Mostafa Ayoobzadeh

Mostafa Ayoobzadeh
Cheminement académique
Postdoctorat en développement de carrière (2018-2020)
École de gestion Sprott, Université Carleton
Doctorat en administration des affaires (2014-2018), Valédictorien
École de gestion John Molson, Université Concordia
Maîtrise en gestion des ressources humaines (2011-2013)
École de commerce, Université de Téhéran
Baccalauréat en administration des affaires (2005-2009)
École de commerce, Université Shahid Beheshti
Affiliations externes principales
- Academy of Management
- Society for Human Resource Management
- Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés
- Introduction à la gestion des ressources humaines (2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021)
- Comportement organisationnel (2023, 2022)
- Ayoobzadeh, M., Shirmohammadi, M., Beigi, M. (2024, aout). Contemporary Career Sensemaking: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA
- Ayoobzadeh, M., Shirmohammadi, M., Beigi, M. (2024, avril). Chasing Dreams in a New Hemisphere: The Career Saga of LGBT Refugees in Canada. The Academy of Management Careers Division Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- *Ayoobzadeh, M., *Beigi, M., *Shirmohammadi, M., *Vahidi, R. (2023, juillet). Managing Projects and Lives: A Qualitative Study of Project Managers' Work-Family Interface. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference, Cagliari, Italy (*contribué également)
- Ayoobzadeh, M., *Coulombe, P., *Boies, K. (2023, juin). The Interaction Between Mentor Motivation and Protege Proactiveness in Predicting High-Quality Mentoring. The University Forum for Human Resource Development, Dublin, Ireland (*contribué également)
- Ayoobzadeh, M., Beigi, M., Shirmohammadi, M., Arthur, M. (2022, aout). Research on the Intelligent Career Framework: Where We Are and Where We Go from Here. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA
- *Beigi, M., *Ayoobzadeh, M., Shirmohammadi, M. (2022, juillet). Success in massive multi-player online games and its implications for the world of work. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference, Vienna, Austria (*contribué également)
- Shirmohammadi, M., *Beigi, M., *Ayoobzadeh, M. (2021, juillet). Edu-immigrants' job search and employment journeys: A qualitative inquiry. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (*contribué également)
- Ayoobzadeh, M., Schweitzer, L., Lyons, S., Ng, E. (2020, juin). From GenY to GenZ: New Generation, Different Expectations. The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, St Johns', NL, Canada
- Schweitzer, L., Lyons, S., Ayoobzadeh, M. (2020, fevrier). Unpacking Future Career Orientations: Expectations, Aspirations and Attitudes about the Future. The Academy of Management Careers Division Conference, Vienna, Austria
- Ayoobzadeh, M., Boies, K. (2018, decembre). Mentor Autonomous Motivation and the Quality of Mentoring Relationship. The Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Auckland, New Zealand
- Shirmohammadi, M., Beigi, M., Ayoobzadeh, M. (2018, juillet). "Is an academic career good for my family?" Anticipated work-family conflict and the academic career choice. The European Group for Organizational Studies Conference, Tallinn, Estonia
- Ayoobzadeh, M., Boies, K. (2018, mai). Leader Development Outcomes for Mentors. The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Ayoobzadeh, M., Boies, K. (2017, novembre). The Impact of Mentor Motivation on the Quality of Mentoring Relationship: A Field Study. The 10th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
- Ayoobzadeh, M., Gorji, Y. (2017, aout). Does Parental Support Influence Offspring's Short- and Long-term Career Outcomes? The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA
- Beigi, M., Shirmohammadi, M., Hedayati Mehdiabadi, A., Ayoobzadeh, M. (2017, juin). An Innovative "Live Case Study" Approach to Teaching Human Resource Management. The University Forum for Human Resource Development, Lisbon, Portugal
- Boies, K., Martin, F., Ayoobzadeh, M., Peng, Y., Briand, M. (2017, mai). Using an Instructional Design Framework to Assess the Leadership Needs of PhD Students. The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada
- Ayoobzadeh, M. (2016, juin). When and How Does Leader Emotional Intelligence Lead to Follower Creativity? The University Forum for Human Resource Development, Manchester, UK
- Ayoobzadeh, M. (2015, novembre). Does Leader's Emotional Intelligence (EI) Lead to Followers' Creativity? If Yes, How? And Under Which Conditions? The John Molson School of Business Annual Graduate Research Exposition, Montreal, QC, Canada
- Ayoobzadeh, M. (2015, aout). Does Academic Mentoring Improve Students' Career Decision-Making? The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Ayoobzadeh, M. (2015, juin). The Strategic Role of Human Resource Management in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Sense-making of Process. The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Halifax, NS, Canada
- Ayoobzadeh, M. (2015, fevrier). Happy vs. Unhappy Protégés: How Do Positive and Negative Mentoring Experiences Influence Further Development of Such Relationships? The Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA
- Ayoobzadeh, M., Fayyazi, M., & Beigi, M. (2013, juin). Academic e-mentoring: Does face-to-face interaction matter? The University Forum for Human Resource Development, Brighton, UK
- Membre du comité éditorial, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 2024-présent
- Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH) - Subventions de développement Savoir (2023-2025)
- Programme d'aide financière à la recherche et à la création (PAFARC) - Soutien financier à l'établissement en recherche (2022-2024)
- Literati Award Winner 2021 (Outstanding Paper 2021) par Emerald Publishing (Journal of Managerial Psychology)
- Fonds de recherche du Québec, Société et culture (FRQSC) - Bourse d'études postdoctorales (déclinée) (2021-2023)
- Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH) - Bourse d'études postdoctorales (déclinée) (2021-2023)
- Valédictorien, École de Gestion John Molson, Université Concordia (Québec, 2019)
- Fonds de recherche du Québec, Société et culture (FRQSC) - Bourse de doctorat (2018-2019)
- Winner, the Carolyn and Richard Renaud Graduate Teaching Assistantship Award (Québec, 2018)
- Fond de recherche CASA JMSB (Québec, 2016)
Membre du comité éditorial, Applied Psychology: An International Review, depuis 2024
Newsletter Editor, Academy of Management, Division Carrières, 2023-2026
Newsletter Associate Editor, Academy of Management, Division Carrières, 2020-2023
Coordonnateur du programme de mentorat pour les étudiants de 3e cycle, Université Concordia, 2016-2018
Président / Vice-président, John Molson Doctoral Students Society, Université Concordia, 2014-2017
Évaluateur AACSB, École de gestion John Molson, Université Concordia, 2014-2015
Directions de thèses et mémoires
- Si vous êtes un étudiant en doctorat ou en maîtrise qui travaille fort et qui est déterminé, vous pouvez me contacter pour discuter des possibilités de supervision de votre thèse.
- Ayoobzadeh, M., Schweitzer, L., Lyons, S. et Ng, E. (2024). A tale of two generations: A time-lag study of career expectations. Personnel Review, 53(7), 1649–1665.
- Beigi, M., Ayoobzadeh, M. et Shirmohammadi, M. (2024). Learning by gaming: Nonwork-to-work enrichment among successful massive multiplayer online gamers. Human Resource Development International, Prépublication.
- Ayoobzadeh, M., Lyons, S. et Schweitzer, L. (2023). Career Expectations of International and Domestic Students in Canada. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 23(1), 77–96.
- Shirmohammadi, M., Beigi, M. et Ayoobzadeh, M. (2023). Finding a home for your career away from home: Experiences of Iranian highly skilled edu-immigrants in the United States. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 143, article 103874.
- Ayoobzadeh, M. (2023). Peer-mentoring and doctoral student retention: A longitudinal investigation. Higher Education Research & Development, 42(4), 513–529.
- Ayoobzadeh, M. (2022). Freelance job search during times of uncertainty: protean career orientation, career competencies and job search. Personnel Review, 51(1), 40–56.
- Ayoobzadeh, M. et Boies, K. (2020). From mentors to leaders: leader development outcomes for mentors. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 35(6), 497–511.
- Ayoobzadeh, M. (2019). The impact of frequency of contact on protégé mentoring outcomes: the moderating effects of protégé general self-efficacy and face-to-face interaction. Human Resource Development International, 22(4), 385–404.
- Ayoobzadeh, M. (2021). Comment faire progresser sa carrière de pigiste en temps de pandémie. La Conversation, 19 février.
- Ayoobzadeh, M. (2021). How to navigate a freelance career during the COVID-19 crisis. The Conversation, 8 février.
- Ayoobzadeh, M. et Boies, K. (2020). How mentoring improves the leadership skills of those doing the mentoring. The Conversation, 18 octobre.
- Ayoobzadeh, M. et Boies, K. (2020). Le mentorat, bon pour celui qui reçoit, et pour celui qui donne. La Conversation, 27 novembre.
- Ayoobzadeh, M. (2018). Leader Development Outcomes of Relational Mentoring for Mentors. (Thèse de doctorat). Concordia University.