Violaine Ponsin

Violaine Ponsin

Photo de Violaine Ponsin
Téléphone : (514) 987-3000 poste 3375
Local : PK-6835
Langues : Français, Anglais
Liens d'intérêt
Informations générales

Cheminement académique

Doctorat en Chimie de l'Environnement (2011 - 2014)
Université Aix-Marseille, France.

Maîtrise en Sciences de l'Environnement (2007 - 2011)
AgroParisTech, France.

Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Écoles (2005 - 2007)
Lycée Blaise-Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand), France.

Unités de recherche


Directions de thèses et mémoires

  • Saad, Destina. (2024). Analyse des problèmes liès à la qualité de l'eau dans le bassin versant de la rivière Châteauguay : identifier les enjeux dans les connaissances et les mesures de mitigation requises. (Essai). Université du Québec à Montréal.


Articles scientifiques
  • Lihl, C., Heckel, B., Grzybkowska, A., Dybala-Defratyka, A., Ponsin, V., Torrentó, C., Hunkeler, D. et Elsner, M. (2020). Compound-Specific Chlorine Isotope Fractionation in Biodegradation of Atrazine. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 22(3), 792–801.
  • Melsbach, A., Torrentó, C., Ponsin, V., Lachat, L., Prasuhn, V., Hofstetter, T. B., Hunkeler, D. et Elsner, M. (2020). Dual-Element Isotope Analysis of Desphenylchloridazon to Investigate its Environmental Fate in a Systematic Field Study – A Long-Term Lysimeter Experiment. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(7), 3929–3939.
  • Melsbach, A., Ponsin, V., Torrentó, C., Lihl, C., Hofstetter, T. B., Hunkeler, D. et Elsner, M. (2019). 13C- and 15N-isotope analysis of desphenylchloridazon by liquid chromatography-isotope-ratio mass spectrometry and derivatization gas chromatography-isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 91(5), 3412–3420.
  • Ponsin, V., Torrentó, C., Lihl, C., Elsner, M. et Hunkeler, D. (2019). Compound-specific chlorine isotope analysis of the herbicides atrazine, acetochlor and metolachlor. Analytical Chemistry, 91(22), 14290–14298.
  • Torrentó, C., Bakkour, R., Glauser, G., Melsbach, A., Ponsin, V., Hofstetter, T. B., Elsner, M. et Hunkeler, D. (2019). Solid-phase extraction method for stable isotope analysis of pesticides from large volume environmental water samples. Analyst, 144(9), 2898–2908.
  • Ponsin, V., Buscheck, T. et Hunkeler, D. (2018). How to Apply Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis to Complex Environmental Samples. Chimia, 72(1-2), 69.
  • Torrentó, C., Prasuhn, V., Spiess, E., Ponsin, V., Melsbach, A., Lihl, C., Glauser, G., Hofstetter, T. B., Elsner, M. et Hunkeler, D. (2017). Adsorbing vs. nonadsorbing tracers for assessing pesticide transport in arable soils. Vadose Zone Journal, 17(1).
  • Ponsin, V., Buscheck, T.E. et Hunkeler, D. (2017). Heart-cutting two-dimensional gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry analysis of monoaromatic hydrocarbons in complex groundwater and gas-phase samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 1492, 117–128.
  • Ponsin, V., Chablais, A., Dumont, J., Radakovitch, O. et Höhener, P. (2015). 222Rn as natural tracer for LNAPL recovery in a crude-oil contaminated aquifer. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, 35(2), 30–38.
  • Ponsin, V., Maier, J., Guélorget, Y., Hunkeler, D., Bouchard, D., Villavicencio, H. et Höhener, P. (2015). Documentation of time-scales for onset of natural attenuation in an aquifer treated by a crude-oil recovery system. Science of the Total Environment, 512-513, 62–73.
  • Ponsin, V., Mouloubou, O.R., Prudent, P. et Höhener, P. (2014). Does phosphate enhance the natural attenuation of crude oil in groundwater under defined redox conditions? Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 169, 4–18.
  • Ponsin, V., Coulomb, B., Guélorget, Y., Maier, J. et Höhener, P. (2014). In situ biostimulation of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation by nitrate and phosphate injection using a dipole well configuration. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 171, 22–31.
  • Höhener, P. et Ponsin, V. (2014). In situ vadose zone bioremediation. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 27, 1–7.
Actes de colloque
  • Torrentó, C., Bakkour, R., Ryabenko, E., Ponsin, V., Prasuhn, V., Hofstetter, T. B., Elsner, M. et Hunkeler, D. (2015). Fate of four herbicides in an irrigated field cropped with corn: lysimeter experiments. Dans Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 13, 158-161.
Rapports de recherche ou techniques
  • Bouchard, D., Hunkeler, D., Ponsin, V., Marchesi, M., Aravena, R., Barker, J., Thomson, N. R. et Madsen, E. L. (2017). Technical guideline – Diagnostic tools application.