lavoie, K.L. (2017). Impact of Panic Attacks on Bronchoconstriction and Subjective Distress in Asthma Patients With and Without Panic Disorder. Psychosomatic Medicine, 79(5), 576–584.
- Tilly-Gratton, A., Lamontagne, A., Blais, L., Bacon, S.L., Ernst, P., Grad, R., Lavoie, K.L., McKinney, M., Desplats, E. et Ducharme, F. (2017). Physician agreement regarding the expansion of pharmacist professional activities in the management of patients with asthma. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 25(5), 335–342.
- Stébenne, P., Bacon, S.L., Austin, A., Paine, N.J., Arsenault, A., Laurin, C., Meloche, B., Gordon, J., Dupuis, J. et Lavoie, K.L. (2017). Positive and Negative Affect Is Related to Experiencing Chest Pain During Exercise-Induced Myocardial Ischemia. Psychosomatic Medicine, 79(4), 395–403.
- Kline, G.A., Bacon, S.L., Lavoie, K.L. et Rabi, D.L. (2017). Prolonged Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Activation after Acute Coronary Syndrome in the GENESIS-PRAXY cohort. J of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, n/a.
Obtenir "Prolonged Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Activation after Acute Coronary Syndrome in the GENESIS-PRAXY cohort" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Plourde, A., Bacon, S.L., Paine, N.J., Cartier, A. et Lavoie, K.L. (2017). Psychological responses to acute psychological stress tasks in asthmatic outpatients: The effect of chronic stress. Psychosomatic Medicine, n/a.
Obtenir "Psychological responses to acute psychological stress tasks in asthmatic outpatients: The effect of chronic stress" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Ouellette, D.R. et Lavoie, K.L. (2017). Recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of cognitive and psychiatric disorders in patients with COPD. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 12, 639–650.
- Yohannes, A.M., Mülerová, H., Lavoie, K.L., Vestbo, J., Rennard, S.I., Wouters, E.F.M. et Hanania, N.A. (2017). The association of depressive symptoms with rates of acute exacerbations in patients with COPD: Results from a 3-year longitudinal follow-up of the ECLIPSE cohort. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 18(11), 955–959.e6.
- Ross K, C., N., Bacon SL, Lavoie KL, Campbell T. (2017). White coat hypertension is associated with blunted nocturnal blood pressure dipping in young women. J Human Hypertension, n/a.
Obtenir "White coat hypertension is associated with blunted nocturnal blood pressure dipping in young women" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - McCusker, J., Cole, M.G., Yaffe, M., Strumpf, E., Sewitch, M., Sussman, T., Ciampi, A., Lavoie, K., Platt, R.W. et Belzile, E. (2016). A randomized trial of a depression self-care toolkit with or without lay telephone coaching for primary care patients with chronic physical conditions. General Hospital Psychiatry, 40, 75–83.
- Rodrigue, C., Beauchesne, M.F., Savaria, F., Forget, A., Lemière, C., Larivée, P., Blais, L., for the RESP Investigators(Bacon, S., Beauchesne, M.F., Blais, L., Lavoie, K.L., Lemière, C., Moullec, G., Pepin, V. et Spahija, A. (2016). Adverse events among COPD patients treated withlong-acting anticholinergics and ?2-agonists in an outpatient respiratoryclinic. Respiratory Medicine, 113, 65–73.
- Bourbeau, J., Lavoie, K., Sedeno, M., De Sousa, D., Erzen, D., Hamilton, A., Maltais, F., Troosters, T. et Leidy, N. (2016). Behaviour-change intervention in a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled COPD study: methodological considerations and implementation. BMJ open, 6(4), article e010109.
- Paine, N., Bacon, S.L., Pelletier, R., Arsenault, A., Diodati, J.G. et Lavoie, K.L. (2016). Do Women With Anxiety or Depression Have Higher Rates of Myocardial Ischemia During Exercise Testing Than Men? Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 9(2, Suppl 1), S53–61.
- Ducharme, F.M., Lamontagne, A.J., Blais, L., Grad, R., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L., McKinney, M.L., Desplats, E. et Ernst, P. (2016). Enablers of physician prescription of a long-term asthma controller in patients with persistent asthma. Canadian Respiratory Journal, 2016, article 4169010.
- Foldes-Busque, G., Hamel, S., Belleville, G., Fleet, R., Poitras, J., Chauny, J.M., Vadeboncoeur, A., Lavoie, K.L. et Marchand, A. (2016). Factors associated with pain level in non-cardiac chest pain patients with comorbid panic disorder. BioPsychoSocial Medicine, 10, article 30.
- Peláez, S., Bacon, S.L., Lacoste, G. et Lavoie, K.L. (2016). How can Adherence to Asthma Medication be Enhanced? Triangulation of Key Asthma Stakeholders' Perspectives. Journal of Asthma, 53(10), 1076–1084.
- Leung, A.A., Nerenberg, K., Daskalopoulou, S.S., McBrien, K., Zarnke, K.B., Dasgupta, K., Cloutier, L., Gelfer, M., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Milot, A., Bolli, P., Tremblay, G., McLean, D., Tobe, S.W., Ruzicka, M., Burns, K.D., Vallée, M., Prasad, G.V., Lebel, M.,... Rabi, D.M. (2016). Hypertension Canada's 2016 Canadian Hypertension Education Program Guidelines for Blood Pressure Measurement, Diagnosis, Assessment of Risk, Prevention, and Treatment of Hypertension. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 32(5), 569–588.
- Yohannes, A.M., M.H., Hanania, N.A., Lavoie, K., Tal-Singer, R., Vestbo, J., Rennard, S.I. et Wouters, E.F. (2016). Long-term Course of Depression Trajectories in Patients With COPD: A 3-Year Follow-up Analysis of the Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate Endpoints Cohort. CHEST, 149(4), 916–926.
- Plourde, A., Moullec, G., Bacon, S.L., Suarthana, E. et Lavoie, K.L. (2016). Optimizing screening for depression among adults with asthma. Journal of Asthma, 53(7), 736–743.
- Foldes-Busque, G., Hamel, S., Belleville, G., Fleet, R., Poitras, J., Chauny, J.M., Vadeboncoeur, A., Diodati, J.G., Lavoie, K.L. et Marchand A. (2016). Predictors of changes in level of pain in non-cardiac chest pain patients with panic disorder. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 78(3), A106.
- Lavoie, K.L., Favreau, H., Paine, N.J., Cartier, A., Lemière, C., Joseph, M., Gagnon-Chauvin, A. et Bacon, S.L. (2016). Prospective impact of psychiatric disorders on employment status and healthcare use in patients investigated for occupational asthma. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 58(12), 1196–1201.
- Pelletier P, C., J., Winters, N., Eisenberg M.J., Bacon, S.L., Cox, J., Daskalopoulou, S.S., Lavoie, K.L., Karp, I., Shimony, A., So, D., Thanassoulis, G. et Pilote, L. (2016). Sex Differences in Clinical Outcomes After Premature Acute Coronary Syndrome. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 32(12), 1447–1453.
- Pelletier, R., Khan, N.A., Cox, J., Daskalopoulou, S.S., Eisenberg, M.J., Bacon, S.L., Lavoie, K.L., Daskupta, K., Rabi, D., Humphries, K.H., Norris, C.M., Thanassoulis, G., Behlouli, H. et Pilote, L. (2016). Sex Versus Gender-Related Characteristics: Which Predicts Outcome After Acute Coronary Syndrome in the Young? Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 67(2), 127–135.
- Rash, J.A., Lavoie, K.L., Sigal, R.J., Campbell, D.J., Manns, B.J., Tonelli, M. et Campbell, T.S. (2016). The OPTIMIZE trial: Rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial of motivational enhancement therapy to improve adherence to statin medication. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 49, 47–56.
- Rizk, A., Wardini, R., Chan-Thim, E., Bacon, S.L., Lavoie, K.L. et Pepin, V. (2015). Acute responses to exercise training and relationship with exercise adherence in moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic Respiratory Disease, 12(4), 329–339.
- Simco, R., McCusker, J., Sewitch, M., Cole, M., Yaffe, M., Lavoie, K.L., Sussman, T., Strumpf, E., Ciampi, A. et Belzile, E. (2015). Adherence to a telephone-supported depression self-care intervention for adults with chronic physical illnesses. SAGE Open, 5(1).
- Bacon, S.L., Lavoie, K.L., Ninot, G., Czajkowski, S., Freedland, K., Michie, S., Montgomery, P., Powell, L. et Spring, B. (2015). An International Perspective on Improving the Quality and Potential of Behavioral Clinical Trials. Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports, 9(1), article 427.
- Bacon, S.L., Lemère, C., Moullec, G., Ninot, G., Pepin, V. et Lavoie, K.L. (2015). Association between patterns of leisure time physical activity and asthma control in adult patients. BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 2, article e000083.
- Moullec, G., Plourde, A., Lavoie, K.L., Suarthana, E. et Bacon, S.L. (2015). Beck Depression Inventory II: determination and comparison of its diagnostic accuracy in cardiac outpatients. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 22(5), 665–672.
- Campbell, T.S., Bacon, S.L., Corace, K., Lavoie, K.L., Rash, J.A. et Vallis, M. (2015). Comment on Pladevall et al, "A Randomized Controlled Trial to Provide Adherence Information and Motivational Interviewing to Improve Diabetes and Lipid Control". Diabetes Education, 41(5), 625–626.
- Bourbeau, J., Lavoie, K.L. et Sedeno, M. (2015). Comprehensive self-management strategies. Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 36, 630–638.
- Boudreau, M., Lavoie, K.L., Cartier, A., Trutshnigg, B., Morizio, A., Lemière, C. et Bacon, S.L. (2015). Do asthma patients with panic disorder really have worse asthma? A comparison of physiological and psychological responses to a methacholine challenge. Respiratory Medicine, 109(10), 1250–1256.
- Belleville, G., Marchand, A., Poitras, J., Vadeboncoeur, A., Chauny, J.M., Foldes-Busque, G., Pelland, M.E., Lessard, M.J., Fleet, R.P. et Lavoie, K.L. (2015). Do Treatments for Panic Disorder Improve Sleep in Patients with Unexplained Chest Pain? Archives of Scientific Psychology, 31(1), 93–100.
- Peláez, S., Lamontagne, A.J., Collin, J., Gauthier, A., Grad, R.M., Blais, L., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S., Ernst, P., Guay, H., McKinney, M.L. et Ducharme, F.M. (2015). Patients' perspective of barriers and facilitators to taking long-term controller medication for asthma: a novel taxonomy. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 15, article 42.
- Leung Yinko, S.S., Pelletier, R., Behlouli, H., Bacon, S.L., Karp, I., Thanassoulis, G., Daskalopoulou, S.S., Eisenberg, M.J., Khan, N.A., Lavoie, K.L. et Pilote, L. (2015). Potential factors associated with fruit and vegetable intake after premature acute coronary syndrome: A prospective cohort study. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 66(8), 943–949.
- Pelletier, R., Bacon, S.L., Arsenault, A., Dupuis, J., Laurin, C., Blais, L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2015). Relative associations between depression and anxiety on adverse cardiovascular events: does a history of coronary artery disease matter? A prospective observational study. BMJ open, 5(12), article e006582.
- Leung Yinko, S.S., Maheswaran, J., Pelletier, R., Bacon, S.L., Daskalopoulou, S., Khan, N.A., Eisenberg, M.J., Karp, I., Lavoie, K.L., Behlouli, H. et Pilote, L. (2015). Sex differences in health behavior change after premature acute coronary syndrome. American Heart Journal, 170(2), 242–248.e3.
- Daskalopoulou, S.S., Rabi, D.M., Zarnke, K.B., Dasgupta, K., Nerenberg, K., Cloutier, L., Gelfer, M., Lamarre-Cliche, M., Milot, A., Bolli, P., McKay, D.W., Tremblay, G., McLean, D., Tobe, S.W., Ruzicka, M., Burns, K.D., Vallée, M., Ramesh Prasad, G.V., Lebel, M.,... Padwal, R.S. (2015). The 2015 Canadian Hypertension Education Program recommendations for blood pressure measurement, diagnosis, assessment of risk, prevention, and treatment of hypertension. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 31(5), 549–568.
- Rouleau, C., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L., Vallis, M., Corace, K. et Campbell, T.S. (2015). Training Healthcare Providers in Motivational Communication for Promoting Physical Activity and Exercise in Cardiometabolic Health Settings: Do We Know What We Are Doing? Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports, 9(6), article 29.
- Fleet, R., Foldes-Busque, G., Grégoire, J., Harel, F., Laurin, C., Burelle, D. et Lavoie, K. (2014). A study of myocardial perfusion in patients with panic disorder and low risk coronary artery disease after 35% CO2 challenge. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 76(1), 41–45.
- Rash, J.A., Lavoie, K.L., Feldman, R.D. et Campbell, T.S. (2014). Adherence to antihypertensive medications: Current status and future directions. Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports, 8, article 415.
- Pelletier, R., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L., Thanassoulis, G., Khan, N.A. et Pilote, L. (2014). Depression and disease severity in patients with premature acute coronary syndrome. American Journal of Medicine, 127(1), 87–93.e2.
- Peláez, S., Bacon, S.L., Aulls, M.W., Lacoste, G. et Lavoie, K.L. (2014). Different Points of View: Similarities and Discrepancies Between Asthma Health Care Professionals’ and Patients’ Views on Medication Adherence. Canadian Respiratory Journal, 21(4).
Obtenir "Different Points of View: Similarities and Discrepancies Between Asthma Health Care Professionals’ and Patients’ Views on Medication Adherence" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Austin, A.W., Gordon, J.L., Lavoie, K.L., Arsenault, A., Dasgupta, K. et Bacon, S.L. (2014). Differential association of insulin resistance with cognitive and somatic symptoms of depression. Diabetic Medicine: A Journal of the British Diabetic Association, 31(8), 994–1000.
- Lavoie, K.L., Moullec, G., Lemiere, C., Blais, L., Labrecque, M., Beauchesne, M.F., Pepin, V., Cartier, A. et Bacon, S.L. (2014). Efficacy of brief motivational interviewing to improve adherence to inhaled corticosteroids among adult asthmatics: Results from a randomized controlled pilot feasibility trial. Patient Preference and Adherence, 8, 1555–1569.
- Boudreau, M., Bacon, S.L., Ouellet, K., Jacob, A. et Lavoie, K.L. (2014). Mediator effect of depressive symptoms on the association between body mass index and asthma control in adult asthmatics. CHEST, 146(2), 348–354.
- Favreau, H., Bacon, S.L., Labrecque, M. et Lavoie, K.L. (2014). Prospective impact of panic disorder and panic-anxiety on asthma control, health service use, and quality of life in adult patients with asthma over a 4-year follow-up. Psychosomatic Medicine, 76(2), 147–155.
- Mahdanian, A.A., Rej, S., Bacon, S.L., Ozdin, D., Lavoie, K.L. et Looper, K. (2014). Serotonergic antidepressants and perioperative bleeding risk: a systematic review. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety, 13(6), 695–704.
- Pelletier, R., Humphries, K.H., Shimony, A., Bacon, S.L., Lavoie, K.L., Rabi, D., Karp, I., Tsadok, M.A. et Pilote, L. (2014). Sex-related differences in access to care among patients with premature acute coronary syndrome. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 186(7), 497–504.
- Pelaez, S., Bacon, S.L., Aulls, M.W., Lacoste, G. et Lavoie, K.L. (2014). Similarities and differences between asthma health care professional and patient views regarding medication adherence. Canadian Respiratory Journal, 21(4), article 738654.
- Hamer, M., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2014). Taking up physical activity in later life and healthy ageing: The English longitudinal study of ageing. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48(3), 239–243.
- Dasgupta, K., Quinn, R.R., Zarnke, K.B., Rabi, D.M., Ravani, P., Daskalopoulou, S.S., Rabkin, S.W., Trudeau, L., Feldman, R.D., Cloutier, L., Prebtani, A., Herman, R.J., Bacon, S.L., Gilbert, R.E., Ruzicka, M., McKay, D.W., Campbell, T.S., Grover, S., Honos, G.,...Poirier, L. (2014). The 2014 Canadian Hypertension Education Program Recommendations for Blood Pressure Measurement, Diagnosis, Assessment of Risk, Prevention, and Treatment of Hypertension. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 30(5), 485–501.
- Bacon, S.L., Campbell, T.S., Arsenault, A. et Lavoie, K.L. (2014). The impact of mood and anxiety disorders on incident hypertension at one year. International Journal of Hypertension, 2014, article ID 953094.
- Mercer, D.A., Lavoie, K.L., Ditto, B., Pelletier, R., Campbell, T., Arsenault, A. et Bacon, S.L. (2014). The interaction between anxiety and depressive symptoms on brachial artery reactivity in cardiac patients. Biological Psychology, 102, 44–50.
- Lamontagne, A.J., Peláez, S., Grad, R., Blais, L., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L., Guay, H., Gauthier, A., McKinney, M.L., Ernst, P., Collin, J. et Ducharme, F.M. (2013). Facilitators and solutions for practicing optimal guided asthma self-management: The physician perspective. Canadian Respiratory Journal, 20(4), 285–293.
- Plourde, A., Lavoie, K.L., Ouellet, K., Carroll, D., Ring, C. et Bacon, S.L. (2013). Hemodynamic, hemostatic, and endothelial reactions to acute psychological stress in depressed patients following coronary angiography. Psychophysiology, 50(8), 790–798.
- Moullec, G., Lavoie, K.L., Malo, J.-L., Gautrin, D., Lêarchevêque, J. et Labrecque, M. (2013). Long-term socioprofessional and psychological status in workers investigated for occupational asthma in Quebec. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 55(9), 1052–1064.
- Yohannes, A.M. et Lavoie, K.L. (2013). Overseeing anxiety and depression in patients with physical illness. CHEST, 144(3), P726–P728.
- Lavoie, K.L., Joseph, M., Favreau, H., Lemiere, C., Labrecque, M., Cartier, A., Malo, J.-L., Gautrin, D. et Bacon, S.L. (2013). Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among patients investigated for occupational asthma: An overlooked differential diagnosis? American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 187(9), 926–932.
- Moullec, G., Lavoie, K.L., Laurin, C. et Bacon, S.L. (2013). Psychiatric disorders and COPD: still stronger evidence for convincing policymakers? CHEST, 144(3), article P1084.
- Khan N.A., D., S.S., Karp, I., Eisenberg, M.J., Pelletier, R., Avgil Tsadok, M., Dasgupta, K., Norris, C.M., Pilote, L., for the GENESIS PRAXY Team(Pilote L., Karp, I., Bacon, S.L., Cox, J.L., Dasgupta, K., Daskalopoulou, S.S., Eisenberg, M.J., Engert, J., Ghali, W., Humphries, K., Khan, N., Lavoie, K.L. et al.). (2013). Sex differences in acute coronary syndrome symptom presentation in young patients. JAMA Internal Medicine, 173(20), 1863–1871.
- Hackam, D.G., Quinn, R.R., Ravani, P, Rabi, D.M., Dasgupta, K., Daskalopoulou, S.S., Khan, N.A., Herman, R.J., Bacon, S.L., Cloutier, L., Dawes, M., Rabkin, S.W., Gilbert, R.E., Ruzicka, M., McKay, D.W., Campbell, T.S., Grover, S., Honos, G., Schiffrin, E.L.,... Padwal, R.S. (2013). The 2013 Canadian Hypertension Education Program recommendations for blood pressure measurement, diagnosis, assessment of risk, prevention, and treatment of hypertension. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 29(5), 528–542.
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- Rossi, A.M., Moullec, G., Lavoie, K.L., Gour-Provençal, G. et Bacon, S.L. (2013). The evolution of a Canadian Hypertension Education Program recommendation: the impact of resistance training on resting blood pressure in adults as an example. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 29(5), 622–627.
- Jacob, A., Laurin, C., Lavoie, K.L., Moullec, G., Boudreau, M., Lemière, C. et Bacon, S.L. (2013). The impact of body mass index on inpatient-versus outpatient-treated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations. Canadian Respiratory Journal, 20(4), 237–242.
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- McCusker, J., Cole, M., Yaffe, M., Sussman, T., Lavoie, K.L., Strumpf, E., Sewitch, M., Sahin, D. et De Raad, M. (2012). A feasibility study of a telephone-supported self-care intervention for depression among adults with a comorbid chronic physical illness in primary care. Mental Health in Family Medicine, 9(4), 257–273.
- Favreau, H., Bacon, S.L., Joseph, M., Labrecque, M. et Lavoie, K.L. (2012). Association between asthma medications and suicidal ideation in adult asthmatics. Respiratory Medicine, 106(7), 933–941.
- Lavoie, K.L., Campbell, T.S. et Bacon, S.L. (2012). Behavioral medicine trial design: time for a change. Archives of Internal Medicine, 172(17), 1350–1351.
- Lessard, M.-J., Marchand, A., Pelland, M.-E., Belleville, G., Vadeboncoeur, A., Chauny, J.-M., Poitras, J., Dupuis, G., Fleet, R., Foldes-Busque, G. et Lavoie, K.L. (2012). Comparing two brief psychological interventions to usual care in panic disorder patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 40(2), 129–147.
- Goodwin, R.D., Lavoie, K.L., Lemeshow, A.R., Jenkins, E., Brown, E.S. et Fedoronko, D.A. (2012). Depression, anxiety, and COPD: The unexamined role of nicotine dependence. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 14(2), 176–183.
- Bacon, S.L., Meloche, B., Lavoie, K.L. et Arsenault, A. (2012). Differential short-term repeated forearm hyperaemic reactivity in coronary artery disease patients compared to healthy low risk participants. International Journal of Molecular Imaging, 2012(2012), article 578504.
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- Lavoie, K.L., Campbell, T.S. et Bacon, S.L. (2012). Does motivational interviewing improve medication adherence? Archives of Internal Medicine, 172(17), 1351–1352.
- Moullec, G., Lavoie, K.L., Rabhi, K., Julien, M., Favreau, H. et Labrecque, M. (2012). Effect of an integrated care programme on re-hospitalization of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respirology, 17(4), 707–714.
- Moullec, G., Gour-Provencal, G., Bacon, S.L., Campbell, T. et Lavoie, K.L. (2012). Efficacy of interventions to improve adherence to inhaled corticosteroids in adult asthmatics: impact of using components of the chronic care model. Respiratory Medicine, 106(9), 1211–1225.
- Laurin, C., Moullec, G., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2012). Impact of anxiety and depression on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation risk. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 185(9), 918–923.
- Ouellet, K., Bacon, S.L., Boudreau, M., Plourde, A., Moullec, G. et Lavoie, K.L. (2012). Individual and combined impact of cigarette smoking, anxiety, and mood disorders on asthma control. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 14(8), 961–969.
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- Rossi, A., Moullec, G., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2012). Resistance training, blood pressure, and meta-analyses. Hypertension, 59(3), e22–23.
- Rizk, A., Lavoie, K.L., Pépin, V., Wright, A. et Bacon, S.L. (2012). Sex differences in the effects of inhaled corticosteroids on weight gain among patients with asthma. ISRN Pulmonology, 2012, article 138326.
- Johnson, J.A., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L., Carlson, L.E. et Campbell, T.S. (2012). The effect of trait rumination on adaptation to repeated stress. Psychosomatic Medicine, 74(3), 258–262.
- Gordon, J.L., Lavoie, K.L., Arsenault, A., Meloche, B., Ditto, B., Campbell, T.S. et Bacon, S.L. (2012). The relationship between multiple health behaviours and brachial artery reactivity. International Journal of Hypertension, 2012, article 846819.
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- Labrecque, M., Rabhi, K., Laurin, C., Favreau, H., Moullec, G., Lavoie, K. et Julien, M. (2011). Can a self-management education program for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease improve quality of life? Canadian Respiratory Journal, 18(5), e77–e81.
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- Pelland, M.-E., Marchand, A., Lessard, M.-J., Belleville, G., Chauny, J.-M., Vadeboncoeur, A., Poitras, J., Foldes-Busque, G., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2011). Efficacy of 2 interventions for panic disorder in patients presenting to the ED with chest pain. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 29(9), 1051–1061.
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- Gordon, J.L., Ditto, B., Lavoie, K.L., Pelletier, R., Campbell, T.S., Arsenault, A. et Bacon, S.L. (2011). The effect of major depression on postexercise cardiovascular recovery. Psychophysiology, 48(11), 1605–1610.
- Pelletier, R., Bacon, S.L., Laurin, C., Arsenault, A., Fleet, R.P. et Lavoie, K.L. (2011). The impact of anxiety disorders on assessment of myocardial ischemia and exercise stress test performance. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 31(1), 60–66.
- Laurin, C., Moullec, G., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2011). The impact of psychological distress on exacerbation rates in COPD. Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease, 5(1), 3–18.
- Bacon, S.L., Lavoie, K.L., Arsenault, A., Dupuis, J., Pilote, L., Laurin, C., Gordon, J., Gautrin, D. et Vadeboncoeur, A. (2011). The research on endothelial function in women and men at risk for cardiovascular disease (REWARD) study: Methodology. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 11, article number 50.
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- Bacon, S.L., Keller, A.J., Lavoie, K.L. et Campbell, T.S. (2010). Comparison of a three-quarter electrode band configuration with a full electrode band configuration for impedance cardiography. Psychophysiology, 47(6), 1087–1093.
- Wright, A., Lavoie, K.L., Jacob, A., Rizk, A. et Bacon, S.L. (2010). Effect of body mass index on self-reported exercise-triggered asthma. Physician and Sportsmedicine, 38(4), 61–66.
- Ditto, B., Lavoie, K.L., Campbell, T.S., Gordon, J., Arsenault, A. et Bacon, S.L. (2010). Negative association between resting blood pressure and chest pain in people undergoing exercise stress testing for coronary artery disease. Pain, 149(3), 501–505.
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- Bacon, S.L., Pelletier, R. et Lavoie, K.L. (2009). The impact of acute and chronic exercise on thrombosis in cardiovascular disease. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 101(3), 452–459.
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- Lavoie, K.L., Bouchard, A., Joseph, M., Campbell, T.S., Favreau, H. et Bacon, S.L. (2008). Association of asthma self-efficacy to asthma control and quality of life. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 36(1), 100–106.
- Gordon, J.L., Lavoie, K.L., Arsenault, A., Ditto, B. et Bacon, S.L. (2008). Health behaviors and endothelial function. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 31(1), 5–21.
- Laurin, C., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2008). Relationship between depression and exacerbations in COPD: a response. European Respiratory Journal, 32(4), 1129–1130.
- Barone, S., Bacon, S.L., Campbell, T.S., Labrecque, M., Ditto, B. et Lavoie, K.L. (2008). The association between anxiety sensitivity and atopy in adult asthmatics. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 31(4), 331–339.
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- Boulet, L.P., Hamid, Q., Bacon, S.L., Bergeron, C., Boulet, L.P., Chen, Y., Dixon, A.E., Ernst, P., Hamid, Q., Holguin, F., Irvin, C.G., Kimoff, R.J., Komakula, S., Laprise, C., Lavoie, K.L., Shore, S.A., Teodorescu, M. et Vohl, M.C. (2007). Symposium on obesity and asthma – November 2, 2006. Canadian Respiratory Journal: Journal of the Canadian Thoracic Society, 14(4), 201–208.
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- Mercier, L.A., Bacon, S.L., Julien, C.A., Gemme, C., Labonté, T., Garneau, P., Atlas, H., Denis, R., Pescarus, R. et Lavoie, K.L. (2019). Association between motivational style and post-operative weight loss: evidence for the importance of motivation-intervention congruence [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(3), 307.
- Béland, M., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2019). Associations between leisure time physical activity and depressive symptoms in patients with asthma [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(3), 303.
- Julien, C.A., Dragomir, A.I., Mercier, L.A., Lavoie, K.L., Garneau, P., Atlas, H., Denis, R., Pescarus, R., Santosa, S. et Bacon, S.L. (2019). Behavioural lifestyle interventions for weight management in bariatric surgery: A Systematic Review [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(3), 302.
- Dragomir, A.I., Bacon, S.L., Gosselin Boucher, V., Szczepanik, G. et Lavoie, K.L. (2019). Development of a behavior change counselling program for physicians using an integrated knowledge translation approach [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(3), 299.
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- Labonté, T., Bacon, S.L., Julien, C., Mercier, L.A., Gemme, C., Garneau, P., Atlas, H., Denis, R., Pescarus, R., Santosa, S. et Lavoie K.L. (2019). Is there an interaction between emotional eating and sex to predict weight loss following bariatric surgery? [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(3), 307.
- Farnesi, C., Lavoie, K.L., Legault, L., Reilly, R. et Bacon, S.L. (2019). Learnings from a pilot on the feasibility of combining collage and body-mapping storytelling during participant interviews and its usefulness in planning a behavioural intervention [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(3), 308.
- Paine, N.J., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2019). Sex differences in depression as an independent risk factor for mortality in patients without existing cardiovascular disease and implications for the development of tailored interventions [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(3), 308.
- Deshpande, P., Oh, P., Lavoie, K.L., Szczepanik, G. et Bacon, S.L. (2019). Sex differences in responses to a 12-week health behavior change intervention for individuals at risk of developing major non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs) [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(3), 308.
- Gosselin Boucher, V., Gemme, C., Dragomir, A.I., Szczepanik, G., Bacon, S. et Lavoie, K.L. (2019). The development of an evaluation tool for assessing the acquisition of motivational communication skills among physicians using an integrated KT approach [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(3), 303.
- Gemme, C., Lavoie, K.L., Julien, C.A., Labonté, T., Mercier, L., Woods, R., Garneau, P., Atlas, H., Denis, R., Pescarus, R., Santosa, S. et Bacon, S.L. (2019). The Impact of Marital Status and Sex on Post-Surgery Weight Loss in Bariatric Patients [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(3), 307.
- Jalbert, A.C., Lavoie, K. et Bacon, S. (2018). Effects of aerobic exercise on asthma control in eosinophilic asthma patients: a randomized controlled trial [Résumé], European Respiratory Journal, 52(suppl 62), PA504.
- Bacon, S.L., Plourde, A., Paine, N., Cartier, A. et Lavoie, K.L. (2018). Impact of acute active and passive stress on physiological responses in adults with asthma [Résumé], European Respiratory Journal, 52(suppl 62), PA654.
- Boucher V., P., S., Lavoie, K. et Colmegna, I. (2018). Perceived barriers and facilitators of vaccination acceptance among rheumatoid arthritis patients from the perspective of healthcare providers [Résumé], The Journal of Rheumatology, 45(7), 1028.
- Boucher, V., Pelaez, S., Lavoie, K. et Colmegna, I. (2018). Perceived Barriers and Facilitators of Vaccination Acceptance among Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients from the Perspective of Physician and Nurse Providers [Résumé], Journal of Rheumatology, 45(7), 1028.
- Mercer, D.A., Lavoie, K.L., Ditto, B., Arsenault, A. et Bacon, S.L. (2017). Assessing the longitudinal diagnostic consistency and accuracy of the beck depression inventory ii in cardiac patients [Résumé], Psychosomatic Medicine, 79(4), A67-A68.
- Paine, N.J., Lavoie, K.L., Arsenault, A. et Bacon, S.L. (2017). Associations of gender identity and sex with inflammation levels in hypertensive patients [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51(Suppl. 1), S1909.
- Frith, P., Troosters, T., Lavoie, K.L., Leidy, N., Maltais, F., Sedeno, M., Janssens, W., Hamilton, A., Erzen, D., De Sousa, D., Korducki, L. et Bourbeau, J. (2017). Bronchodilator therapy and exercise added to self-management behaviour-modification: Effects on physical activity in COPD [Résumé], Respirology, 22(Suppl. 2): TO-129.
- Mercer, D.A., Lavoie, K.L., Ditto, B., Pelletier, R., Arsenault, A. et Bacon, S. (2017). Cholesterol partially mediates the relationship between depression and endothelial function in cardiac patients [Résumé], Psychosomatic Medicine, 79(4), A27.
- Troosters, T., Bourbeau, J., Maltais, F., Leidy, N., Erzen, D., De Sousa, D., Korducki, L., Lavoie, K.L., Janssens, W. et Hamilton, A. (2017). Effect of 8 and 12 Weeks’ Once-Daily Tiotropium and Olodaterol, Alone and Combined with Exercise Training, on Exercise Endurance During Walking in Patients with COPD [Poster], Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, 1(3), 159.
- Frith, P., Troosters, T., Bourbeau, J., Maltais, F., Leidy, N., Erzen, D., De Sousa, D., Korducki, L., Lavoie, K.L., Janssens, W. et Hamilton, A. (2017). Effect of tiotropium and olodaterol, alone and with exercise training, on exercise endurance in COPD [Résumé], Respirology, 22(Suppl. 2), TO-048.
- Lavoie, K., Sedeno, M., Li, P.Z., Troosters, T., Hamilton, A., De Sousa, D. et Bourbeau, J. (2017). Effects of bronchodilator therapy and exercise with self-management behaviour-modification on psychological and cognitive outcomes in COPD, European Respiratory Journal, 50(suppl 61), OA466.
- Jacob, A., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2017). Impact of a cognitive-behavioral (CBT) weight management program on weight change and depressive symptoms in asthmatic patients: A pilot study, Canadian Respiratory Journal, 1(2), 92.
- Plourde, A., Lavoie, K.L., Raddatz, C. et Bacon, S.L. (2017). Impact of acute laboratory psychological stress on physiological responses among asthmatics: A systematic review [Poster], Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, 1(2), 91.
- Lavoie, K.L., Paine, N.J., Pelletier, R., Arsenault, A., Campbell, T., Pilote, L., Bacon, S.L. et Diodati, J.G. (2017). Impact of antidepressants on risk for major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with and without cardiovascular disease [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51(Suppl. 1), S1737.
- Bourbeau, J., Sedeno, M., Li, P.-Z., Troosters, T., Hamilton, A., De Sousa, D., Maltais, F., Leidy, N., Erzen, D. et Lavoie, K. (2017). Impact of meeting behavioral targets in a self-management behaviour-modification program designed to improve physical activity in COPD patients [Résumé], European Respiratory Journal, 50(suppl 61), PA489.
- Farnesi, C., Paine, N.J., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2017). Investigating the relationship between perceived stress and copingskills on adiposity in pre-teen girls [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51(Suppl. 1), S2138.
- Bacon, B., Lavoie, K., Paine, N., Tan, W., Li, P., Labonte, L., Aaron, S., Benedetti, A., Chapman, K., Walker, B., Fitzgerald, M., Hernandez, P., Maltais, F., Marciniuk, D., O'Donnell, D., Sin, D. et Bourbeau, J. (2017). Is psychological stress associated with smoking and physical activity levels in patients in the CanCOLD Study?, European Respiratory Journal, 50(suppl 61), PA772.
- Paine, N., L.K., Bacon, B., Tan, W., Li, P., Labonte, L., Aaron, S., Benedetti, A., Chapman, K., Walker, B., Fitzgerald, M., Hernandez, P., Maltais, F., Marciniuk, D., O'Donnell, D., Sin, D. et Bourbeau, J. (2017). Is psychological stress associated with smoking and physical activity levels in patients in the CanCOLD Study? [Poster], Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, 1(2), 100.
- Legris-Falardeau, V., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2017). Longitudinal impact of depressive disorders on asthma control in adult patients, European Respiratory Journal, 50(suppl 61), PA629.
- Jacob, A., Bacon, S.L., Moullec, G., Laurin, C., Cowan, T., Kazazian, C., Raddatz, C. et Lavoie, K.L. (2017). The effect of cognitive-behavioral weight loss interventions on psychological outcomes: A meta-analysis [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51(Suppl. 1), S2397.
- Bacon, S.L., Kazazian, C., Jacob, A. et Lavoie, K.L. (2017). The effect of the non-pharmacological extension of CONSORT in quality of reporting of behavioural weight loss RCTs [Résumé], Trials, 18(Suppl. 1), P473.
- Farnesi, B.C., Lavoie, K.L., Legault, L. et Bacon, S.L. (2016). A qualitative exploration on the treatment and management of severe obesity in youth [Résumé], Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 9(2), 9.
- Dragomir, A.I., Bacon, S.L., Moullec, G., Blais, L., Laurin, C. et Lavoie, K.L. (2016). Adherence profiles are associated with differential responses to a MC intervention for medication adherence in asthma patients [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 50(Suppl 1), S191.
- Paine, N.J., Bacon, S.L., Pelletier, R., Arsenault, A. et Lavoie, K.L. (2016). Anxiety is associated with an increased risk of exercise-induced ischemia in women without a history of CAD, but not in men [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 50(Suppl 1), S122.
- Julien, C.A., Dragomir, A.I., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2016). Associations Between Depression and Sputum Inflammatory Markers in Patients With and Without Asthma [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 50(Suppl 1), S224.
- Lavoie, K.L., Bell, M., Taylor, T., Arendse, R., Saum, M., Faucher, D., Shawi, M. et Camerlain, M. (2016). Clinician training in motivational communication skills: The impact of the Language of Change Program among rheumatologists from across Canada [Poster], Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 75(Suppl. 2), 659.
- Lavoie, K.L., Bell, M., Taylor, T., Arense, R., Saum, M., Faucher, D., Shawi, M. et Camerlain, M. (2016). Clinician training in motivational communication skills: The impact of the Language of Change Program among rheumatologists from across Canada [Résumé], Arthritis & Rheumatology, 68(S10), 1462-1463.
- Duckworth, K., Pépin, V., Wardini, R., Rizk, A., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2016). Depression symptoms as a predictor of pulmonary rehabilitation aerobic exercise attendance and compliance, and authonomous exercise levels 9 months afterwards: A pilot study, Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 9 (2), 9-10.
- Troosters, T., B.J., Maltais, F., Leidy, N., Erzen, D., De Sousa, D., Korducki, L., Lavoie, K.L., Janssens, W. et Hamilton, A. (2016). Effect of 8 and 12 weeks' once-daily tiotropium and olodaterol, alone and combined with exercise training, on exercise endurance during walking in patients with COPD, European Respiratory Journal, 48(suppl 60), PA976.
- Troosters, T., Bourbeau, J., Maltais, F., Leidy, N., Erzen, D., De Sousa, D., Korducki, L., Lavoie, K.L., Janssens, W. et Hamilton, A. (2016). Effect of 8 and 12 weeks' once-daily tiotropium and olodaterol, alone and combined with exercise training, on exercise endurance during walking in patients with COPD [Résumé], Thorax, 71(Suppl. 3), A21-22.
- Troosters, T., Lavoie, K.L., Leidy, N., Maltais, F., Sedeno, M., Janssens, W., Hamilton, A., Erzen, D., De Sousa, D., Korducki, L. et Bourbeau, J. (2016). Effects of bronchodilator therapy and exercise training, added to a self-management behaviour-modification programme, on physical activity in COPD, European Respiratory Journal, 48(suppl 60), PA713.
- Mercer, D.A., Ditto, B., Lavoie, K., Arsenault, A. et Bacon, S.L. (2016). Health locus of control longitudinally predicts major adverse cardiac events, Psychosomatic Medicine, 78, A28.
- Gagnon-Chauvin, A., Julien, C., Bacon, S.L., Favreau, H. et Lavoie, K.L. (2016). Impact of psychiatric disorders on health and employement outcomes in patients referred for evaluation of occupational asthma [Résumé], The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 9(2), 19.
- Paine, N.J., Bacon, S.L., Boudreau, M., Dolan, E.M. et Lavoie, K.L. (2016). Increases in expired CO2 in response to a standard panic (CO2) challenge in asthma patients with anxiety sensitivity and panic disorder [Résumé], The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 9(2), 10.
- Julien, C.A., Dragomir, A.I., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2016). Is depression associated with sputum inflammatory markers and lung function in asthma? [Résumé], The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 9(2), 7.
- Lavoie, K.L., Bell, M., Taylor, T., Arendse, R., Faucher, D., Saum, M., Shawi, M. et Camerlain, M. (2016). La communication motivationnelle : L’impact du programme de formation « Le langage du changement » chez des rhumatologues canadiens [Résumé], Revue du rhumatisme, 83(Suppl.1), A90.
- Poureslami, I., Pakhale, S., Lavoie, K., To, T., Boulet, L.P., Gupta, S., Aaron, S. et Fitzgerald M. (2016). Patients as Research Partners in Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD) Research: Priorities, Challenges and Suggestions Made by Patients and Caregivers [Résumé], American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 193, A2666.
- Boucher, V.G., Comtois, A.S. et Lavoie, K. (2016). Performance Index and Psychological Momentum during a 3000m Competition amongst University Cross-Country Runners: A psychophysiological perspective [Résumé], The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 9(2), 4.
- Foldes-Busque, G., Hamel, S., Belleville, G., Fleet, R., Dupuis, G., Bacon, S., Poitras, J., Chauny, J.M., Vadeboncoeur, A., Lavoie Marchand, A. (2016). Predictors of changes in pain level in patients with non-cardiac chest pain and panic disorder [Résumé], Psychosomatic Medicine, 78, A106.
- Lipszyc, J., Silverman, F., Holness, D.L., Liss, G., Lavoie, K.L. et Tarlo, T. (2016). Psychological, quality of life, and work-limitation outcomes among occupational asthma and work-exacerbated asthma subgroups, European Respiratory Journal, 48(suppl 60), PA115.
- Lipszyc, J.C., Silverman, F., Holness, D.L., Liss, G.M., Lavoie, K.L. et Tarlo, S.M. (2016). Psychosocial, quality of life and socioeconomic outcomes of patients with work-related asthma and relationships to different models of clinical organization [Résumé], American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 193, A3717.
- Jojich-White, U., Beland, M., Briand, S., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2016). The Effects of Physical Activity on the Depression-Smoking Relationship in Asthmatic Adults [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 50(Suppl 1), S333.
- Beland, M., Jojich-White, U., Briand, S., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2016). The Efficacy of Exercise as a Treatment for Depression in Adults with Chronic Illness: A Systematic review [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 50(Suppl 1), S133.
- Beland, M., Jojich-‐White, U., Briand, S., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2016). The efficacy of exercise as a treatment for depression in adults with non-communicable diseases (NCDS): A systematic review [Résumé], The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 9(2), 5-6.
- Jacob, A., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon S.L. (2016). The impact of a cognitive-behavioral (CBT) weight loss management program on weight change and depressive symptoms in asthmatic patients: a pilot study [Résumé], The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 9(2), 4-5.
- Dolan, E.M., Paine, N.J., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2016). The impact of anxiety disorder and asthma diagnoses on airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR) to methacholine challenge in patients undergoing evaluation for occupational asthma [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 50(Suppl 1), S224.
- Paine, N.J., Bacon, S.L., Boudreau, M., Dolan, E.M. et Lavoie, K.L. (2016). The impact of Anxiety Sensitivity in asthma patients with panic disorder onrespiratory response to a standard panic (CO2) challenge [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 50(Suppl 1), S224.
- Yohannes, A.M., Mulerova, H., Lavoie, K., Rennard, S., Vestbo, J., Wouters, E. et Hanania, N.A. (2016). The Impact of Depressive Symptoms on Acute Exacerbations in Patients with COPD: Results from a 3-Year Longitudinal Follow- Up of the ECLIPSE Cohort [Résumé], American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 193, A3574.
- Bacon, S.L., Czajkowski, S.M., Lavoie, K.L. et Freedland, K.E. (2016). The International Behavioral Trials Network (IBTN): An International Effort to Improve the Rigor and Impact of Behavioral Clinical Trials [Résumé], International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23(Suppl. 1), S53-54.
- Briand, S., Beland, M., Bacon, S.L., Jojich-White, U. et Lavoie, K.L. (2016). The Mediator Effect of Smoking Status on the Association Between Anxiety Disorders and Asthma Controlin Asthma Patients [Résumé], Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 50(Suppl 1), S225.
- Paine, N.J., Lavoie, K.L., Laurin, C. et Bacon, S.L. (2016). The role of cardio-metabolic risk on COPD exacerbations in COPD patients [Résumé], The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 9(2), 11.
- Dragomir, A., Julien, C., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2016). Training healthcare professionals in health behavior change strategies: a systematic review [Résumé], The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 9(2), 13.
- Bacon, S., L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2016). What is the International Behavioral Trials Network and what can it do for you?, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23(Suppl. 1): S54.
- Cowan, T., Jacob, A., Lavoie, K.L., Hogg-Tishaw, C., Tolentino, R. et Bacon, S.L. (2015). Behavioural weight loss interventions and psychological outcomes: A Systematic Review, Canadian Psychology, 55(2a), 139.
- Mercer, D.A., Ditto, B., Lavoie, K.L., Arsenaul, t A. et Bacon, S.L. (2015). Comparing categorical and dimensional measurement of anxiety and depression in association with C-reactive protein in cardiac patients, Psychosomatic Medicine, 78, A28.
- Pelletier, R., Eisenberg, M.J., Humphries, K.H., Bacon, S.L., Thanassoulis, G., Lavoie, K.L., Khan, N.A., Rabi, D., Karp, I., Norris, C., Cox, J., Daskalopoulou, S.S. et Pilote, L. (2015). Determinants of smoking cessation in young women and men after acute coronary syndrome, Psychosomatic Medicine, 77, A41.
- Boudreau, M., Sayegh-Smith, J., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2015). Do panic attacks cause asthma attacks? Impact of panic challenge on bronchoconstriction in asthmatics with and without panic disorder, Canadian Psychology, 56(2a), 139.
- Pinheiro Carvalho, J., Paine, N.J., Lavoie, K.L., Laurin, C. et Bacon, S.L. (2015). Effect of panic attacks on exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Canadian Psychology, 55(2a), 143.
- Sayegh-Smith, J., Boudreau, M., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2015). Factors associated with having a panic attack-induced asthma exacerbation [Résumé], American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 191, A1385.
- Bacon, S., Lavoie, K., Bourbeau, J., Lemiere, C., Pepin, V. et Beland, M. (2015). Impact of a 12-Week Supervised Aerobic Exercise Program on Asthma Control in Adult Patients With Asthma: Preliminary Results From the EX-ASTHMA Behavioral RCT [Résumé], CHEST, 148(4, suppl.), 640A.
- Paine, N.J., Lavoie, K.L., Moga, A., Moullec, G., Laurin, C., Pelletier, R., Arsenault, A. et Bacon, S.L. (2015). Increased METS during exercise stress testing is predictive of reduced risk of COPD development, Canadian Respiratory Journal, 22, 12A.
- Raddatz, C., Jacob, A., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2015). Investigating the Quantitative Relationship between Body Mass Index and Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Adults with Asthma, Canadian Respiratory Journal, 22, 8A.
- Beland, M., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2015). L'impact de l'utilisation des soins de santé sur le développement de troubles de l'humeur chez les patients souffrant d'asthme, Canadian Psychology, 55(2a), 21.
- Lavoie, K., Chapman, K., Casey, D., Rea, R., Arias, K. et Jones, P. (2015). Lost in Communication: Discrepancies Between Physician and Patient Reports of Medication-Related Education and Adverse Events in COPD [Résumé], CHEST, 148(4, suppl.), 679A.
- Bacon, S.L., Boudreau, M., Lavoie, K.L., Elhalwi, A., Sayegh-Smith, J., Lemiere, C. et Maghni, K. (2015). Objective measures of asthma, subjective distress, and physiological responses of asthma patients with and without panic disorder during methacholine challenge, Canadian Respiratory Journal, 22, 7A.
- Dragomir, A.I., Bacon, S.L., Moullec, G., Blais, L., Laurin, C. et Lavoie, K.L. (2015). Positive impact of healthcare autonomy support on patient motivation and adherence to asthma medication, Canadian Psychology, 55(2a), 22.
- Duckworth, K., Pepin, V., Wardini, R., Rizk, A.K., Bacon, S.L., Lavoie, K.L. et Moullec, G. (2015). Predictors of endurance training attendance and compliance during pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD: A pilot study, Canadian Respiratory Journal, 22, 21.
- Sayegh-Smith, J., Boudreau, M., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2015). Predictors of having panic attack-like symptoms in asthma patients undergoing a methacholine challenge test, Canadian Respiratory Journal, 22, 8-9A.
- Tang, A., Kline, G.A., Bacon, S.L., Lavoie, K.L. et Pilote L. (2015). Prolonged Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Activation After Acute Coronary Syndrome in the GENESIS-PRAXY Cohort, Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 39(6), 538.
- Lipszyc, J.C., Silverman, F.S., Holness, D.L., Liss, G.M., Lavoie, K.L. et Tarlo, S.M. (2015). Psycho-Socio-Economic and Health Outcomes of Patients with Work-Related Asthma [Résumé], American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 191, A1708.
- Arsenault, A., P.N., Meloche, B., Jolicoeur, L., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2015). Reactive brachial hyperemic response (RBHR): Adding quantitative estimates to endothelial reactivity as markers of physiological and psychological risk factors [Résumé], Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 22(4): 750.
- Dragomir, A., Bacon, S.L., Moullec, G., Blais, L., Laurin, C. et Lavoie, K.L. (2015). Self-Efficacy, Motivation and Healthcare Provider Autonomy Support: Impact on Asthma Medication Adherence, Canadian Respiratory Journal, 22, 8A.
- Coleman, B.F., White-Gluz, B., Bacon, S.L., Lavoie, K.L., Arsenault, A. et Austin, A.W. (2015). Sociodemographic, clinical, and psychosocial characteristics associated with attrition in cardiac patients in a longitudinal study, Psychosomatic Medicine, 77, A32.
- Casey, D., Champman, K., Lavoie, K., Rea, R., Arias, K. et Jones, P. (2015). Symptom Severity and Morning Activity Limitation Associated With Patterns of Increased Inhaler Use in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) [Résumé], CHEST, 148(4, suppl.), 708A.
- Kazazian, C., Jacob, A., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2015). The Effect of the Non-Pharmacological Extension of CONSORT in Quality of Reporting of Behavioural RCTs, Canadian Psychology, 55(2a), 141.
- Jacob, A., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2015). The impact of a cognitive-behavioral (CBT) weight management program on weight change and depressive symptoms in asthmatic patients: A pilot study, Canadian Psychology, 55(2a), 141.
- Moga, A., Lavoie, K.L., Yohannes, A., Pelletier, R. et Bacon, S.L. (2015). The impact of anxiety and mood disorders on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease development, Canadian Respiratory Journal, 22, 11-12A.
- Chapman, K., Casey, D., Lavoie, K., Rea, R., Arias, K. et Jones, P. (2015). The Impact of Comorbidities on the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Respiratory Specialist Practice [Résumé], CHEST, 148(4, suppl.), 738A.
- Béland, M., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2015). The Impact of Health Care Use on the Development of Mood Disorders in Patients with Asthma, Canadian Respiratory Journal, 22, 7A.
- Paine, N.J., Bacon, S.L., Pelletier, R., Arsenault, A., Stebenne, P. et Lavoie, K.L. (2015). Women display greater prevalence of psychiatric disorders than men amongst patients referred for exercise stress testing, Canadian Psychology, 55(2a), 142.
- Mercer, D.A., Ditto, B., Lavoie, K.L., Arsenault, A. et Bacon, S.L. (2014). Are anxiety and depressive symptoms associated with internal health locus of control in cardiac outpatients, Psychosomatic Medicine, 76, A87-88.
- Austin, A.W., von Kanel, R., Mills, P.J., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L. et Dimsdale, J.E. (2014). Associations between sleep disruptions and inflammatory responses to acute psychological stress, Psychosomatic Medicine, 76, A28.
- Bacon, S.L., Lemier, C., Jacob, A. et Lavoie, K.L. (2014). Asthma phenotypes and their association with the asthma-obesity relationship, Psychosomatic Medicine, 76, A63.
- Leung Yinko, S.S., Pelletier, R., Behlouli, H., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L., Daskalopoulou, S.S., Thanassoulis, G., Karp, I., Eisenberg, M.J., Pilote, L. et G.E.N.E.S.I.S.-P.R.A.X.Y. Investigators. (2014). Barriers to improvements in fruit and vegetable intake after premature acute coronary syndrome: what is the role of dietary counselling and patient characteristics? [Résumé], Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 30(10, suppl.), S149.
- Austin, A.W., von Kanel, R., Mills, P.J., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L., Pung, M.A. et Dimsdale, J.E. (2014). Disrupted sleep is associated with elevated inflammatory stress response, Canadian Psychology, 55, 41.
- Béland, M., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie K.L. (2014). Factors associated with the development of mood disorders in patients with asthma, Canadian Psychology, 55, 41.
- Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2014). Motivating people to engage and maintain an active lifestyle: Using motivational communication to improve physical activity and health outcomes, Canadian Psychology, 55, 97.
- Janssens, T., Ritz, T., Lavoie, K.L., Wright, R.J. et Leher, P. (2014). Psychobiological mechanisms and asthma outcomes: Laboratory models, longitudinal observations, and behavioral intervention, Psychosomatic Medicine, 76, A14.
- Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2014). Psychosocial, behavioural, and physiological mechanisms linking psychiatric comorbidity to worse asthma control: A consolidation of evidence from the Psychological Factors in Asthma Longitudinal (PAL) study, Psychosomatic Medicine, 76, A14-15.
- Pelletier, R., Karp, I., Bacon, S., Thanassoulis, G., Humphries, K., Cox, J., Dasgupta, K., Norris, C., Daskalopoulou, S.S., Lavoie, K. et Pilote, L. (2014). Recurrent events in patients with premature acute coronary syndrome: Psychosocial determinants and sex interactions [Résumé], Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 63(12S), A46.
- Bacon, S.L., Lemiere, C., Pepin, V., Maghni, K., Wright, A. et Lavoie, K.L. (2014). The association of leisure time physical activity and impact of exercise on asthma outcomes in adults with asthma, Canadian Psychology, 55, 97.
- Lavoie, K.,, Moullec, G. et Bacon, S. (2013). Applications and efficacy of motivational interviewing to improve adherence and outcomes in asthma, Canadian Psychology, 54, 105.
- Austin, A., Gordon, J., Lavoie, K.L., Arsenault, A. et Bacon, S.L. (2013). Are the somatic-affective and cognitive symptoms of depression differentially associated with insulin resistance, Canadian Psychology, 54, 134.
- Plourde, A., Lavoie, K.L., Ouellet, K., Carroll, D., Ring, C. et Bacon, S.L. (2013). Association between depression and hemodynamic, haemostatic, and endothelial responses to psychological stress in patients following coronary angiography, Canadian Psychology, 54, 138.
- Boudreau, M., Ouellet, K., Plourde, A., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2013). Association between panic disorder and asthma control: The impact of asthma self-efficacy, Canadian Psychology, 54, 134.
- Moullec, G., Plourde, A., Bacon, S.L., Suarthana, E. et Lavoie, K.L. (2013). Beck depression inventory-II: Determination and comparison of its diagnostic accuracy in asthmatic outpatients [Résumé], European Respiratory Journal, 42(Suppl 57), P971.
- Pelletier, R., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L., Thanassoulis, G., Khan, N. et Pilote, L. (2013). Depression and Disease Severity in Patients With Premature Acute Coronary Syndrome: Findings From the PRAXY Study [Résumé], Circulation, 128(Suppl. 22): A9395.
- Jacob, A., Bacon, S.L. et Lavoie, K.L. (2013). Depression: Does it lead to increases in body mass index among patients with asthma?, Canadian Psychology, 54, 136.
- Peláez, S., M.P.J., Wilson, K., Sadja, J., Lavoie, K.L. et Bacon, S.L. (2013). Is social integration related to exercise adherence in sedentary individuals with slightly elevated blood pressure? [Résumé], Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 33, 344-345.
- Lavoie, K. et Bacon, S. (2013). Optimizing recruitment in behavioural medicine research: The Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre experience, Canadian Psychology, 54, 13.
- Rizk, A., Wardini, R., Chan-Thim, E., De Lorimier, M., Bacon, S.L., Lavoie, K.L., Parenteau, S., Beaucage, F. et Pepin, V. (2013). Relationship between acute physiological response to exercise-training and compliance to pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 187, A2580.
- Bacon, S.L., Blais, L., Lemiere, C., Jacob, A. et Lavoie, K.L. (2013). Reliability and accuracy of self-reported versus measured weight, height,and body mass index in patients with asthma [Résumé], American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 187, A4206.
- Moullec, G., Lavoie, K. et Bacon, S. (2013). Reviewing the evidence: Efficacy of motivational interviewing for health behaviour change in chronic disease, Canadian Psychology, 54, 105.
- Austin, A.W., Gordon, J.L., Lavoie, K.L., Arsenault, A., Dasgupta, K. et Bacon, S.L. (2013). Somatic-affective symptoms of depression have a stronger association with insulin resistance than cognitive symptoms [Résumé], Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 37(Suppl. 4), S45.
- Rizk, A., C.-T.E., Wardini, R., De Lorimier, M., Bacon, S.L., Lavoie, K.L., Parenteau, S., Beaucage, F. et Pepin, V. (2013). The chronic affective response to different exercise-training protocols in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [Résumé], American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 187, A2581.
- Zhao, X., Arsenault, A., Lavoie, K.L., Meloche, B. et Bacon, S.L. (2007). Tracer kinetics of forearm endothelial function: Comparison of an empirical method and a quantitative modeling technique. Dans Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology – Proceedings.
- Laurin, C., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S., Stébenne, P.R., Dupuis, G., Cartier, A., Lacoste, G., Julien, M. et Labrecque, M. (2005). Sex Differences in the Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders and Psychological Distress in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in a Canadian Sample [Résumé], CHEST, 128(4S), 265S.
- Lavoie, K.L., Joseph, M., Favreau, H., Labrecque, M., Cartier, A. et al. (2014). Prévalence du stress psychologique et des troubles psychiatriques chez les patients soumis à une évaluation relative à l’asthme professionnel et l’impact sur la situation d’emploi et l’utilisation des services de la santé au terme de suivi de 18 moi.
- Sexton, L., Broga, M., Charest, R.M., Beaulieu, S., Lavoie, K.L., Leavey, J.E., Mothersill, K., Nussbaum, D., Richards, M., Saklofske, D. et Turner, C. (2010). CPA Task Force on Prescriptive Authority for Psychologists in Canada: Report to the Canadian Psychological Association Board of Directors. Canadian Psychological Association/Société canadienne de psychologie.
- Aboussafy, D., Balter, M., Godin, G., Lavoie, K. et Koley, S. (2004). Asthma: The psychology of compromise. Special report on the psychological burden of asthma.
- Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario(membres: K. Lavoie et al.). (2010). Strategies to support self-management in chronic conditions: Collaboration with clients. Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario.