André Richelieu
André Richelieu
Unité : Département de marketing
Courriel :
Téléphone : (514) 987-3000 poste 2027
Local : DS-2849
Langues :
Français, Anglais, Espagnol, Roumain
Liens d'intérêt
- Activité de synthèse de la maîtrise en administration (2025, 2024)
- Marketing (2025, 2021)
- Marketing (2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020)
- Essai (2025)
- Le marketing dans l'industrie du sport (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020)
- Nouvelles tendances et nouveaux objets de la recherche en marketing (2023, 2020)
- Séminaire sur les théories en marketing (2022)
- Marketing international (2022)
- Commerce et marketing international (2021)
Directions de thèses et mémoires
- Thibault, Vincent. (2020). Le capital de marque des équipes sportives professionnelles : élaboration d'un nouveau cadre conceptuel. (Mémoire de maîtrise). Université du Québec à Montréal.
Rapports de stages
- Birard, Mathilde Anne. (2017). Le sentiment d'appartenance et la fidelité des fans de sport. (Rapport de stage). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Bellais, Hugo. (2024). Le marketing stratégique dans les organisations professionnelles de hockey. Regard sur la ligue américaine de hockey. (Essai). Université du Québec à Montréal.
- Sciolla, Aurélien. (2024). Les meilleures pratiques de gestions dans l'industrie du sportainment. (Essai). Université du Québec à Montréal.
Articles scientifiques
- Richelieu, A., Gavrila, S. et Sercia, P. (2023). The challenge of renewing a varsity sport brand: A mixed-methods approach. Sport, Business and Management, 13(4), 431–449.
- Richelieu, A., Lin, Y.-C. et Leng, H.-K. (2022). A typology of countries using place branding through sport. Journal of Global Sport Management.
- Webb, A. et Richelieu, A. (2022). Seeing is Believing: Special Olympics Events and the Society of the Spectacle. Event Management, 26(3), 473–492.
- Richelieu, A. et Webb, A. (2022). Strategic sport marketing in the society of the spectacle. Journal of Strategic Marketing.
- Richelieu, A. (2021). From sport to ‘sportainment’. The art of creating an added-value brand experience for fans. Journal of Brand Strategy, 9(4), 408–422.
- Richelieu, A. et Webb, A. (2019). A tale of two networks: Contrasting Sport for Development and Peace actor-networks. Journal of Global Sport Management, 4(4), 371–391.
- Webb, A., Richelieu, A. et Cloutier, A. (2019). From clipboards to annual reports: innovations in sport for development fact management. Managing Sport and Leisure, 24(6), 400–423.
- Musso, F., Richelieu A. et Francioni, B. (2019). Key factors for ensuring performance and attracting practitioners to small sport clubs. International Journal of Sport Management & Marketing, 19(5/6), 352–370.
- Richelieu, A. (2018). A sport-oriented place branding strategy for cities, regions and countries. Sport, Business and Management, 8(4), 354–374.
Notes: Prix d’Excellence «Highly Commended Paper 2019», Emerald Literati Awards /Award for Excellence “Highly Commended Paper 2019”, Emerald Literati Awards. - Webb, A. et Richelieu, A. (2018). Sanctioning, qualifying, and manipulating: dramatic phases in president’s letters. Society and Business Review, 13(1), 61–79.
- Richelieu, A. et Webb, A. (2017). Innovations in Major League Baseball catalysing factors: when winning is not enough. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 17(3), 220–236.
- Richelieu, A. et Webb, A. (2016). Carrying excess baggage? Considerations for social sport for development businesses. Social Business, 6(2), 153–174.
- Musso, F., Richelieu, A. et Francioni, B. (2016). Making small sports clubs manageable and economically sustainable – A study on clay target shooting in Italy. Managing Sport and Leisure, 21(5), 283–299.
- Webb, A. et Richelieu, A. (2016). Sport for development and peace in action: Building facts for funding. Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 40(5), 432–456.
- Richelieu, A. (2016). Sport teams' brands going international: The ‘Integrated Marketing Strategy on the Internationalisation in Sport’ (IMSIS). Journal of Brand Strategy, 5(2), 218–231.
- Bae, J., Lu-Anderson, D., Fujimoto, J. et Richelieu, A. (2015). East Asian College Consumer Decision-Making Styles for Sport Products. Sport Business and Management, 5(3), 259–275.
- Webb, A. et Richelieu, A. (2015). Sport for Development and Peace Snakes and Ladders. Qualitative Market Research, 18(3), 278–297.
- Richelieu, A. et Lessard, S. (2014). Long gone the glory days – Is branding of any help? The case of formerly successful European football teams. Sport Business and Management, 4(4), 284–297.
- Richelieu, A. et Korai, B. (2014). The consumption experience of Tim Hortons' coffee fans. Qualitative Market Research, 17(3), 192–208.
- Richelieu, A. (2014). The strategic management of the brand in the world of sport. Journal of Brand Strategy, 2(4), 403–415.
- Giroux, M., Pons, F. et Richelieu, A. (2013). Internationalisation of sports teams brands: The consumers' perspective. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 11(1), 1–18.
- Richelieu, A. (2013). La marque, levier stratégique dans le monde des affaires du sport. Gestion, 38(4), 6–15.
- Richelieu, A. et Desbordes, M. (2013). Sports teams and equipment manufacturers going international: The strategic leverage of co-branding. Sport, Business and Management, 3(1), 63–77.
- Robichaud, F., Richelieu, A. et Kozak, R. (2012). Branding as a communications strategy: A framework for desired brand identity. Journal of Brand Management, 19(8), 712–734.
- Richelieu, A. et Korai, B. (2012). Identity and sport: Young French Canadians and the Montréal Canadiens hockey club. Sport, Business and Management, 2(2), 127–136.
- Richelieu, A. et Korai, B. (2012). The international expansion of religious organizations in Africa. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 17(2), 144–155.
- Richelieu, A., Pawlowski, T. et Breuer, C. (2011). Football brand management: Minor league versus Champions League. Journal of Sponsorship, 4(2), 178–189.
Obtenir "Football brand management: Minor league versus Champions League" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Richelieu, A. et Pons, F. (2011). How strong is my sports brand? The case of the Montréal Canadiens Hockey Club. Journal of Sponsorship, 4(4), 353–365.
Obtenir "How strong is my sports brand? The case of the Montréal Canadiens Hockey Club" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Richelieu, A. et Desbordes, M. (2009). Football teams going international – The strategic leverage of branding. Journal of Sponsorship, 3(1), 10–22.
Obtenir "Football teams going international – The strategic leverage of branding" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Richelieu, A. et Pons, F. (2009). If brand equity matters, where is the brand strategy? A look at Canadian hockey teams in the NHL. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 5(1/2), 162–182.
- Robichaud, F., Kozak, R. et Richelieu, A. (2009). Wood use in nonresidential construction: A case for communication with architects. Forest Products Journal, 59(1/2), 57–65.
- Manivet, B. et Richelieu, A. (2008). Dangerous liaisons: How can sports brands capitalize on the Hip Hop movement. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 3(1/2), 140–161.
- Richelieu, A. et Lopez, S. (2008). How and when is a sponsor's image beneficial to the sponsoree? The importance of a perfect match. Journal of Sponsorship, 1(3), 225–233.
Obtenir "How and when is a sponsor's image beneficial to the sponsoree? The importance of a perfect match" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM - Séguin, B., Richelieu, A. et O'Reilly, N. (2008). Leveraging the Olympic brand through the reconciliation of corporate and consumers' brand perceptions. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 3(1/2), 3–22.
- Richelieu, A., Lopez, S. et Desbordes, M. (2008). The internationalisation of a sports team brand: the case of European soccer teams. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 10(1), 23–38.
- Richelieu, A. et Boulaire, C. (2006). Conceptul de produs post-modern în acţiune: cazul New Era [The post-modern product concept in action: The case of New Era]. Revista Română de Marketing, 1(2), 42–51.
- Richelieu, A. et Pons, F. (2006). Toronto Maple Leafs vs. Football Club Barcelona: How two legendary sports teams built their brand equity. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 7(3), 231–250.
- Richelieu, A. et Boulaire, C. (2005). A post-modern conception of the product and its application to professional sport. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 7(1), 17–28.
- Couvelaere, V. et Richelieu, A. (2005). Brand strategy in professional sports: The case of French soccer teams. European Sport Management Quarterly, 5(1), 23–46.
Notes: Référencé dans Mullin, B. J., S. Hardy & W. A. Sutton. Sport Marketing, 3rd edition, Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics, 2007. - Richelieu, A. et Pons, F. (2005). Reconciling managers' strategic vision with fans' expectations. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 6(3), 6–19.
Notes: Référencé dans Mullin, B. J., S. Hardy & W. A. Sutton. Sport Marketing, 3rd edition, Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics, 2007. - Pons, F. et Richelieu, A. (2004). Marketing stratégique du sport : le cas d'une franchise de la Ligue Nationale de Hockey. Revue Française de Gestion, 30(150), 161–175.
Chapitres de livre
- Richelieu, A. (2016). The Changing World of Sports in Québec. Dans D. Taras et C. Waddell (dir.). How Canadians Communicate V Sports (p. 137–156). Athabaska University Press.
- Pons, F. et Richelieu, A. (2010). Managing Football in Emerging Markets: North America. Dans S. Chadwick et S. Hamil (dir.). Managing football: An international perspective (p. 357–371). Elsevier.
- Manivet, B. et Richelieu, A. (2009). Dangerous Liaisons: How Can Sports Brands Capitalize on the Hip Hop Movement? Dans J. Nauright et S. Pope (dir.). The New Sport Management Reader (p. 187–208). Fitness Information Technology Publishing.
- Richelieu, A. et Pons, F. (2008). Case 2 – Branding sport teams in a competitive context: A look at team branding strategies in the National Hockey League. Dans S. Chadwick et D. Arthur (dir.). International Cases in the Business of Sport (p. 13–29). Elsevier Publishers.
- Richelieu, A. (2008). Combiner gestion de la marque et relations publiques dans une démarche stratégique : le cas du Rouge et Or de l’Université Laval au Canada. Dans C. Hautbois et M. Desbordes (dir.). Sport et marketing public (p. 237–253). Economica.
- Richelieu, A. (2008). Le sport, levier de marque d'une équipe et d'une ville : le cas des Canadiens de Montréal. Dans C. Hautbois et M. Desbordes (dir.). Sport et marketing public (p. 127–141). Economica.
- Richelieu, A. et Manivet, B. (2007). Brand equity in a bottle: The secret behind the Montreal Alouettes' success. Dans B.G. Pitts (dir.). Sport Marketing in the New Millennium: Selected Papers from the Third Annual Conference of the Sport Marketing Association (p. 267–290). Fitness Information Technology Publishing.
- Richelieu, A. (2007). The beginning of a new beginning? How to expand soccer in Canada – A look at the federation and one club. Dans M. Desbordes (dir.). Marketing and Football: An International Perspective (p. 433–464). Elsevier publishers.
- Richelieu, A., Pons, F. et Soderman, S. (2007). The internationalization of a sports team brand: The case of Football Club Barcelona. Dans J. James (dir.). Sport marketing across the spectrum : research from emerging, developing, and established scholars : selected papers of the Fourth Annual Conference of the Sport Marketing Association (p. 181–192). Fitness Information Technology Publishing.
- Richelieu, A. et Couvelaere, V. (2005). The challenge of building brand equity: A look at cases in North America and Europe. Dans B.G. Pitts (dir.). Where sport marketing theory meets practice: selected papers from the second annual conference of the Sport Marketing Association (p. 207–226). Fitness Information Technology Publishing.
- Richelieu, A. (2004). Building the brand equity of professional sports teams. Dans B.G. Pitts (dir.). Sharing best practices in sport marketing: the Sport Marketing Association's inaugural book of papers (p. 3–21). Fitness Information Technology Publishing.
- Desbordes, M. et Richelieu, A. (dir.). (2019). International Sport Marketing: Issues and Practice. Routledge.
Notes: (2e édition de Global Sport Marketing) - Desbordes, M. et Richelieu, A. (dir.). (2018). Marketing du sport : une vision internationale. De Boeck.
Notes: 2e édition du livre "Néo-Marketing du Sport" - Desbordes, M., Richelieu, A. et Zeng, G. (2014). Marketing du Sport/Sports Marketing [Version chinoise]. (Original paru chez De Boeck en 2011).
- Desbordes, M. et Richelieu, A. (dir.). (2012). Global Sport Marketing: Contemporary Issues and Practice. Routledge.
- Desbordes, M. et Richelieu, A. (2011). Néo-marketing du sport. De Boeck.
Autres publications
- Richelieu, A. (2023). Fusion UFC-WWE – La manifestation de et la consécration du 'Sportainment'! [Vidéo]. YouTube, 4 avril.
- Richelieu, A. (2023). Les Canadiens de Montréal, 30 ans après leur dernière conquête de la Coupe Stanley [Vidéo]. YouTube, 9 juin.
- Richelieu, A. (2023). Sportainment et place branding: Le place branding, une stratégie gagnante à l'ère du sportainment? [Vidéo]. YouTube, 4 octobre.
- Richelieu, A. (2023). The challenge of renewing a varsity sport brand: A mixed-methods approach [Vidéo]. YouTube, 5 avril.
- Richelieu, A. (2023). UFC-WWE Merger – Manifestation of and consecration of 'Sportainment' as a new era and new industry! [Vidéo]. YouTube, 4 avril.
- Richelieu, A. (2022). Beijing 2022, Realpolitik and The Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) [Vidéo]. YouTube, 3 février.
- Richelieu, A. (2022). Canada at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar: 1986 vs. 2022 teams [Vidéo]. YouTube, 5 avril.
- Richelieu, A. (2022). Guy Lafleur : l’importance du lien émotionnel avec les partisans [Vidéo]. YouTube, 21 mai.
- Richelieu, A. (2022). Les Jeux Olympiques de Beijing 2022 et les nouvelles routes de la soie (Belt & Road Initiative) [Vidéo]. YouTube, 1 février.
- Richelieu, A. (2022). Logo de la RBC sur le chandail des Canadiens de Montréal [Vidéo]. YouTube, 21 septembre.
- Richelieu, A. (2022). Montreal Expos: From sport to lifestyle brand analysis + Sample of 20 of my over 100 Expos caps! [Vidéo]. YouTube, 25 mai.
- Richelieu, A. (2022). New Professor André's 'Sportainment' Website! [Vidéo]. YouTube, 20 janvier.
- Richelieu, A. (2022). Place branding & sport [Vidéo]. YouTube, 24 novembre.
- Richelieu, A. (2022). Scandale chez Hockey Canada [Vidéo]. YouTube, 14 octobre.
- Richelieu, A. (2022). Toronto Maple Leafs: Poor resource allocation = Endless playoff drought! [Vidéo]. YouTube, 19 mai.
- Richelieu, A. (2022). Vente des Sénateurs d'Ottawa: Avenir de la franchise avec ou sans nouvel aréna [Vidéo]. YouTube, 22 septembre.
- Richelieu, A. (2021). A Typology of Countries & Territories Using Place Branding through Sport-Persian Gulf, Asia & Russia [Vidéo]. YouTube, 22 septembre.
- Richelieu, A. (2021). From sport to ‘sportainment’! The ‘sportainment’ news with Professor André Richelieu [Vidéo]. YouTube, 16 février.
- Richelieu, A. (2021). Retour du baseball majeur à Montréal : Rêve ou réalité? Projet de baseball ou projet immobilier? [Vidéo]. YouTube, 30 septembre.
- Richelieu, A. (2021). Seeing is Believing: Special Olympics Events and the Society of the Spectacle [Vidéo]. YouTube, 17 novembre.
- Richelieu, A. (2021). Strategic Sport Marketing in the Society of the Spectacle – The 'Strategic Sportainment Mix' [Vidéo]. Youtube, 22 septembre.
- Richelieu, A. (2018). A sport-oriented place branding strategy: The 'sportainment' news with Professor André Richelieu [Vidéo]. YouTube, 16 février.
- Richelieu, A. (2008). Creating and managing sport teams' brands [Présentation narrative]. Dans S. Chadwick (dir.). Sport Marketing. Henry Stewart Talks.
Notes: Présentation narrative dans le cadre d’un ouvrage interactif