Patrizia Villotti
Patrizia Villotti
Cheminement académique
2017-2019 Stage postdoctoral, Centre de recherche de l'Institut Universitaire en Santé Mentale de Montréal
2016-2017 Stage postdoctoral, Centre de recherche de l'Hôpital Charles LeMoyne, Université de Sherbrooke
2016, mars Stage à l'étranger, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, UC Davis, California
2014-2016 Stage postdoctoral, Institut de recherche en sciences psychologiques, Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgique)
2013, août Stage à l'étranger, Psychosocial Research Center, Department of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne, Australia
2012-2013 Stage postdoctoral, Département de Psychologie et de sciences cognitives, Université de Trente (Italie), et Centre de recherche de l'Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne, Université de Sherbrooke
2008-2011 Doctorat en sciences psychologiques et éducation, Département de Psychologie et sciences cognitives, Université de Trente (Italie)
2010-2012 Formation stratégique sur la prévention de l'incapacité de travail, Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada, Université de Toronto
2004-2006 Maîtrise en Psychologie, Université catholique de Milan (Italie)
2001-2004 Baccalauréat en Psychologie, Université de Trente (Italie)
Projets de recherche et/ou de recherche-création en cours
Aménagements du travail et burnout
Chercheuse principale : Patrizia Villotti
Trauma and Gambling
Chercheuse principale : Eva Monson (Université de Sherbrooke)
Disclosing a psychiatric condition in the workplace: Evaluation of stigma and work outcomes Research project on disclosure of a psychiatric condition in the workplace
Chercheur principal : Marc Corbière / Organisme suvbentionnaire : IRSC
Élaboration d'un site internet portant sur les meilleurs pratiques en lien avec l'incapacité et le retour au travail
Chercheur principal : Christian Larivière / Organisme suvbentionnaire : IRSST
- Intervention socioprofessionnelle auprès de populations vulnérables en développement de carrière (2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020)
- Dimensions humaines du travail (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020)
- Counseling en contexte pluriethnique (2024, 2021)
- Épuisement prof. et counseling de carrière (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021)
- Lectures dirigées en counseling de carrière (2024, 2023, 2020)
- Stage en milieu de recherche en counseling et développement de carrière (2022, 2021)
- Séminaire de lecture (2022)
- Méthodologies de la recherche en développement de carrière (2020)
- Stage de recherche I (2020)
- Coppola A, Villotti P, Bentenuto A, de Falco S. Global affective quality and discrete synchronous behaviours in the interaction of mothers and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders¿ (Best Poster Award). International Margareth S. Mahler Symposium - New perspecive in Mahler's Separation-Individuation Theory: Neuropsychological views and Developmental Psychopathology¿, Padua, Italy, 21 May 2008.
- Bentenuto A, Villotti P, de Falco S. Sincronia e Disponibilità Emotiva come strumenti per la valutazione dell'interazione madre-bambino con sviluppo atipico. V Convegno AISMI. Napoli, 21-22 maggio 2010 (poster).
- Venuti P, de Falco S, Esposito G, Zanella N, Villotti P, Bornstein MH. Mean Length of Utterance (MLU) in Children Aged 4 to 9 Years: A Cross-Sectional Study. SRCD (Society for Research in Child Development) Biennal Meeting. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 31 March - 2 April 2011 (poster).
- Villotti P, Corbière M, Zaniboni S, Fraccaroli F. Promoting the social inclusion of people with mental disorders: the role of social enteprises. EAWOP Congress 22-25 May 2013, Munster, Germany (Interactive poster).
- Coco C, Villotti P, La Femina F. Introduzione di nuovi strumenti psicologici nel Servizio di Consulenza Psicologica dell'Università di Trento. Trento, 7 dicembre 2007, in Atti del convegno, 96-105
- Venuti P, de Falco S, Esposito G, Bentenuto A, Villotti P, Bornstein MH. Global affective quality and discrete synchronous behaviours in the interaction of mothers and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. 7° Annual International Meeting For Autism Research (IMFAR), London, UK, 15-17 May 2008.
- de Falco S, Venuti P, Esposito G, Villotti P, Bentenuto A. Disponibilità emotiva diadica in coppie genitore-bambino con sindrome di down e con disturbo dello spettro artistico. Congresso AIP Sezione Sviluppo. Padova, 20-22 September 2008.
- Villotti P, Bentenuto A, de Falco S. La sincronia e la disponibilità emotiva nell'interazione madre-bambino con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico. Congresso AIP sezione Clinica-Dinamica. Padova, 12-14 September 2008.
- Venuti P, Villotti P, de Falco S, Esposito G, Bentenuto A. Global affective quality and discrete synchronous behaviours in the interaction of mothers and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. IRIA2009, International Conference on Innovative Research In Autism. Tours, France, 15-17 April 2009
- Fraccaroli F, Zaniboni S, Villotti P. The motivation to keep working of people with mental disorders employed in Social Enterprises. 27th International Congress of Applied Psychologists. Melbourne-Australia, 11-16 July 2010.
- Venuti P, Bentenuto A, Villotti P. La disponibilità emotiva madre-bambino con disturbo dello spettro autistico. Congresso AIP sezione Clinica e Dinamica. Catania, 16-18 September 2011.
- Villotti P, Venuti P, Fraccaroli F. Il lavoro per le persone con disagio psichico. Educa: Educare nell'incertezza. Rovereto, 24 settembre 2011.
- Villotti P, Corbière M, Zaniboni S, Fraccaroli F. Evaluating the motivation to get and sustain employment in people with severe mental illness. 15th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. Maastricht-Netherlands, 25-28 May 2011
- Villotti P, Zaniboni S, Fraccaroli F. Accomodamenti lavorativi per persone con disabilità psichica impiegati in cooperative sociali. Congresso AIP Psicologia del Lavoro e delle Organizzazioni. Milano, 13-14 october 2011.
- Corbière M, Samson E, Villotti P, Pelletier J-F. Toward people with mental disorders: perspectives from different stakeholders. 5th International Stigma Conference: Together against stigma, changing how we see mental illness. Ottawa, Canada, 4-6 June 2012.
- Villotti P, Zaniboni S, Corbière M, Fraccaroli F. Increasing social integration, decreasing stigma: the work integration model of social enterprises. 5th International Stigma Conference: Together against stigma, changing how we see mental illness. Ottawa, Canada, 4-6 June 2012.
- Fraccaroli F, Villotti P, Balducci C, Zaniboni S, Corbière M. Validation and utility of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) in people with mental disorders. XXX International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, Africa 22-27 July 2012.
- Fraccaroli F, Villotti P. The social co-operatives approach for the work integration of people with mental disorders in Italy. Workshop Practiques d'insertion professionnelle Partage d'expériences internationals - une voie de Rétablissement pour les personnes handicapées psychiques Recherche Développement 2012-2015, 8-9 November 2012
- Fraccaroli F, Villotti P. The social co-operatives approach for the work integration of people with mental disorders in Italy. XVI Colloque de l'AQRP, Le Rendez-vous par excellence en santé mentale au Québec, 31 october - 2 November 2012, Quebec City (Canada).
- Villotti P. People with a severe mental illness and job retention: the role of social enterprise in Italy. 11th World Congress, World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Milan, Italy, 10-13 November 2012.
- Corbière M, Villotti P, Lecomte T. Job tenure of people with severe mental disorders registered in supported employment programs: The role of work accommodations. 23rd Annual TheMHS Conference 20-23 August 2013, Melbourne (Australia).
- Villotti P, Zaniboni S, Corbière M, Fraccaroli F. People with mental disorders and job tenure: the approach of social enterprises in Italy. 23rd Annual TheMHS Conference 20-23 August 2013, Melbourne (Australia).
- Villotti P, Zaniboni S, Fraccaroli F. Accomodamenti lavorativi per favorire il successo lavorativo di persone con schizofrenia. AIP XII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione Psicologia per le Organizzazioni, Padova, 25-27 settembre 2013.
- Villotti P, Zaniboni S, Corbière M, Fraccaroli F. Workplace adjustments and natural support for people with mental disorders employed in Italian Social Enterprises. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, 8-13 July 2014, Paris (France).
- Corbière M, Villotti P, Lecomte T, Bond G, Lesage A, Goldner E. Work accommodations and natural supports for helping people with severe mental disorders in SE programs maintain their employment. 3rd WDPI Conference, 29 September - 1 October 2014, Toronto (Canada).
- Villotti P, Corbière M, Fossey E, Fraccaroli F, Lecomte T, Harvey C. Workplace adjustments and natural support for people with mental disorders employed in social businesses: An international comparison. 3rd WDPI Conference, 29 September - 1 October 2014, Toronto (Canada).
- Villotti P, Corbière M, Fossey E, Fraccaroli F, Lecomte T, Harvey C. Workplace adjustments and natural support for people with psychiatric disability employed in social businesses: An international comparison. EAWOP Small Group Meeting on Disability and Employment: Integrating research streams and facilitating international collaboration 22-24 October 2014, Maastricht (The Netherlands).
- Corbière M, Villotti P, Lecomte T, Charbonneau C. Le rôle des accommodements de travail et des soutiens naturels dans le maintien en emploi de personnes avec un trouble mental grave. 8ème Congrès de l'AFPSA, Liège (Belgium), 15-17 Dec 2014.
- Villotti P, Corbière M, Fossey E, Fraccaroli F, Lecomte T, Harvey C. Workplace adjustments and natural support for people with mental disorders employed in social businesses: An international comparison. Workshop - Facteurs d'intégration professionnelle durable et de rétablissement : Pratiques et recherches internationales avec des personnes en situation de handicap psychique. Recherche Développement 2012-2016, 10-11 April 2014, Lyon, France.
- Villotti P, Fraccaroli F. Integrazione lavorativa di persone con disabilità psichica. Seminario di studio, Welfare ed inclusione: Impresa, Cooperazione e Solidarietà. ISFOL in collaborazione con il Ministero del Lavoro, Roma 9 aprile 2015.
- Villotti P, Desmette D, Herman G, Stinglhamber F. The influence of organizational diversity ideologies on work-related outcomes: differences between high-status and low-status groups of workers. 17th EAWOP Congress, Oslo (Norway), 20-23 May 2015.
- Villotti P, Angel V, Corbiére M, Desmette D. Comment les collègues de travail perçoivent et réagissent aux aménagements offerts aux personnes souffrant de burnout? XIX Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Psychologie du Travail de Langue française, Bruxelles (Belgique), 10-13 julliet 2016.
- Dewa C, Hoch J, Corbière M, Villotti P, Zaniboni S, Lecomte T, Sultan-Taïeb H, Trojanowski L, Fraccaroli F. A comparison of healthcare system use and costs of workers with psychiatric disabilities in social firms versus those who are not. 4th Work and Disability Prevention and Intervention Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 25-28 september 2016.
- Villotti P, Corbière M, Dewa C, Lecomte T, Zaniboni S, Sultan-Taïeb H, Durand MJ, Hupé J, Fraccaroli F. A serial mediation model of workplace social support on work productivity: the role of internalized stigma and job tenure self-efficacy in people with psychiatric disabilities. 4th Work and Disability Prevention and Intervention Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 25-28 september 2016
- Villotti P. Understanding stigma and self-stigma related to people with severe mental illness employed in social enterprise. Colloque organisé par l'Axe Traitement et réadaptation adaptés aux populations du centre de recherche de l'IUSMM « De la stigmatisation au rétablissement », Montreal 14 october 2016.
- Villotti P, Corbiere M. Promoting social inclusion, reducing perceived stigma: social enterprise approach for the work integration of people with severe mental disorders. 6th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, June 3rd-6th, 2017, Louvain la Neuve, Belgium
- Corbiere M, Villotti P. Work productivity of people with a psychiatric disability working in Canadian social firms: Testing a theoretical model with path analyses. 6th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, June 3rd-6th, 2017, Louvain la Neuve, Belgium.
- Corbière M, Villotti P, Lecomte T, Sultan-Taieb H, Guilione J, Gouin R, Lachance J-P, Olivares-Fontaine S, Mazaniello M. Colloque sur les entreprises d'économie sociales : résultats d'un projet de recherche financé par les IRSC. 7 Février 2018 (Montréal, Québec) - 40 participants. Colloque financé par la Chaire de recherche en santé mentale et travail
- Pothier, W., Cellard, C., Corbière, M., Villotti, P., Achim, AM., Lavoie, A., Turcotte, M., Vallières, C., & Roy, M-A. (soumis). Determinants of occupational recovery in recent-onset psychosis: The role of cognition. Communication affichée présentée à: The 2019 congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS), Orlando, États-Unis
- Gragano A, Villotti P, Larivière C., Negrini A., Corbière M. Individual psychological factors and tools related to RTW after a sick-leave due to musculoskeletal and common mental disorders: A literature review. 19th EAWOP Congress, Turin (Italy), 29 mai - 1 juin 2019
- Villotti P, Angel V, Corbière M, Desmette D. How do co-workers perceive work accommodations offered to persons suffering from burnout? 19th EAWOP Congress, Turin (Italy), 29 mai - 1 juin 2019.
- Villotti P, Gragnano A., Dionne CE, Larivière C, Corbière M. A literature review and tools appraisal of organizational factors associated with return to work in workers on sick leave due to musculoskeletal and common mental disorders. 19th EAWOP Congress, Turin (Italy), 29 mai - 1 juin 2019.
- Subvention IRSC, co-chercheure, projet 'Disclosing a psychiatric condition in the workplace: Evaluation of stigma and work outcomes' (PI: Pr. Marc Corbière) (Canada, 2017 - 2020)
- Subvention stage postdoctorale, Municipalité de Rovereto (Italie, 2012)
- Subvention IRSC, Formation stratégique des IRSC sur la prévention de l'incapacité de travail (Canada, 2010-2012)
- Bourse de doctorat, Département de Psychologie et de sciences cognitives, Université de Trente (Italie, 2009-2011)
- Prix Meilleure affiche 2009, International Margareth S Mahler Symposium (Italie, 2009)
- Prix Meilleure thèse de doctorat de l'année 2012, Association Italienne de Psychologie, domaine Psychologie organisationnelle et industrielle (Italie, 2012)
- Prix 1er concours étudiants-chercheurs étoiles 2017, Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal (Québec, 2017)
Membre du Comité de programme de l'Unité de programme(s) de 1er cycle en développement de carrière.
Membre régulier du Réseau provincial de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation (REPAR).
Réviseur de plusieurs articles soumis à des revues scientifiques (Frontiers in Psychology, WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation; Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation; Journal of Mental Health; The Open Public Health Journal; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health)
- Dewa, C.S., Hoch, J.S., Corbière, M., Villotti, P., Trojanowski, L., Sultan-Taïeb, H., Zaniboni, S. et Fraccaroli, F. (2019). A comparison of healthcare use and costs for workers with psychiatric disabilities employed in social enterprises versus those who are not employed and seeking work. Community Mental Health Journal, 55(2), 202–210.
- Sultan-Taïeb, H., Villotti, P., Berbiche, D., Dewa, C., Dejardins, É., Fraccaroli, F., Zaniboni, S., Mazaniello, M., Lecomte, T., Durand, M.-J. et Corbière, M. (2019). Can social firms contribute to alleviate the economic burden of severe mental illness for the public health care system? Health and Social Care in the Community, 27(5), 1311–1320.
- Pothier, W., Cellard, C., Corbière, M., Villotti, P., Achim, A.M., Lavoie, A., Turcotte, M., Vallières, C. et Roy, M.A. (2019). Determinants of occupational recovery in recent-onset psychosis: The role of cognition. Schizophrenia Research Journal.
Notes: (À paraître) - Villotti, P., Corbière, M. et Guay, S. (2019). Posttraumatic stress disorder and quality of life in victims of a violent act at work: A longitudinal study. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, Prépublication.
- Villotti, P., Stinglhamber, F. et Desmette, D. (2019). The influence of multiculturalism and assimilation on work-related outcomes: Differences between ethnic minority and majority groups of workers. Psychologica Belgica, 59(1), 246–268.
- Corbière, M., Villotti, P., Dewa, C.S., Sultan-Taïeb, H., Fraccaroli, F., Zaniboni, S., Durand, M.-J. et Lecomte, T. (2019). Work accommodations in Canadian social firms: Supervisors and workers’ perspectives. Canadian Journal of Mental Health/Revue canadienne de santé mentale communautaire, 37(4), 37–56.
- Corbière, M., Zaniboni, Dewa, C., Villotti, P., Lecomte, T., Sultan-Taïeb, H., Hupé, J. et Fraccaroli, F. (2019). Work productivity of people with a psychiatric disability working in social firms. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, & Rehabilitation, 62(1), 151–160.
- Villotti, P., Corbière, M., Dewa, C., Fraccaroli, F., Sultan-Taïeb, H., Zaniboni, S. et Lecomte, T. (2018). A serial mediation model of workplace social support on work productivity: the role of self-stigma and job tenure self-efficacy in people with severe mental disorders. Disability and Rehabilitation, 40(26), 3113–3119.
- Vornholt, K., Villotti, P., Muschalla, B., Bauer, J., Colella, A., Zijlstra, F., Van Ruitenbeek, G., Uitdewillingen, S. et Corbière, M. (2018). Disability and employment – overview and hightlights. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27(1), 40–55.
- Villotti, P., Zaniboni, S., Corbière, M., Guay, S. et Fraccaroli, F. (2018). Reducing perceived stigma: work integration of people with severe mental disorders in Italian social enterprise. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 41(2), 125–134.
- Villotti, P., Corbière, M., Fossey, E., Fraccaroli, F., Lecomte, T. et Harvey, C. (2017). Work accomodations and natural supports for employees with severe mental illness in social businesses: An international comparison. Community Mental Health Journal, 53(7), 864–870.
- Villotti, P., C.M., Zaniboni, S., Lecomte, T. et Fraccaroli, F. (2015). Evaluating the motivation to obtain and sustain employment in people with psychiatric disabilities. Psicologia Sociale, 1, 57–70.
- Villotti, P., Balducci, C., Zaniboni, S., Corbière, M. et Fraccaroli, F. (2014). An analysis of work engagement among workers with mental disorders recently integrated to work. Journal of Career Assessment, 22(1), 18–27.
- Corbière, M., Villotti, P., Toth, K. et Waghorn, G. (2014). La divulgation du trouble mental et les mesures d’accommodements de travail : deux facteurs du maintien en emploi des personnes aux prises avec un trouble mental grave. L’Enchéphale, 40(suppl. 2), S91–S102.
- Villotti, P., Zaniboni, S. et Fraccaroli, F. (2014). Les entreprises à économie sociale en Italie. L’Enchéphale, 40(suppl. 2), S57–S65.
- Corbière, M., Villotti, P., Lecomte, T., Bond, G., Lesage, A. et Goldner, E. (2014). Work accommodations and natural supports for maintaining employment. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 37(2), 90–98.
- Corbière, M., Charette-Dussault, E. et Villotti, P. Factors of competitive employment for people with severe mental illness, from acquisition to tenure. Dans U. Bültmann et J. Siegrist (dir.). Handbook of Disability, Work and Health. Springer.
Notes: (À paraître en 2020). Handbook Series in Occupational Health Sciences - Villotti, P. et Corbière, M. (2019). Épuisement professionnel : les transformations dans le marché du travail en cause? Dans F. Huot et S. Séguin-Lamarche (dir.). L'état du Québec 2020. Del Busso.
Notes: (À paraître)
- Villotti, P., Gragnano, A., Dionne, C.E., Larivière, C., Negrini, A. et Corbière, M. (2019). A literature review and tools appraisal of organizational factors associated with return to work in workers on sick leave due to musculoskeletal and common mental disorders [Résumé]. Dans EAWOP 2019: Working for the greater good, (p. 709-710).
- Villotti, P., Angel, V., Corbière, M. et Desmette, D. (2019). How do co-workers perceive work accommodations offered to persons suffering fromburnout? [Résumé]. Dans EAWOP 2019 : Working for the greater good, (p. 518-519).
- Gragnano, A., Villotti, P., Larivière, C., Negrini, A. et Corbière, M. (2019). Individual psychological factors and tools related to RTW after a sick-leave due tomusculoskeletal and common mental disorders: A literature review [Résumé]. Dans EAWOP 2019 : Working for the greater good, (p. 708-709).