Etienne Boucher

Etienne Boucher

Photo de Etienne Boucher

Directions de thèses et mémoires

Rapports de recherches
  • Malatrait, Caroline. (2024). Analyse de la distribution spatiale des peuplements de bouleaux à papier (Betula Papyrifera) en forêt boréal de l'est du Canada. (Rapport de recherche). Université du Québec à Montréal.
  • Huvelin, Johan Dominique Gilles. (2015). Adaptation d'un modèle déterministe permettant de prédire la croissance de l'épinette noire dans le secteur du Haut-Boréal québécois. (Rapport de recherche). Université du Québec à Montréal.


Articles scientifiques
  • Yang, T., Yang, B., Boucher, É. et Rossi, S. (2021). How did climate and CO2 concentration affect intrinsic water-use efficiency and tree growth in a semi-arid region of China. Trees.
  • Beaulne, J., Boucher, É., Garneau, M. et Magnan, G. (2021). Paludification reduces black spruce growth rate but does not alter tree water use efficiency in Canadian boreal forested peatlands. Forest Ecosystems, 8, article 28.
  • Beaulne, J., Garneau, M., Magnan, G. et Boucher, É. (2021). Peat deposits store more carbon than trees in forested peatlands of the boreal biome. Scientific Reports, 11, article 2657.
  • Buntgen, U., Allen, K., Anchukaitis, K., Arseneault, D., Boucher, É. et 35 autres. (2021). The influence of decision-making in tree ring-based climate reconstructions. Nature Communications.
  • van Bellen, S., de Vernal, A., To, A., Ouellet-Bernier, M.-M., Roy, N. et ClimHuNor Members(...Boucher, É.). (2020). A database of Holocene temperature records for north‐eastern North America and the north‐western Atlantic. Geoscience Data Journal, 7(1), 38–43.
  • Rezsöhazy, J., Goosse, H., Guiot, J., Gennaretti, F., Boucher, É., André, F. et Jonard, M. (2020). Application and evaluation of the dendroclimatic process-based model MAIDEN during thelast century in Canada and Europe. Climate of the Past, 16(3), 1043–1059.
  • Wang, F., Arseneault, D., Boucher, E., Yu, S., Ouellet, S., Chaillou, G., Delwaide, A. et Wang, L. (2020). Chemical destaining and the delta correction for blue intensity measurements of stained lake subfossil trees. Biogeosciences, 17, 4559–4570.
  • Ouellet-Bernier, M.-M., de Vernal, A., Chartier, D. et Boucher, É. (2020). Historical Perspectives on Exceptional Climatic Years at the Labrador/Nunatsiavut Coast 1780 to 1950. Quaternary Research, 1–15.
  • Arteau, J., Boucher, É., Poirier, É. et Widory, D. (2020). Historical smelting activities in Eastern Canada revealed by Pb concentrations and isotope ratios in tree rings of long-lived white cedars (Thuja occidentalis L.). Science of the Total Environment, 740, article 139992.
  • Gratton, M., Germain, D. et Boucher, É. (2020). Meteorological triggering scenarios of tree-ring-based snow avalanche occurrence on scree slopes in a maritime climate, Eastern Canada. Physical Geography, 41, 3–20.
  • Nasri, B., Boucher, É., Perreault, L., Rémillard, B., Huard, D. et Nicault, A. (2020). Modeling hydrological inflow persistence using paleoclimate reconstructions on the Québec-Labrador (Canada) Peninsula. Water Resources Research, 56(5), article e2019WR025122.
  • Yang, T., Yang, B., Boucher, É., Rossi, S., Wanga, J. et He, M. (2020). No tree growth stimulation despite global warming and increasing CO2 concentration, in arid and semi-arid northern China. Geophysical Research Letters.
  • Büntgen, U., Arseneault, D., Boucher, É., Churakova, O.V., Gennaretti, F., Crivellaro, A., Hughes, M.K., Kirdyanov, A.V., Klippel, L., Krusic, P.J., Linderholm, H.W., Ljungqvist, F.C., Ludescher, J., McCormick, M., Myglan, V.S., Nicolussi, K., Piermattei, A., Oppenheimer, C., Reinig, F.,... et Esper, J.r. (2020). Prominent role of volcanism in Common Era climate variability and human history. Dendrochronologia, 64, article 125757.
  • Leclerc, P., Boucher, É. et Bergeron, Y. (2020). Spatial variability of Black spruce's response in Northeastern America, based on carbon isotopes. Journal of Biogeography.
  • Marchand, W., Girardin, M.P., Hartmann, H., Depardieu, C., Isabel, N., Gauthier, S., Boucher, É. et Bergeron, Y. (2020). Strong overestimation of water-use efficiency responses to rising CO2 in tree-ring studies. Global Change Biology, 26(8), 4538–4558.
  • Wang, F., Arseneault, D., Boucher, É., Galipaud Gloaguen, G., Deharte, A., Yu, S. et Trou-kechout, N. (2020). Temperature sensitivity of blue intensity, maximum latewood density, and ring width data of living black spruce trees in the eastern Canadian taiga. Dendrochronologia, 64, article 125771.
  • Darcy, F., Boucher, É., De Moor, J.M., Hélie, J.-F., Piggotti, R. et Stix, J. (2019). Carbon and sulfur isotopes in tree rings as a proxy for volcanic degassing. Geology, 47(9), 825–828.
  • Giguère-Croteau, C., Boucher, É., Bergeron, Y., Girardin, M., Drobyshev, I., Silva, L. et Garneau, M. (2019). North America’s oldest boreal trees are more efficient water users due to increased [CO2], but do not grow faster. PNAS: Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(10), 2749–2754.
  • Plante-Lévesque, V., Boucher, É. et Proulx, G. (2019). Spatialisation des processus d’embâcles dans le bassin versant de la rivière l’Acadie, Montérégie : une approche hydrogéomorphologique [Spatial distribution of ice jamming processes in the l'Acadie River watershed, Montérégie: a hydrogeomorphological approach]. Revue des sciences de l'eau/Journal of Water Science, 32(1), 21–36.
  • Gennaretti, F., Boucher, É., Nicault, A., Gea-Izquierdo, G., Arseneault, D., Berninger, F., Savard, M.M., Bégin, C. et Guiot, J. (2018). Underestimation of the Tambora effects in North American taiga ecosystems. Environmental Research Letters, 13(3), article 034017.
  • Boucher, É., Nicault, A., Arseneault, D., Bégin, Y. et Karami, P.M. (2017). Decadal Variations in Eastern Canada’s Taiga Wood Biomass Production Forced by Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions. Scientific Reports, 7(2457).
  • Gennaretti, F., G.-I., G.Boucher, É., Berninger, F., Arseneault, D. et Guiot, J. (2017). Ecophysiological modeling of photosynthesis and carbon allocation to the tree stem in the boreal forest. Biogeosciences.
  • Lavergne, A., Gennaretti, F., Risi, C., Daux, V., Boucher, É., Savard, M.M., Naulier, M., Villalba, M., Bégin, C. et Guiot, J. (2017). Modelling tree ring cellulose δ18O variations in two temperature-sensitive tree species from North and South America. Climate of the Past, 13, 1515–1526.
  • Gratton, M., Germain, D. et Boucher, É. (2016). Meteorological triggering scenarios of tree-ring-based snow avalanche occurrence on scree slopes in a maritimeclimate, eastern Canada. Permafroast and Periglacial Processes.
  • Fines-Neuschild, S., Boucher, É., De Vernal, A., Gélinas, Y. et Leclerc, P. (2015). Accelerated solvent extraction – an efficient tool to remove extractives from tree-rings. Dendrochronologia, 36, 45–48.
  • Bérubé, J., Buffin-Bélanger, T. et Boucher, É. (2015). Hanging Dam Dynamics along the Mitis river, eastern Canada. Cold Regions Science and Engineering.
  • Nicault, A., Boucher, É., Tapsoba, D., Arseneault, D., Berninger, F., Bégin, C., DesGranges, J.L., Guiot, J., Marion, J., Wicha, S. et Bégin, Y. (2015). Spatial analysis of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) radial growth response to climate in northern Québec – Labrador Peninsula, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45(3), 343–352.
  • Morin, S., Boucher, É. et Buffin-Bélanger, T. (2015). The spatial variability of ice-jam bank morphologies along the Mistassini River (Quebec, Canada): An indicator of the ice-jam regime? Natural Hazards, 77(3), 2117–2138.
  • Lagadec, A., Boucher, É. et Germain, D. (2015). Tree ring analysis of hydro‐climatic thresholds that trigger ice jams on the Mistassini River, Quebec. Hydrological Processes, 29(23), 4880–4890.
  • Boucher, É., Guiot, J., Hatte, C., Daux, V., Danis, P.-A. et Dussouillez, P. (2014). An inverse modeling approach for tree-ring-based climate reconstructions under changing atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Biogeosciences, 11(12), 3245–3258.
  • Nicault, A., Boucher, É., Bégin, C., Guiot, J., Marion, J., Perreault, L., Roy, R., Savard, M.M. et Bégin, Y. (2014). Hydrological reconstruction from tree-ring multi-proxies over the last two centuries at the Caniapiscau Reservoir, northern Québec, Canada. Journal of Hydrology, 513, 435–445.
  • Guiot, J., Boucher, É. et Gea-Izquierdo, G. (2014). Process models and model-data fusion in dendroecology. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2, 1–11.
  • Lamarre, A., Magnan, G., Garneau, M. et Boucher, É. (2013). A testate amoeba-based transfer function for paleohydrological reconstruction from boreal and subarctic peatlands in northeastern Canada. Quaternary International, 306, 88–96.
  • Boucher, É., Guiot, J. et Chapron, E. (2011). A millennial multi-proxy reconstruction of summer PDSI for Southern South America. Climate of the Past, 7(3), 957–974.
  • Boucher, É., Ouarda, T.B.M.J., Bégin, Y. et Nicault, A. (2011). Spring flood reconstruction from continuous and discrete tree ring series. Water Resources Research, 47(7).
  • Boucher, É., Bégin, Y. et Arseneault, D. (2009). Hydro-climatic analysis of mechanical breakups reconstructed from tree-rings, Necopastic watershed, northern Québec, Canada. Journal of Hydrology, 375(3-4), 373–382.
  • Boucher, É., Bégin, Y. et Arseneault, D. (2009). Impacts of recurring ice jams on channel geometry and geomorphology in a small high-boreal watershed, northern Québec, Canada. Geomorphology, 108(3-4), 273–281.
  • Arseneault, D., Boucher, É. et Bouchon, E. (2007). Asynchronous forest-stream coupling in a fire-prone boreal landscape: Insights from woody debris. Journal of Ecology, 95(4), 789–801.
  • Boucher, É., Arseneault, D. et Hétu, B. (2006). Late Holocene development of a floodplain along a small meandering stream, northern Québec, Canada. Geomorphology, 80(3-4), 267–281.
Chapitres de livre
  • Arseneault, D., Gennaretti, F. et Boucher, É. (2020). The potential of subfossil trees to reconstruct millennial forest dynamics and climate. Dans H. Morin, S. Gauthier, Y. Bergeron et M. Girona (dir.). Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change – Sustainable Management (p. 1–10). Springer.
  • Boucher, É., Lemay, M. et Bégin, Y. (2017). Lake Ice. Dans D. Richardson (dir.). The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology. Wiley.
  • Boucher, É. (2017). River Ice and Ice Jams. Dans R. Douglas (dir.). The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology. Wiley.
  • Boucher, É., Bégin, Y., Arseneault, D., Ouarda, T. et Nicault, A. (2014). Reconstruction of past discrete spring floods from tree rings in the La Grande Watershed (in french). Dans Archives. Ouranos.
  • Boucher, É., Guiot, J. et Berninger, F. (2014). Virtual trees to reconstruct past climate variations: a process-based approach (in french). Dans Archives. Ouranos.
  • Boucher, É., Bégin, Y., Arseneault, D. et Ouarda, T.B.M.J. (2012). Long-Term and Large-Scale River-Ice Processes in Cold-Region Watersheds. Dans M. Church, P.M. Biron et A.G. Roy (dir.). Gravel-Bed Rivers: Processes, Tools, Environments (p. 546–554). Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley and Sons.
  • Boucher, É., Guiot, J., Khodri, M. et Chapron, E. (2011). Millennial water availability changes and teleconnections in southern South America. Dans GeoHydro 2011 (p. 1–4). CANQUA.
  • Boucher, É., Bégin, Y. et Arseneault, D. (2010). Dendrohydrologie en milieu boréal. Dans S. Payette et L. Filion (dir.). La dendroécologie : principes, méthodes et applications (p. 573–592). Les Presses de l'Université Laval.
Actes de colloque
  • Bérubé, J., Buffin-Bélanger, T. et Boucher, É. (2015). Evolution of hanging dams in the Mitis River, Quebec (Canada). Dans CGU HS Committee on River Ice Processes and the Environment, 18th Workshop on the Hydraulics of Ice Covered Rivers, Quebec City, QC, Canada, August 18-20, 2015.
Rapports de recherche ou techniques
  • Biron, P., Boucher, É. et Taha, W. (2020). Comité expert visant à identifier des solutions porteuses pour la réduction de la vulnérabilité des risques liés à l’inondation par embâcles de glace sur la rivière Chaudière – Rapport Final.
  • Boyer-Villemaire, U., Gachon, P., Boucher, É., Germain, D., Raphoz, M., Doré, M.C. et Martin, J.P. (2017). La réduction des risques de désastres : défis et possibilités pour le Québec et le Canada – Rapport suivant le forum public tenu les 7 et 8 mars 2017 à l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), événement parallèle à la Cinquième plateforme régionale sur la Réduction des risques de catastrophes des Amériques.