Sara Rankohi

Sara Rankohi

Photo de Sara Rankohi
Téléphone : (514) 987-3000 poste 20826
Local : DS-3719
Langues : Français, Anglais, Perse
Ce professeur désire s'entretenir avec les médias
Liens d'intérêt


Articles scientifiques
  • Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M., Iordanova, I. et Carbone, C. (2023). Developing a Construction-Oriented DfMA Deployment Framework. Buildings, 13(4), article 1050.
  • Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M. et Iordanova, I. (2023). The new-normal challenges and IPD solutions: a Canadian case study. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 13(1), 20–35.
  • Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M. et Iordanova, I. (2022). The concept of integration in an IPD context: a grounded theory review. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Prépublication.
  • Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M. et Iordanova, I. (2022). The latest operational, contractual and organizational trends in IPD literature: review and future directions. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Prépublication.
  • Rankohi, S. et Waugh, L.M. (2013). Review and analysis of augmented reality literature for construction industry. Visualization in Engineering, 1(1), article 9.
Chapitres de livre
  • Rankohi, S., Rezvani, M., Waugh, L. et Lei, Z. (2023). Augmented Reality Application Areas for the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Industry. Dans P. Boulanger (dir.). Applications of Augmented Reality – Current State of the Art. IntechOpen.
  • Bourgault, M., Iordanova, I., Perrier, N., Rankohi, S. et Denis, M. (2021). Les modes de réalisation comme moyen d’orchestrer les projets de construction : concepts et exemples nationaux. Dans M. Brunet et A. Romero-Torres (dir.). La gestion de projets au Québec : des cas pour illustrer une expertise en croissance (p. 169–194). Les Éditions JFD.
Articles professionnels ou de magazines
  • Montazeri, S., Rankohi, S. et Iordanova, I. (2023). Design For Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) in Off-Site Construction (OSC) And On-Site Construction. Civil Magazine (CSCE), fall.
  • Lizarralde, G., Bourgault, M., Leoto, R., Herazo, B., Hasan, L., Petter, A. M. et Rankohi, S. (2023). Quels véritables liens entre le processus de conception intégrée et la qualité du projet? FORMES, 19(1).
    Notes: Dossier Processus de conception intégrée Architecture – Territoire – Objet – Matériaux – Environnement
Actes de colloque
  • Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M., Pellerin, R. et Iordanova, I. (2023). An Integrated Reverse Logistic Management Architecture for the Steel Industry. Dans CIGI Qualita MOSIM 2023, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada.
  • AlBalkhy, W., Rankohi, S., Lafhaj, Z., Iordanova, I., Ramirez Velasquez., J.M., Bourgault, M. et Pellerin, R. (2023). Lean and IoT integration to improve flow in construction prefabrication: a proposed framework. Dans Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC31), (p. 836–845).
  • Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M., Iordanova, I. et Carbone, C. (2022). Design-for-Manufacturing-and-Assembly (DfMA) for the construction industry: A review. Dans M. Al-Hussein (dir.). Proceedings of the 2022 Modular and Offsite Construction (MOC) Summit, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, July 27-29, 2022, (p. 1-8).
  • Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M., Iordanova, I. et Carbone, C. (2022). Towards Integrated Implementation of IPD and DFMA for Construction Projects: A Review. Dans Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC30), (p. 118-129).
  • Rankohi, S., Bourgault, M., Iordanova, I., Danjou, C., Garcia, P. et Grondin, J. (2021). Integration and I4.0 Tracking Systems for Steel Manufacturing Industry. Dans S. Walbridge, M. Nik-Bakht, K. Tsun Wai Ng, et al. (dir.). Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference 2021. CSCE21 Construction Track, volume 2, (p. 237–247). Springer.
  • Rankohi, S. et Bourgault M. (2018). Delta-Marriott Hotel Project: A Case Study of Construction Innovations in Building a Hotel Project in Ontario, Canada. Dans J. Rankin (dir.). CSCE General Conference 2018, held as part of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference 2018, Fredericton, Canada, 13-16 June 2018, (p. 222-225). Canadian Society of Civil Engineering (CSCE).
  • Akbarzadeh, A.H., Yazdani Sarvestani, H., Rankohi, S. et Mirabolghasemi, A. (2017). Engineered Graded Materials: Vibration of Doubly-Curved Graded Nano-Panels. Dans 6th International Conference on Engineering Mechanics and Materials 2017, Vancouver, Canada, 31 May-3 June 2017, (p.431-440). Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE).
  • Rankohi, S. (2017). Nanaimo Memory Care: A Case Study of a Multi-Residential Construction Project. Dans 2017 CSCE Annual Conference Vancouver – Leadership in Sustainable Infrastructure: 6th CSCE/CRC International Construction Specialty Conference. Proceedings.
Autres publications
  • Montazeri, S., Iordanova, I. et Rankohi, S. (2023). A Comparison Between Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (Dfma) in On-Site and Off-Site Construction (Osc) [Résumé]. CSCE Annual Conference - Moncton, NB, Canada, May, 24.
  • Rankohi, S. (2023). Barriers and Challenges in The Integrated Design Process Approcach – The Case of The Construction Industry of Quebec [Résumé]. CSCE Annual Conference - Moncton, NB, Canada, May, 26.