Michel Plaisent

Michel Plaisent

Photo de Michel Plaisent
Téléphone : (514) 987-3000 poste 4253
Local : DS-3573
Langues : Français, Anglais
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Informations générales

Cheminement académique

Dr Michel Plaisent is a full professor in the Business School of University of Québec in Montréal. After his M.Sc. in project management and his Ph.D. in Information Technology Management, he joined the University of Québec in Montréal in 1980 where he held different position while developing his research career as professor, namely IT program director for 6 years.

His doctoral research was pioneer as he studied the use of computer mediated communication systems by CEO. Since then, Dr. Plaisent's researches continue to focus human factors of IT, namely cognitive ergonomics, learning problems and personal productivity tools for managers. Among his main research is the use of social media by Canadian charities to create and maintain a community of practice in the philanthropy sector.

He has published more than 25 books and have publish more than hundreds of articles in academic journals and international conferences. On International dimension, he is engaged in China MBA program and he manages a MOU with Cebu Normal University and soon Cebu Technological University.

Projets de recherche et/ou de recherche-création en cours

  • Musées on joue!

    recherche création sur les jeux sérieux pour les musées

Partenaires (organismes, entreprises)

  • Cebu Technological University
  • Cebu Normal University
  • Kasetsart University (KIMBA internatioanal program)
  • University Casa Grande of Ecuador
  • System Plus Foundation College
Services à la collectivité

1) Development and Management of MOU with
Thailand: Kasetsart University (2009-now)
Philippines: Cebu Normal university (2014-now)
Philippines:Cebu Technological University (in progress)
2)Creation, development and funding of ONE WORLD RESEARCH GROUP (Thailand, Vietnam, Ecuador, Canada, France,Tunisia)
3) PHILANTHROPIE-QUEBEC: president (volunteer, 2013-now)
4) Institut Fidalregistered charity board member (2000-now)

Directions de thèses et mémoires

Thèses de doctorat
  • Alem, Farid. (2013). Développement et validation d'un instrument de mesure de e-Learning readiness dans le contexte universitaire. (Thèse de doctorat). Université du Québec à Montréal.
  • Benslimane, Younes. (2001). Déterminants et conséquences de l'utilisation de la technologie WEB: modèle intégré appliqué aux acheteurs professionnels. (Thèse de doctorat). Université du Québec à Montréal.
Rapports de stages
  • Ben Ayed, Mohamed Amine. (2013). Stage de planification et lancement d'entreprise avec réalisation d'un guide d'accompagnement des entreprises. (Rapport de stage). Université du Québec à Montréal.
Rapports d'activités et projets d'intervention
  • Kengunya, Mbo Sena. (2013). Examen des facteurs de sécurité et de convivialité des nouveaux médias pour les utilisateurs. (Rapport d'activités et projet d'intervention). Université du Québec à Montréal.
  • Mamlouk, Mehdi. (2011). Appréciation comparée de l'utilisation du Web 2 par les étudiants et les enseignants : cas des jeux sérieux. (Rapport d'activités et projet d'intervention). Université du Québec à Montréal.
  • Traoré, Younousse. (2009). Analyse de faisabilité des besoins d'un projet d'interconnexion VoIP au Mali. (Rapport d'activités et projet d'intervention). Université du Québec à Montréal.
  • Li, Dong. (2009). Interface utilisateur pour la conversion des fichiers IFF vers le format SSIM avec génération d'horaires web. (Rapport d'activités et projet d'intervention). Université du Québec à Montréal.
  • Senhaji, Omar. (2007). Mise en place d'un plan informatique. (Rapport d'activités et projet d'intervention). Université du Québec à Montréal.
  • Senhaji, Omar. (2006). Etude et réalisation d'un schéma directeur informatique. (Rapport d'activités et projet d'intervention). Université du Québec à Montréal.
  • Kooli, Boutheina. (2006). Analyse et conception d'un cours à distance en réseaux informatiques avec la méthode d'ingénierie MISA. (Rapport d'activités et projet d'intervention). Université du Québec à Montréal.
  • Degila, Auguste. (2005). Etude de l'impact de l'interface Windows sur la santé, la performance et la satisfaction de l'utilisateur. (Rapport d'activités et projet d'intervention). Université du Québec à Montréal.


Articles scientifiques
  • Gürsen, A.E., Öncel, A. G., Plaisent, M., Benslimane, Y. et Bernard, P. (2023). Artificial Intelligence Utilization in Libraries. Athens Journal of Sciences, 10(2), 83–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.30958/ajs.10-2-2.
  • Villarino, R.T., Villarino, M. L., Temblor, M. C., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2023). College Students’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices on COVID-19 Prevention post E-health Education Program. International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS), 12(2), 568–575. http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijphs.v12i2.22774.
  • Villarino, R.T., Villarino, M. L., Temblor, M. C., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2023). Correlating Demographics and Well-being among Rural College Students in the Philippines. Nurse Media Journal of Nursing, 13(1), 22–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.14710/nmjn.v13i1.49036.
  • Ölmez, N., Baş, T., Öncel, A.G., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2023). E-waste Awareness Among Young Generation. Athens Journal of Business & Economics, 9(2), 231–250. https://www.athensjournals.gr/business/2023-9-2-7-Oncel.pdf.
  • Villarino, R.T., Villarino, M. L., Temblor, M.C., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2023). Effectiveness of an Online Health and Well-Being Program on Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Sleep in College Students. Health Education and Health Promotion, 11(1), 29–36. https://hehp.modares.ac.ir/article-5-65759-en.html.
  • Öncel, A.G., Plaisent, M., Zuccaro, C., Zheng, L. et Bernard, P. (2023). Intention to Recycle Mobile Phones: Gender Comparison. IBIMA Business Review, 2023, article 238071. https://ibimapublishing.com/articles/IBIMABR/2023/238071/.
  • Villarino, R.T., Villarino, M.L., Temblor, M.C., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2022). Association between Physical Health and Well-being: A Quasi-experimental Study. Journal of Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, 21(3), 215–221. http://dx.doi.org/10.22442/jlumhs.2022.00948.
  • Villarino, R.T.H., Villarino, M.L.F., Temblor, M.C.L., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2022). Developing a health and well-being program for college students: An online intervention. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 14(1), 64–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.18844/wjet.v14i1.6638.
  • Villarino, R.T.H., Villarino, M. L. F., Temblor, M. C. L.., Chabit, N. T.., Arcay, C. A. L., Gimena, G. B., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2022). Evaluating an online well-being program for college students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Health Sciences, 12(1), 74–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.17532/jhsci.2022.1631.
  • Zheng, L., Plaisent, M., Oncel, A.G. et Bernard, P. (2022). Examination of Factors Relative to the Intention to Recycle. The International Journal of Renewable Energy and Biofuels, 2022, article 694535. http://dx.doi.org/10.5171/2022.694535.
  • Amroune, B., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2022). Success factors of upgrade programs for algerian small and medium-sized enterprises “SMEs”, structural equations modeling: Resource dependency perspective. Scientific review of economic future, 10(1), 12–46. https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/article/209259.
  • Chambilla, R., Tomiuk, D., Zuccaro, C., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2021). Antecedents to Learners’ Satisfaction with Serious Games: An Investigation Using Partial Least Square. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 6(6), 43–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.25046/aj060607.
  • Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Macdonald, R. (2021). Impact de la COVID-19 sur la mondialisation : perceptions chinoise et canadienne. Revue Interventions économiques/Papers in Political Economy, (Hors-série. Transformations). http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/interventionseconomiques.14810.
  • Sitoy, R.E., Ndinga, P., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Peteros, E. D. (2021). Intelligence Style and Digital Literacy. Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education, 2021, article 234285. http://dx.doi.org/10.5171/2021.234285.
  • Dimodugno, M., Hallman, S., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2021). The effect of privacy concerns, risk, control, and trust on individuals’ decisions to share personal information: A game theory-based approach. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2090, article 012017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2090/1/012017.
  • Plaisent, M., Dayagbil, F., Pogoy, A. et Bernard, P. (2020). Emerging Trends, Challenges and Innovative Approaches for the Next Millennium. Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education, 2020, article 740548. https://ibimapublishing.com/articles/JELHE/2020/740548/.
  • Ouni, Z., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2020). Sovereign Wealth Funds Definition: Challenges and Concerns. Advances in Economics and Business, 8(6), 362–376. http://dx.doi.org/10.13189/aeb.2020.080605.
  • Ouni, Z., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2020). Sovereign Wealth Funds Empirical Studies: A Critical View. Journal of Economics Studies and Research, 2020, article 434738. http://dx.doi.org/10.5171/2020.434738.
  • Amroune, B., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Zuccaro, C. et Hafsi, T. (2019). Amélioration de la performance des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) bénéficiaires d'un programme de mise à niveau : cas de l'Algérie. Revue des Sciences Humaines & Sociales, (52), 205–224. https://asjp.cerist.dz/en/downArticlepdf/39/5/2/103600.
  • Mokeddem, A., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2019). Learning with the Games: a Competitive Environment based on Knowledge. Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education, article 133016. http://dx.doi.org/10.5171/2019.133016.
  • Khadhraoui, M., Plaisent, M., Lassaad, L. et Bernard, P. (2019). The impact of entrepreneurial orientation on spin-offs’ performance: a cross cultural study. Sage Open, 9(3). http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2158244019865817.
  • Massoud, L., Hallman, S., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2018). Applying Multidisciplinary Teaching Techniques to the Computer Programming/Coding Classroom. Journal of Information Technology and Economic Development, 9(1), 38–47. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2063390947?accountid=14719.
  • Plaisent, M., Thanitnan, C., Bernard, P., Thanitnan, Ch. et Ponwiritthon, R. (2018). Assessing Airport Taxi Customer Satisfaction’s Factors: A First Step. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 6(1), 162–174. https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/balajhss/article/view/126490/95603.
  • Thanitnan, C., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Enriquez, A. (2018). Characterizing Thailand Organizational Champions: A First Step. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 10(2), 257–264.
  • Khadhraoui, M., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Lakhal, L. (2018). Key success factors of entrepreneurial engineering school. Journal of Engineering and Economic Development, 4(1), 1–6. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2013676875?accountid=14719.
  • Mokeddem, A., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2018). Strategic Management as Knowledge Between the Traditional and Contemporary Strategic Approaches. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 10(2), 240–246.
  • Elliott, E., Khalil, Y., Ng, J., Oufariad, M. A., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2017). Are You Ready for the Digital Afterlife? International Journal of Humanities and Management Sciences (IJHMS), 5(1), 89–95. http://journalsweb.org/siteadmin/upload/EPH0717005%20formatted.pdf.
  • Zhang, J., Chiang, J. M., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2017). Improvement of China's Law Relief for Marital Civil Tort. International Journal of Health and Economic Development, 3(2), 1–9. https://search.proquest.com/docview/1974927916?accountid=14719.
  • Amroune, B., Plaisent, M., Hafsi, T., Bernard, P. et Zuccaro, C. (2017). Success Factors of Upgrade Programs of SMEs in a Changing Environment, Resources Dependency Perspective: The Case of Algeria. Advances in Economics and Business, 5(11), 590–600. http://dx.doi.org/10.13189/aeb.2017.051103.
  • Khadhraoui, M., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Lakhal, L. (2017). The Impact of Market Orientation on Performance of Private Universities in Canada. International Journal of Global Business, 10(2), 28–34. https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/impact-market-orientation-on-performance-private/docview/2007938356/se-2.
  • Khadhraoui, M., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Lakhal, L. (2017). The impact of marketing skills and negotiation skills of universities technology transfer office on technology transfer success. Journal of Marketing and Management, 8(2), 38–46. https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/impact-marketing-skills-negotiation-universities/docview/1990434034/se-2.
  • Khadhraoui, M., Plaisent, M., Lakhal, L. et Prosper, B. (2016). Factors inhibiting university-industry technology transfer. Journal of Information Technology and Economic Development, 7(2), 1–11. https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/factors-inhibiting-university-industry-technology/docview/1861348462/se-2.
  • Pogoy, A.M., Balo, V. T., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2016). Global Implication of Fractals on Misery Index across Countries. International Journal of Global Business, 9(1), 30–38. https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/global-implication-fractals-on-misery-index/docview/1793600348/se-2.
  • Alem, F., Plaisent, M., Zuccaro, C. et Bernard, P. (2016). Measuring E-Learning Readiness Concept: Scale Development and Validation Using Structural Equation Modeling. International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, 6(4), 193–207. http://dx.doi.org/10.17706/ijeeee.2016.6.4.193-207.
  • Khadhraoui, M., Plaisent, M., Lakhal, L. et Bernard, P. (2016). The Impact of Entrepreneurial Culture Dimensions on Entrepreneurial Intention: A Cross Cultural Study. Universal Journal of Management, 4(12), 685–693. http://dx.doi.org/10.13189/ujm.2016.041205.
  • Khadhraoui, M., Lakhal, L., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2016). The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Performance and Customer Satisfaction: The moderator Effect of Network Capabilities. Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance & Marketing, 8(2), 66–76.
    Obtenir ce livre à l'UQAMObtenir "The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Performance and Customer Satisfaction: The moderator Effect of Network Capabilities" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM
  • Dong, W., Chiang, J., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2015). Current Situations of Auto After-sales Services in China and Ideas on Its New Service System. International Journal of Mining, Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME), 3(3), 112–116. http://journalsweb.org/siteadmin/upload/1%20Wu%20Dong%20Formatted%20FigureOK.pdf.
  • Wu, Z., Lu, X., Chiang, J., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2015). Study on the Successful Mechanism of New Foreign Brands entering the Emerging Markets. International Journal of Humanities and Management Sciences (IJHMS), 3(5), 296–298. http://journalsweb.org/siteadmin/upload/P0815H01.pdf.
  • Tsai, F.-W., Bernard, P. jr., Plaisent, M. et Lin, E.Y.H. (2014). A Regression Analysis on the Macroeconomic Variables Affecting Taiwan’s Export Value to the US before and after 2008 Financial Crisis. Journal of Comparative International Management, 17(1), 43–65. https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/JCIM/article/view/22149.
  • Yu, Y., Bernard, P. jr., Plaisent, M. et Chiang, J.M.-H. (2014). Administrative Reforms in China: An Analysis of the Government Affairs Service Center of Pu’er City. Journal of Administrative Sciences and Policy Studies, 2(2), 1–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jasps.v2n2a1.
  • Hallman, S., Plaisent, M., Rakhimov, J. et Bernard, P. (2014). BIG DATA: Preconditions to Productivity. International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology, 3(2), 116–120. http://www.ijrdet.com/files/Volume3Issue2/IJRDET_0814_23.pdf.
  • Wei, H., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. jr et Chiang, J. M. (2014). Endowment Mode Preferences of the Aging Population of Selected Communities in Beijing. International Journal of Global Business, 7(1), 25–33. https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/endowment-mode-preferences-aging-population/docview/1562782430/se-2.
  • Bernard, P. jr., Au, P.K., Plaisent, M. et Chiang, J.M.-H. (2014). How Party Politics and Media Communication Affect Election Results in Hong Kong: Forecasting Party Strategies in the 2015 District Council and 2016 Legislative Council Elections. International Journal of Political Science and Development, 2(6), 117–131. http://www.academicresearchjournals.org/IJPSD/Abstract/2014/June/Bernard%20et%20al..htm.
  • Zhu, W., Bernard, P. jr., Plaisent, M et Chiang, J. M.-H. (2014). Innovative Planning and New-Type Urbanization in China: The Case of Wuxi City in Jiangsu Province. Current Urban Studies, 2(4), 307–314. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/cus.2014.24029.
  • Zhou, J., Plaisent, M., Zheng, L. et Bernard, P. (2014). Psychological Contract, Organizational Commitment and Work Satisfaction: Survey of Researchers in Chinese State-owned Engineering Research Institutions. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2(9), 217–225. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jss.2014.29037.
  • Zexiang, K., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Ming-Hsun, J. (2014). Relationship between Goods Trade Economy and Service-Oriented Economy. Review of Research, 3(9).
  • Farid, A., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Okoli, C. (2014). Student Online Readiness Assessment Tools: A Systematic Review Approach. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 12(4), 376–384. https://academic-publishing.org/index.php/ejel/article/view/1706.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Degila, A. et Norpanya, S. (2014). Windows' Ergonomics: Experts Health Point of View. International Journal of Computing, Communication and Instrumentation Engineering (IJCCIE), 1(1), 54–59. http://iieng.org/images/proceedings_pdf/7983E0913036.pdf.
  • Zheng, L.-L., Zuccaro, C., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2013). Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Risk in Internet Shopping in China. Communications of Global Information Technology (COGIT), 5.
  • Wong, S.Y., Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Chan, P. (2013). Building Energy Saving Gensus Appraisal of the Drill of Building Energy Saving Management in Construction Industry in Greater China, Asia and Worldwide. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 13(7), 14–23. https://globaljournals.org/GJMBR_Volume13/2-Building-Energy-Saving-Gensus-Appraisal.pdf.
  • Yau, P.M., Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Chan, P. (2013). Building Management in Hong Kong: Is A Trap For A Layman. Global Journal of Management & Research, (april-june), 148–162.
  • Zheng, L.-L., Plaisent, M., Pecquet, P. et Bernard, P. jr. (2013). Chinese and French Consumer Perceived Risk in Online Shopping: The Role of Uncertainty Avoidance. IAMURE: International Journal of Business and Management, 5(1), 59–78.
  • Cruz, J., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2013). Competency Evaluation of an IT Curriculum: Discrepancy Model of Competency Evaluation of IT Curriculum. International Journal of Advances in Computing and Information Technology, 2(1, Special issue), 299–302.
  • Hkiri, B., Aloui, C., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2013). Firm in Lawsuit: Prey or Predator? International Journal of Humanities and Applied Sciences (IJHAS), 2(5), 133–137. http://journalsweb.org/siteadmin/upload/38251%20IJHAS025060%20N.pdf.
  • Superio, M.Q., Cruz, J., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2013). Pedagogical Use of Social Media and Mobile Devices: The Students’ Point of View. International Journal of Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJCSEE), 1(4), 494–498.
  • Superio, M.Q., Cruz, J., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2013). Pedagogical Use of Social Media and Mobile Devices: The Students’ Point of View. International Journal of Humanities and Management Sciences (IJHMS), 1(4), 251–255. http://journalsweb.org/siteadmin/upload/phpEs.pdf.
  • Hsin-Ju, H., Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Chiang, J. (2013). Re-evaluating the Strategy of Visitors to Arts Museums: A new Approach to the Who, Why and When Questions. International Journal of Humanities and Applied Sciences (IJHAS), 2(2), 41–46. http://journalsweb.org/siteadmin/upload/35443%20IJHAS022040.pdf.
  • Xiaojun, Y., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. jr et Kuofie, M. (2013). Research on Business Model Innovation and Control of China's Education & Training Industry: New Oriental Education & Technology Group as an Example. Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance and Marketing, 5(1), 1–13. https://search.proquest.com/docview/1509736313?accountid=14719.
  • Jiaqiang, L., Bernard, P. jr. et Plaisent, M. (2013). Research on Himalayan Region Wine Industrial Cluster Innovation and Management. Journal of Marketing and Management, 4(1), 45–58. https://search.proquest.com/docview/1530373108?accountid=14719.
  • Wen-zhong, D., Bernard, P. jr., Plaisent, M. et Chiang, J.M.-H. (2013). Study on Evolution Law and Optimization of Regional Industrial Structure Based on Theory of Stochastic Processes. International Journal of Global Business, 6(1), 91–114. https://search.proquest.com/docview/1509763048?accountid=14719.
  • Hou, C.-Y., Plaisent, M., Ming-Hsun, C.J. et Bernard, P. (2013). Technology Acceptance Model of Consumer Satisfaction with the Physical and Spiritual Health with Stress-Relief and Health Industry as an Example. International Journal of Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJCSEE), 1(2), 278–282. https://journalsweb.org/siteadmin/upload/P413149.pdf.
    Notes: International Conference on Computer Science and Data Mining (ICCSDM'13), April 23-24
  • Wang, L.-L., Chiang, J. M.-H., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2013). The Factors of School Effectiveness:An EmpiricalInvestigation of Internal and External Factors of Junior High Schools in Taiwan. International Journal of Humanities and Applied Sciences (IJHAS), 2(3), 50–54. http://journalsweb.org/siteadmin/upload/59981%20IJHAS023042.pdf.
  • Booto Ekionea, J.-P., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2011). Consensus par la méthode Delphi sur les concepts clés des capacités organisationnelles spécifiques de la gestion des connaissances. Recherches qualitatives, 29(3), 168–192. http://www.recherche-qualitative.qc.ca/documents/files/revue/edition_reguliere/numero29(3)/RQ_29(3)_Booto-et-al.pdf.
  • Menon, S., Narayanan, L., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2010). Cultural Intelligence: A Culture-Specific Examination of Expatriate Leaders in Two Countries. Electronic Journal of Digital Enterprise (EJDE), (28).
  • Ouni, Z., Bernard., P., Plaisent, M. et Francoeur, C. (2010). L'impact de la gouvernance d'entreprise sur le coût de financement par obligations : une étude des firmes canadiennes. Electronic Journal of Digital Enterprise (EJDE), 26(4).
  • Booto Ekionea, J.P., Fillion, G., Bernard, P. et Plaisent M. (2010). Les technologies de l'information, la gestion des connaissances et un avantage concurrentiel soutenu : une analyse par la théorie des ressources. Revue de l'Université de Moncton, 41(1), 247–271. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1006096ar.
  • Mercier, D. et Plaisent, M. (2010). Organisation des connaissances dans les habitats numériques de communauté. Une étude exploratoire sur un cas de communauté de pratique de bienfaisance. Les Cahiers du Numérique, 6(3), 167–185. https://shs.cairn.info/revue-les-cahiers-du-numerique-2010-3-page-167?lang=fr.
    Notes: Numéro thématique intitulé "Organisation des connaissances et web 2.0." sous la direction de W. Mustafa El Hadi et M. Hudon, M.
  • Nonaka, M., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2010). Organization Cultural Distance, Strategy Formation and Subsidiary Performance: The Case of Canadian Subsidiaries of Multiunational Corporations. Electronic Journal of Digital Enterprise, 28.
  • WU, Z.X., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2009). Analyse des facteurs influençant l'utilisation des systèmes de gestion financière dans les petites et moyennes entreprises chinoises. E-Journal of Digital Enterprise, 24.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2009). Building International Education Model for Business Relations. Engineering, Science, and Technology.
  • Keyou, M.J., Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Kuofie, M. (2009). Economic Performance in Developing Countries: Comparative Studies Between Sub-Saharan, and East and South East Asian countries. Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance and Marketing, 1(1). https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/economic-performance-developing-countries/docview/1737492844/se-2.
  • Keyou, M.J., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2009). Why East and South East Asian countries have received more foreign direct investment than African countries? International Journal of Global Business, 2(2).
  • Bellaaj, M., Pecquet, P. et Plaisent, M. (2008). Antécédents et conséquences de l'adoption d'un site web par les PME tunisiennes : une analyse de cas multiples. Revue Information et Management.
    Notes: (en révision)
  • Bellaaj, M., Pecquet, P. et Plaisent, M. (2008). Capacités e-commerce et avantage compétitif : une étude empirique. Revue du management technologique, 15(3), 5–24. https://www.yumpu.com/fr/document/read/32238076/la-revue-du-management-technologique.
  • Bellaaj, M., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Pecquet, P. (2008). Organizational, Environmental, and Technological Factors Relating to Benefits of Website Adoption. International Journal of Global Business, 1(1), 44–64.
  • WU, Z.X., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2007). Analyse des facteurs influençant l'application des systèmes de gestion d'information (mis) dans les petites et moyennes entreprises chinoises : études de cas. Journal of Global Management Research, 3(1), 50–58.
  • Mehdi Ibnattya, A., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Andaloussi, M. (2007). Factors Affecting the Purchase by internet. Electronic Journal of Digital Enterprise, (19).
  • Kaba, B., Diallo, A., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et N'Da, K. (2006). Explaining the Factors Influencing Cellular Phones Use In Guinea. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 28(1), 1–7. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/j.1681-4835.2006.tb00187.x.
  • Plaisent, M., Maguiraga, L., Rakotomolala, H. et Bernard, P. (2006). Pratiques d'évaluation des investissements en TI au stade de la faisabilité. Cybergestion, 15(2).
  • Kucera, K., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Maguiraga, L. (2005). An Empirical Investigation of the Prevalence of Spyware in Internet Shareware and Freeware Distributions. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 18(6), 697–708. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/17410390510628391.
  • Plaisent, M., Benyahia, H., Bernard, P., Maguiraga, L. et Jamali, T. (2005). Approches à la comparaison de l'état des e-gouvernements. Revue Systèmes d'information et Management, 1(10).
    Notes: numéro spécial « administration électronique », (non publiée)
  • Tu, L., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Maguiraga, L. (2005). Comparative Age Differences of Job satisfaction on Faculty at Higher Education Level: China and Taiwan. International Journal of Educational Management, 19(3), 259–267. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09513540510591039.
  • Plaisent, M., Larhrib, S. et Bernard, P. (2005). Facteurs de succès de l'enseignement en ligne et maturité des e-apprenants. International Journal of Management and Technologies, 1(1), 119–136.
    Notes: Conférence internationale de e-management : outils et méthodes pour une meilleure intégration dans la société de l'information
  • Benslimane, Y., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2005). Investigating Search Costs and Coordination Costs in Electronic Markets: A Transaction Costs Economics Perspective. Electronic Markets, 15(3), 213–224. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10196780500208756.
  • Plaisent, M., Maguiraga, L., Bernard, P. et Larhrib, S. (2004). Evaluating E-labs' Experimentation. Electronic Journal on e-Learning, 2(1), 195–201. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1099127.pdf.
  • Plaisent, M., Benkirane, N., Maguiraga, L. et Bernard, P. (2004). La surveillance des employés branchés : timidité ou éthique? La revue francophone de @management, (10), article 1.
  • Hijazi, S., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Maguiraga, L. (2003). Interactive Technology Impact on Quality Distance Education. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 1(1), 35–44. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1099155.pdf.
  • Pimchangthong, D., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2003). Key Issues In Information Systems Management: A Comparative Study of Academics And Practitioners In Thailand. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 6(4), 27–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1097198X.2003.10856359.
  • Cascante, L.P., Plaisent, M., Maguiraga, L. et Bernard, P. (2002). The Impact of Expert Decision Support Systems on the Performance of New Employees. Information Resources Management Journal, 15(4), 64–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/irmj.2002100105.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Raynor, W. (2000). La innovación para una ventaja competitiva : el caso de Internet. Calidad & Excelencia, (15).
  • Raynor, W., Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P., Jr. (2000). NAFTA in 2000: A Paradox for North American Professors. 49th Parallel: An Interdisciplinary Journal of North American Studies, (5), 1–21. https://49thparalleljournal.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/4-nafta-in-2000.pdf.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Montenegro, A. (1996). Evolucion de las Disertationes doctorales en MIS. Revista Faces, (13), 55–91. http://servicio.bc.uc.edu.ve/faces/revista/a6n13/6-13-4.pdf.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Ducharme, J. et Montenegro, A. (1996). La convivencia de la informática: frenos y motores para el francés y el español. Revista Escuela de Administración de Negocios, (27), 15–23. https://ean.metarevistas.org/index.php/Revista/article/view/1163.
  • Cardinal, L., Dufranne, M., Plaisent, M., Salengros, P. et Sylin, M. (1995). La carrière des Managers Information System : analyse des résultats d'une enquête sur le déroulement de la carrière des gestionnaires de l'informatique. Psychologie et psychométrie, 16(4), 35–55.
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (1993). Electronic Mail: Efficient and Effective or a Fad ? European Business Review, 93(2), 27–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000001915.
  • Bernard, P., Plaisent, M., Laskey, H. et Renforth, W. (1992). Politica formulacion y cultura del ambiente: comparación America Latina-América del Norte. Academia, 7(9).
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Zuccaro, C. (1991). Prototype d'un instrument de mesure de la convivialité des logiciels pour gestionnaires. Technologies de l'information et société, 3(2/3), 251–266.
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (1991). Une approche contingente au choix des média par les gestionnaires. Academia, 7(1), 11–16.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Zuccaro, C. (1990). Comment distinguer les problèmes d'apprentissage des problèmes de convivialité : un premier pas. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 7(1), 37–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1936-4490.1990.tb00527.x.
Chapitres de livre
  • Villarino, R.T., Alonzo, M.L.M., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2025). Comparing Canadian and Filipino Culture for Sustainable Business Relationships. Dans R. Perez-Uribe, D. Ocampo-Guzman et L.J. Lozano-Correa (dir.). Models, Strategies, and Tools for Competitive SMEs (p. 69–94). IGI Global. https://www.doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-4046-2.ch004.
  • Durante, C., Zuccaro, C., Plaisent, M., Gueyi, J.-P. et Bernard, P. (2025). Women and Micro Enterprises: Performance Challenges to Overcome Stereopypes and Finance Sccess. Dans A. Masouras, S. Anastasiadou, A. Constantelou et S. Apostolopoulos (dir.). Real-World Tools and Scenarios for Entrepreneurship Exploration (p. 223–256). IGI Global. https://www.doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-3100-2.ch009.
  • Plaisent, M., Lafortune, J.-M., Zheng, L., Ndinga, P., Tomiuk, D., Cortes, S., Czubinski, A. et Bernard, P. (2024). Can serious games and AI Rejuvenate Museums? Dans R. Correia, M. Martins et R. Fontes (dir.). AI Innovations for Travel and Tourism (p. 82–103). IGI Global. https://www.doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-2137-9.ch005.
  • Fu, X., Bernard, P., Magan, R.G., Plaisent, M. et Gongzhao, L. (2024). Corporate social responsibility as perceived by business people. Dans M. Pucelj et R. Bohinc (dir.). Corporate Governance and CSR Strategies for Sustainability (p. 72–99). IGI Global. https://www.doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-5863-4.ch004.
  • Alonzo, M.L.M., Zuccaro, C., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2024). Examination of the relationship between organizational effectiveness and transformational leadership: The case of registered charities. Dans F. Mızrak (dir.). Trends, Challenges, and Practices in Contemporary Strategic Management (p. 194–212). IGI Global. https://www.doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-1155-4.ch010.
  • Tomiuk, D., Zuccaro, C., Öncel, A.G., Plaisent, M., Benslimane, Y. et Bernard, P. (2024). Innovation characteristics considered by top world universities' librarians adopting AI: Insights from rogers' diffusion of innovations. Dans I. Khamis (dir.). Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Libraries (p. 139–1646). IGI Global. https://www.doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-1573-6.ch006.
  • Tomiuk, D., Zuccaro, C., Plaisent, M., Öncel, A.G., Benslimane, Y. et Bernard, P. (2024). Investigating factors affecting Artificial Intelligence (AI) adoption by libraries at top-rated universities worldwide. Dans B. Holland et K. Sinha (dir.). Handbook of Research on Innovative Approaches to Information Technology in Library and Information Science (p. 103–125). IGI Global. https://www.doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-0807-3.ch006.
  • Pogoy, A.M.-A., Boholano, H.B., Cabanilla, A., Dapat, L. et Plaisent, M. (2024). Meta analysis of the impact of the flipped classroom on secondary students' mathematics performance. Dans A.S. Munna, H. Alharahsheh, A. Ferrazza et A. Pius (dir.). Transforming Education for Personalized Learning (p. 131–142). IGI Global. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-0868-4.ch008.
  • Durante, C., Plaisent, M., Zuccaro, C., Gueyie, J.-P. et Bernard, P. (2024). Micro-enterprises, performance factors, and the role of gender. Dans R.A. Abu-Lughod (dir.). A Cross-Cultural Examination of Women in Higher Education and the Workplace (p. 214–236). IGI Global. https://www.doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-0102-9.ch011.
  • Macdonald, R., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2022). Open Economies, Closed Economies and a Case Study. Dans R. Macdonald (dir.). Open and Closed Economies: Lessons from the Philippines and Vietnam (p. 1–26). Palgrave Macmillan. https://www.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-79534-4_1.
  • Zuccaro, C., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2021). A Preliminary Framework to Fight Tax Evasion in the Home Renovation Market. Dans Z. Sun (dir.). Intelligent Analytics With Advanced Multi-Industry Applications (p. 304–325). IGI Global. https://www.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-4963-6.ch015.
  • Plaisent, M., Tomiuk, D., Perez, L., Mokkedem, A. et Bernard, P. (2019). Serious Games for Learning with Digital Technologies. Dans M. Peters et R. Heraud (dir.). Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-2262-4_125-1.
  • Plaisent, M., Dayagbil, F., Pogoy, A.M. et Bernard, P. (2016). Is Flipped Classroom a Tendency or Fad ? The Point of View of Future Teachers in Philippines. Dans D. Parsons (dir.). Mobile and Blended Learning innovations for improved Learning Outcomes (p. 41–59). IGI Global. https://www.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-0359-0.ch003.
  • Amroune, B., Hafsi, T., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2014). Critical Factors for Survival of SMEs in the Algerian Context of Change. Dans E. Chrysostome et R. Molz (dir.). Building businesses in emerging and developing countries: challenges and opportunities (p. 256–277). Routledge. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780203080665.
  • Amroune, B., Hafsi, T., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2014). Discussing the Effect of Upgrade Programs on the Adaptation and Performance of SMEs in Developing Countries: A Contingency Perspective. Dans E. Chrysostome et R. Molz (dir.). Building businesses in emerging and developing countries: challenges and opportunities (p. 339–369). Routledge. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780203080665.
  • Amroune, B., Hafsi, T., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2014). SMEs in Developing Countries and Institutional Challenges in Turbulent Environments: The Case of Algeria. Dans E. Chrysostome et R. Molz (dir.). Building businesses in emerging and developing countries: challenges and opportunities (p. 215–232). Routledge. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780203080665.
  • Plaisent, M., Lahrib, S., Bernard, P. et Maguiraga, L. (2009). De la pensée à l’action par les systèmes d’aide à la prise de décision : le cas des investisseurs étrangers. Dans V. Alexandre (dir.). Penser et agir : tome I. Contextes philosophique, praxéologique et langagier (p. 171–195). Éditions le Manuscrit.
  • Plaisent, M., Degila, A., Benslimane, Y. et Bernard, P. (2005). Examen de l'impact ergonomique des fenêtres de Windows. Dans E. Abord de Chatillon et O. Bachelard (dir.). Management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail : un champ de recherche à défricher (p. 191–200). L'Harmattan.
  • Tu, L., Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Maguiraga, L. (2004). Comparative Gender Differences in Faculty Job Satisfaction at Higher Education: Taiwan and China. Dans K. Morgan, C.A. Brebbia, J. Sanchez et A. Voiskounsky (dir.). Human Perspectives in the Internet Society: Culture, Psychology and Gender (p. 265–272). WIT Press.
  • Perez, L., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Maguiraga, L. (2004). Novice's Performance and Satisfaction Improvment through Expert Decision Support Usage. Dans M. Khosrow-Pour (dir.). Advanced Topics in Information Resources Management (vol. 3, p. 163–182). Idea Group. https://www.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-59140-253-4.ch007.
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (1997). Importance of Familiarization for System Acceptance: The Case of Voice Mail. Dans J. Carey (dir.). Human Factors in Information Systems: Relationship Between User Interface Design and Human Performance (p. 59–170). Ablex Publising.
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (1995). Development of a Tool for Measuring the User friendliness of Software: The Case of Managers Learning to Use LOTUS 1-2-3. Dans J. Carey (dir.). Human factors in information systems: emerging theoretical bases (p. 269–290). Ablex Publising.
  • Bourgoin, A., Romero-Torres, A., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Favreau, S. (2021). Création d’un projet dans Microsoft Project. Éditions JFD.
  • Plaisent, M., Zheng, L., Khadhraoui, M. et Bernard, P. (2018). Concepts et outils des sondages Web : introduction à LimeSurvey et SurveyMonkey. Presses de l'Université du Québec. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvt1shhc
  • Zheng, L., Plaisent, M., Zuccaro, C., Bernard, P., Daghfous, N. et Favreau, S. (2018). L'analyse des données de sondage avec SPSS : un guide d'introduction. Presses de l'Université du Québec. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv10qqx59
  • Zheng, L., Plaisent, M., Zuccaro, C. et Bernard, P. (2017). Introduction à la modélisation d'équations structurelles : AMOS dans la recherche en gestion. Presses de l'Université du Québec. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv1n35cz2
  • Bernard, P., Plaisent, M., Pecquet, P. et Raynor, W.J. (2011). Stratégies globales : le cas de la Massachussetts State University. Presses de l'Université du Québec. https://www.puq.ca/catalogue/libreacces/strategies-globales-2069.html
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Zuccaro, C., Daghfous, N. et Favreau, S. (2009). Introduction à l'analyse des données de sondage avec SPSS. Presses de l'Université du Québec. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv18pgkjn
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Zuccaro, C. et Daghfous, N. (2004). SPSS 12.0 pour Windows : guide d'autoformation. Presses de l'Université du Québec.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Zuccaro, C. et Daghfous, N. (2002). SPSS 11.0 pour Windows : guide d'autoformation. Presses de l'Université du Québec.
    Obtenir ce livre à l'UQAMObtenir "SPSS 11.0 pour Windows : guide d'autoformation" aux bibliothèques de l'UQAM
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Zuccaro, C., Daghfous, N. et Chéron, E. (2001). SPSS 10.0 pour Windows : guide d'autoformation. Presses de l'Université du Québec.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Zuccaro, C., Daghfous, N. et Chéron, E. (1999). SPSS 9.0 pour Windows : guide d'autoformation. Presses de l'Université du Québec.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Chéron, E., Zuccaro, C., Bodson, P. et Morin, E. (1998). SPSS 7.5 pour Windows 95/NT : guide d'autoformation. Presses de l'Université du Québec.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Zuccaro, C. et Favreau, S. (1996). L'appropriation des nouvelles technologies de communication. Presses de l'Université du Québec.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Morin, E., Chéron, E., Zuccaro, C. et Bodson, P. (1996). SPSS 6.1 pour MacIntosh : guide d'autoformation. Presses de l'Université du Québec.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Morin, E., Chéron, E., Zuccaro, C. et Bodson, P. (1996). SPSS pour Windows 6.1 : guide d'autoformation. Presses de l'Université du Québec.
  • Plaisent, M. (1987). L'usage d'un système de communication médialisée par ordinateur par des cadres supérieurs [Examination of the Use of a Computer-Mediated Communication-System by Higher Level Managers of an Organization]. (Thèse de doctorat). University Microfilm International.
    Notes: Doctoral dissertation, University of Quebec in Montreal, 1987
Actes de colloque
  • Ethier, L., Tomiuk, D., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2024). Navigating Digital Transformation: Crafting Tailored Data Strategies for Organizational Adaptability. Dans N.C. Callaos, E. Gaile-Sarkane, N. Lace, B. Sanchez et M. Savoie (dir.). Proceedings of World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, WMSCI 2024, (vol. 1, p. 210-216). International Institute of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (IIIS). https://www.doi.org/10.54808/WMSCI2024.01.210.
  • St-Vincent Villeneuve, A. et Plaisent, M. (2023). Framework for Choosing a Supervised Machine Learning Method for Classification Based on Object Categories : Classifying Subjectivity of Online Comments by Product Categories. Dans IAIT '23: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Advances in Information Technology, article 18. Association for Computing Machinery. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3628454.3630041.
  • Oncel, A.G., Plaisent, M., Zuccaro, C., Zheng, L. et Bernard, P. (2023). Propensity to Recycle Mobile Phone: A Gender Comparison [PowerPoint], 41st IBIMA Conference, Granada, Spain, held on 6-27 June 2023. https://ibima.org/accepted-paper/intention-to-recycle-mobile-phone-gender-comparison-in-turkey-universities/.
  • Balo, V.T.M., Pogoy, A. M., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2023). The mathematical, reading, and scientific literacies for sustainable development in the fourth industrial revolution, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2872(1), article 020017. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0163402.
  • Plaisent, M., Öncel, A.G., Tomiuk, D., Benslimane, Y., Zuccaro, C. et Bernard, P. (2022). How does Covid-19 disrupt traditional success models: The case of e-learning. Dans E.Y. Li, P. Ractham et B. Yen (dir.). Proceedings of The International Conference on Electronic Business. ICEB’22, Bangkok, Thailand, October 13-17, 2022, (vol. 22, p. 212-225). https://aisel.aisnet.org/iceb2022/20/.
  • Plaisent, M., Öncel, A.G., Tomiuk, D., Benslimane, Y., Zuccaro, C. et Bernard, P. (2022). How does Covid-19 disrupt traditional success models: The case of e-learning. Dans International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2022: "Digitization for the Next Generation, Association for Information Systems.
  • Zheng, L., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2022). Investigating mechanisms for compensating for an inability to touch products [Résumé]. Dans J. Domenech et M.R. Vicente (dir.). Internet and Big Data in Economics and Social Sciences: 4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics, 29 June- July, 2022,· Valencia, Spain (hybrid conference), (p. 281). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/CARMA/CARMA2022/search/authors/view?firstName=Michel&middleName=&lastName=Plaisent&affiliation=University%20of%20Quebec%20in%20Montreal&country=CA.
  • Tomiuk, D., Desmarais, P., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2022). Success Factors of Blended Learning Environment As Perceived By Learners: Toward A Conceptual Framework, GITMA 2022 Conference Theme: Digital Transformation in the Global Economy, June 13-14, 2022, Mexico City, Mexico.
  • Zuccaro, C., Plaisent, M., Benslimane, Y. et Bernard, P. (2022). The Perceived Importance of Factors Affecting the Risks and Benefits of Cloud Computing: A Managers’ Perspective [Résumé]. Dans C. Veloutsou et O. Gkounta (dir.). 20th Annual International Conference on Marketing 27-30 June 2022, Athens, Greece. Abstract Book, (p. 69-71). The Athens Institute for Education and Research. https://www.atiner.gr/abstracts/2022ABST-MKT.pdf.
  • Plaisent, M., Oncel, A.G., Tomiuk, D. et Bernard, P. (2022). Websites User Relations: Unfriendly or Unethic. Dans PACIS 2022 proceedings, article 304. https://aisel.aisnet.org/pacis2022/304/.
  • Plaisent, M., Lafranchise, N., Khadhraoui, M., Tomiuk, D., Mondesir, S., Gagne, M.-J., Zuccaro, C. et Bernard, P. (2021). Création d’une Communauté de Pratique pour les Spin-out. Dans Proceedings of the 37th IBIMA, 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain. Virtuelle.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Macdonald, R. (2021). International Trade in a Post-Covid-19’s World, Communications of International Proceedings, 2021(1), article 3787921.
    Notes: numéro intitulé :Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organizational Management and Human Resources Practices: Selected papers from 37th IBIMA International Conference 30-31 May 2021
  • Plaisent, M., Lafranchise, N., Tomiuk, D., Zuccaro, C., Mondésir, S., Khadhraoui, M., Gagné, M.-J. et Bernard, P. (2021). Networking to Support Spin-out Decision: The Case of Women in Engineering. Dans AISWN International Research Workshop On Women, IS and Grand Challenges 2021, article 6. https://aisel.aisnet.org/aiswn2021/6/.
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2021). Perspectives on Business Practices in Digital Age, Janmat Power National Research Journal, (special edition January), 9-11.
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2021). Push or Pull Monthly Virtual Statements: Vendor or Consumer Sake? Dans ICIS 2001 TREOS, article 2. https://aisel.aisnet.org/treos_icis2021/2.
  • Dimodugno, M., Hallman, S., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2021). The effect of privacy concerns, risk, control, and trust on individuals' decisions to share personal information: A game theory-based approach, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2090, article 012017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2090/1/012017.
    Notes: volume intitulé : 10th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences (IC-MSQUARE 2021), 6-9 September 2021, Greece (Virtual)
  • Zheng, L., Plaisent, M., Öncel, A.G. et Bernard, P. (2021). Toward a Framework for Predicting Intention to Recycle, Communications of International Proceedings, 2021(14), article 3776021. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352312550_Toward_a_Framework_for_Predicting_Intention_to_Recycle.
    Notes: numéro intitulé : Sustainability and Environmental Economics – Strategies, Policies, and Innovations: Selected papers from 37th IBIMA International Conference 30-31 May 2021
  • Sitoy, R.E., Ndinga, P., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2020). Exploring the Digital Literacies and Multiple Intelligences of Teachers in Graduate Schools. Dans K.S. Soliman (dir.). Proceedings of the 36th IBIMA conference , Sustainable Economic Development and Advancing Education Excellence in the era of Global Pandemic, Granada, Spain, 4-5 November, 2020.
  • Chambilla, P., Tomiuk, D., Marcotte, S., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2020). Factors Affecting Satisfaction with Serious Games – Direct, Mediated and Higher-Order Constructs. Dans 2020 11th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), (p. 0845-0853). http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IEMCON51383.2020.9284862.
  • Rakotozandry, A.I., Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Razaivaovololoniaina, D. (2020). Improvement of the Production Quality of the Textile Industries in Madagascar by the Knowledge Engineering, International Journal of Business and Management Research (IJBMR), 8(2), 28-33. http://dx.doi.org/10.37391/IJBMR.080201.
  • Tomiuk, D., Milliias, J., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Benslimane, Y. (2020). Security Factors Affecting Managers’ Perception About Cloud Computing. Dans Proceedings.
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2019). Comparing Filipino and Canadian Culture for Sustainable Business. Dans 2nd International Conference on Arts and Culture, May 30-31, 2018, Social Hall, Cebu Provincial Capitol Building, Cebu, Philippines.
  • Ouni, Z., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2019). Literature Review of Research on Sovereign Wealth Funds. Dans K.S. Soliman (dir.). Proceedings of the 34th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA): Vision 2025: Education Excellence and Management of Innovations through Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage, 13-14 November 2019, Madrid, Spain, (p. 1837-1846).
  • Plaisent, M., Tomiuk, D., Zheng, L. et Bernard, P. (2019). NEWS 3.0: Intelligent Talked Newspaper: A Proposal for the Visually-Impaired. Dans SMARTS 9th National and International Conference.
    Notes: hosted by Faculty of Social Sciences, Srinakharinwirot University, and SMARTS network, during June 21-22, 2019, in Bangkok, Thailand. (Accepted for oral presentation)
  • Essebsi, E.C., Tomiuk, D., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2019). Product/Service Complexity and Choice of Channels for Information Search During the Purchase Process: A Proposed Model Based on Media-Richness Theory. Dans D. Tomiuk et M. Srivastava (dir.). Proceedings of the 2019 (9th) International Conference: Association of Global Management Studies, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, July 1st and July 2nd (Abstracts and Selected Papers), (p. 261-272). Association of Global Management Studies.
  • Plaisent, M., Mokeddem, A. et Bernard, P. (2019). Strategy of Algerian Emergency Hospitals Based on a Technical Learning Approach [Texte de la communication], The 11th edition of the international Serious Play Conference from July 10 to 12 at UQAM /La 11e édition de la conférence internationale Serious Play à l’UQAM du 10 au 12 juillet 2019. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356408021_Strategy_of_Algerian_Emergency_Hospitals_Based_on_a_Technical_Learning_Approach.
  • Plaisent, M., Dayagbil, F., Pogoy, A. et Bernard, P. (2019). Toward Education 4.0: Emerging Trends, Challenges and Innovative Approaches for the Next Millennium. Dans K.S. Soliman (dir.). Proceedings of the 34th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA): Vision 2025: Education Excellence and Management of Innovations through Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage, 13-14 November 2019, Madrid, Spain, (p. 2750-2759).
  • Bernard, P., Bernard, P. Jr. et Plaisent, M. (2019). World Trade Crisis. Dans Proceedings of the conference WORLD TRADE IN CRISIS, vol. 1.
  • Bernard, P., Bernard, P. Jr. et Plaisent, M. (2019). World Trade Crisis. Dans Proceedings of the conference WORLD TRADE IN CRISIS, vol. 2.
  • Mokeddem, A., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2018). A competitive learning environment based on games: An overview about reality. Dans K.S. Soliman (dir.). Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018 – Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic Development and Application of Innovation Management from Regional expansion to Global Growth, (p. 1905-1910). International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA).
  • Sung, W.-C., Chiang, J. M.-H., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2018). A survey of students' cognition of acne and their Self-identity: A Case Study of a college in north Taiwan. Dans 12th International Conference on Humanities, Business, Education and Social Sciences (HBESS-18) June 12-13, 2018 Manila (Philippines), (p. 14-16). https://eares.org/siteadmin/upload/1288EAP0618126.pdf.
  • Khadhraoui, M., Lakhal, L., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Tapachai, N. (2018). After Life Digital Assets. Dans O.K. Gupta et S. Agrawal (dir.). ICMIS-18 International Conference on Managementand Information Systems, September 21-22, 2018, (p. 25-30). http://www.icmis.net/icmis18/ICMIS18CD/pdf/S163-final.pdf.
  • Massoud, L.L., Steve Hallman, S., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2018). Applying and Improving Multidisciplinary Teaching Techniques to the Programming Classroom Environment. Dans 12th International Conference on Business, Education, Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies (BEHIS-18) Zagreb (Croatia) May 11-12, 2018, (p. 10-17). http://dx.doi.org/10.17758/HEAIG3.H0518408.
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2018). BIT's 5th Annual Global Congress of Knowledge Economy-2018 (GCKE-2018), seeking sustainable future in a smart word, sept. 8, 2018.
    Notes: 9th September 2018, Qingdao, Chine
  • Ahmadi, R., Maeda, K. et Plaisent, M.(dir.). (2018). ICASET-18, ACBES-18 & EEHIS-18: June 20-21, 2018 Paris (France). http://dx.doi.org/10.17758/URUAE2.
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2018). Intelligent Toward Smart city : the case of Montreal. Dans BIT’s 5th Annual Global Congress of Knowledge Economy-2018. Conference Abstracts.
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2018). Internationalization. Dans 10th International Conference on Education, Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences (EEHSS-18-Vietnam) June 10-11, 2018 Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), International Forum on Law, Education and Business Professionals.
  • Mokeddem, A., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2018). L’enseignement de la statistique pour les étudiants de doctorat en science sociale : Quelle démarche à adopter ? le cas des Universités Algériennes. Dans 15th International Conference on Education, Economics, Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies (EEHIS-18) Paris (France) June 20-21, 2018.
  • Narayanan, L., Menon, S., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2018). Stress in the workplace: A qualitative examination of generative eustress in two countries, International Journal of Global Business, 11(2), 59-78.
  • Wang, K., Minh-Hsun Chiang, J., Hu, H., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2018). Study on the Development Strategy of Chinese Pawnbroking, International Journal of Global Business, 11(2), 51-58.
  • Laradi, N., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2018). The Organizational Impacts of a Service Oriented Architecture, Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance and Marketing, 10(1), 88-96. https://research-ebsco-com.proxy.bibliotheques.uqam.ca/linkprocessor/plink?id=ce67d37b-8eb2-3f4d-9cf6-2bcacaf6b924.
  • Plaisent, M., Thanitnan, C., Thanitnan, C., Bernard, P. et Pongwiritthon, R. (2018). Toward a model of taxi customer satisfaction. Dans 10th International Conference on Education, Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences (EEHSS-18-Vietnam) June 10-11, 2018 Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam).
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2018). University-Industry Transfer Factor Success and Rural Areas [Résumé]. Dans Asian Conference on sustainable and regenerative development 2018 : Conference Proceedings and Book of Abstracts. April 9-11, 2018, Panglao, Bohol, Philippines, (p. 36). Asian Society of Teachers for Research. https://issuu.com/astr2016/docs/acsrd2018_boa_for_website_b.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Pandanon, C. et Zheng, L. (2018). Websurveys: Concepts and Tools. RCIS 2018 IEEE 12th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science.
  • Elliott, E., Khalil, Y., Ng, J., Oufariad, M. A., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2017). Are You Ready for the Digital Afterlife? Dans 4th International Conference on Business, Law, Education and Corporate Social Responsibilities (BLECSR-17), (p. 65-71). https://icehm.org/upload/EPH0717005.pdf.
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2017). Are you ready for the Digital Afterlife? Dans 8th international conference on Recent trends in Sciences Engineering and Technology, DirPub and URAE P, 10-11 juillet et 6th International Conference on Humanities, Social Sciences, Education and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICHSSE-17), Phnom Penh, July.
  • Plaisent, M., Dayagbil, F., Chu, S. et Bernard, P. (2017). Continuous Dynamic Evaluation of teaching in CNU [Résumé]. Dans 4th international teacher education student conference (TESTcon). March 10 Marco Polo Plaza hotel Cebu Philippines. (book of abstract).
  • Charif, M., Ferhat, S., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2017). Corporate Social Responsibility a Tool in Building Sustainable Relationships with Customers, DEStech Transactions on Economics, Business and Management. International Conference on Economics and Management Engineering (ICEME 2017), 207-222. http://dx.doi.org/10.12783/dtem/iceme2017/11791.
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2017). E-learning Success Factors and Student’ e-readiness. Dans International Conference on Computer Science, Data Mining and Applications ERPUB and EIRAI Int’l Conference Dec. 7-8, 2017 Paris (France).
  • Plaisent, M., Favreau, S. et Bernard, P. (2017). Fitness Wearables: Indispensable Assistant or Useless Gadget? Dans 2nd International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (RTET-2017), (p. 151-154). http://dx.doi.org/10.17758/EIRAI.F0217612.
  • Mokeddem, A., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2017). Knowledge and Strategic Management: Between the Traditional and Contemporary Strategic Approaches. Dans 6th International Conference on Studies in Law, Education, Business and Hospitality Management (LEBHM-17) Dec. 7-8, 2017 Paris (France), (p. 74-83). http://dx.doi.org/10.17758/ERPUB.F1217501.
  • Snoussi, A., Karoui-Zouaoui, S. et Plaisent, M. (2017). L'Entrepreneuriat social ou l'Entrepreneuriat classique pour une Tunisie Nouvelle [Résumé]. Dans 23rd IBIMA Conference. https://ibima.org/accepted-paper/lentrepreneuriat-social-ou-lentrepreneuriat-classique-pour-une-tunisie-nouvelle/.
  • Mokeddem, A., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2017). Les Incubateurs D'entreprise Académique (Spin-Off) : quelle perspectives dans le contexte algérien ? Dans 5th edition of the Conference of the Americas on International Education (CAIE). CAEI-CANADA 2017 (Montréal). "Préparer les leaders et les innovateurs de demain: la recherche et l’enseignement supérieur, vecteurs de prospérité en Amériques", 11-13 oct.
  • Guerin, M.J., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2017). Special Education Classroom Strategies for Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Affected Students. Dans Proceedings of the 6th International Conference (ICGBCAE’17) , April 25-26, 2017 Paris (France).
  • Narayanan, L., Menon, S., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2017). Telecommuting: The Work Anywhere, Anyplace, Anytime Organization in the 21st Century, Journal of Marketing and Management, 8(2), 47-54. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=129070704&lang=fr&site=ehost-live.
  • Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Librowicz, M. (2017). The new Chinese silk road = the new international commerce. Proceedings of the 28th conference, from April 26 to May 2017 in China.
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard P. (2017). Western Universities as an Outsourcing Market for Asian: The case of e-learning courses. Dans 18 Janvier 2017, Bangkok.
  • Yao, L., Plaisent, M., Chiang, J. M.-H. et Bernard, P. (2016). Citizen Cards’ Benefits Based on Grey System Theory. Dans O.K. Gupta et S. Agrawal (dir.). International Conference on Management and Information Systems, September 23-24, 2016, (p. 90-99). http://www.icmis.net/icmis16/ICMIS16CD/pdf/S127.pdf.
  • Chen, T.-T., Chian, J. M.-H., Plaisent, M. et Prosper Bernard, P. (2016). Green Energy Industry And Green Investment Profit Pattern Analysis. Dans Proceedings ICABR 2016.
    Notes: 11st International Conference on Applied Business Research –ICABR which will be organized from September 5th-9th, 2016 at Asia Pattaya hotel, Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand. PD#57
  • Bernard, P., Plaisent, M., Librowicz, M. et Toffoli, R. (2016). One World. MBA encounter UCA-ASIA. Proceedings of the 25th conference from April 19, 2016 to April 26, 2016 in China.
  • Dayagbil, F., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2016). Revitalizing Teacher Education Through Research. Dans Proceedings of the 45th National and 6th International Convention of the Philippines Association for Teachers and Educators (PAFTE). Convention Oct 20-22 at Legazpi city (Philippines).
  • Zhang, H., Ming-Hsun Chiang, J., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2016). Strategic Approach to Develop Biological Washing in Global Scale. Dans B. Saha (dir.). Environmental Science and Sustainable Development: International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development (ICESSD 2015), (p. 163-172). World Scientific. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/9789814723039_0022.
  • Amroune, B., Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Zuccaro, C. (2016). Upgrade Programs for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises "SMEs", Performance Analysis: The Case of Algeria, Journal of Marketing and Management, 7(2), 17-46. https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/upgrade-programs-small-medium-sized-enterprises/docview/1843743597/se-2.
  • Nefzi, S., Aroussi, S., Karoui Zouaoui, S. et Plaisent, M. (2015). Ambidextrie de connaissances : quel rôle du capital social dans l’exploration et l’exploitation des connaissances ? [Résumé]. Dans 26th IBIMA Conference: Madrid, Spain, 11-12 November 2015. https://ibima.org/accepted-paper/lambidextrie-de-connaissances-quel-role-du-capital-social-dans-lexploration-et-lexploitation-des-connaissances/.
  • Plaisent, M., Priyasilpa, Y., Benslimane, Y. et Bernard, P. (2015). Certification Education as a Tool to Improve Good Practices in Charities Management. Dans Tomorrow People Conference 10th Annual Education and Development Conference, Bangkok, Thaïlande, 5-7 mars.
  • Zheng, L., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2015). Culture Matters in the Impact of E-Retailer’s Reputation on Consumer’s Purchasing Decision. Dans L. Zheng et M. Plaisent (dir.). International Conference on Business, Marketing and Information System Management (BMISM-15) and 4th International Conference on Law, Education and Humanities (ICLEH-15), Nov 25-26, 2015, Paris France. http://icehm.org/upload/7216ED1115045.pdf.
  • Plaisent, M., Dayagbil, F. et Bernard, P. (2015). Do Research Still Need Motivation ? Dans The International Educators’ Conference 2015 with the theme : Bridging the Gaps in Education: Fortifying International Cooperation, St. Paul University, Tuguegarao, Philippines, 20-22 août.
  • Plaisent, M., Ryan, J.C., Jungcharoensukying, E. et Bernard, P. (2015). Einstein's A Priori Respectability [Résumé]. Dans Project Eistein abstracts and paper presentations. https://8e6283fc-367e-4497-b29e-503ecaeec780.filesusr.com/ugd/b32665_03182ad29999402fab438861517c1ce3.pdf.
  • Jian, T., Chiang, J., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2015). Empirical Studies on the Influence of Innovation Atmosphere on Innovation Ability and Performance of Culture Industry. Dans Proceedings of International Conference on Management Finance Economics, July 11-12, 2015, (p. 260-266).
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2015). Health NGO Good Management Practices : Genesis of a Project of Standardization. Dans Proceedings of the 16th Asian Bioethics Conference: Bioethical Challenges and Responses to the New Glocal Knowledge Economy, Asian Bioethics Association, Quezon City, Philippines, 3-8 novembre.
  • Wang Shijun, W., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2015). Impact of Project-Leader’s Emotional Intelligence on Project Performance: Empirical Evidence from an Asian Project. Dans The 2015 Asian Association of Social Psychology's 11th Biennial Convention, Cebu City, 19-22 août 2014.
  • Cruz, J., Mae Manabat, I., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2015). Indigenous Resource-Based Management of Kalan–Kalikasan Rocket Stove Livelihood Project. Dans Proceedings of the International Forum on Indigenous Management Practices, Laos-Japan Institution (JLI) and Faculty of Economics and Management, National University of Laos, Vientiane, Laos, 16-19 mars, 2014.
  • Rehman, S.U., Iqbal, P., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2015). Management of Knowledge for Business Excellence: The Customer Service Delivery Perspective. Dans The 10th International Conference on e-Business (iNCEB2015), November 23rd-24th 2015. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320383551_Management_of_Knowledge_for_Business_Excellence_The_Customer_Service_Delivery_Perspective.
  • Yanjun, S., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Chiang, J. M.-H. (2015). Talent Problem in Chinese Regional Cultural Creative Industry in the Background of Primary Function Areas: a case study. Dans J. Strouhal (dir.). International Conference on Business, Economics and Management (ICBEM'15), April 9-10, 2015, Phuket (Thailand), (p. 40-43). https://icehm.org/upload/6644ED0415036.pdf.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Norpanya, S. (2015). UPC and the Information of the Third Kind. Dans Int'l Conference on Computer Science, Data Mining & Mechanical Engg. (ICCDMME’2015) April 20-21, 2015 Bangkok (Thailand), (p. 149-153). http://iieng.org/images/proceedings_pdf/1806E0415075.pdf.
  • Fillion, G., Booto Ekionea, J.-P., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2015). Using the Soft System Methodology for Designing an Integrated and Inter-firm Knowledge Management Capabilities Maturity Model in Health care organization. Dans P. Pholphirul (dir.). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multidisciplinary in Management, (p. 1-15).
  • Zheng, L., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2014). A Cross-Cultural Research on Risk Involved with Online Shopping : China, France, Canada and Thailand. Dans Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Behavioral Sciences (ICBEMBS'2014/ICICS'2014), Bangkok (Thaïande), 28-29 janvier.
  • Hallman, S., Plaisent, M., Rakhimov, J. et Bernard, P. (2014). BIG DATA: Preconditions to Productivity. Dans 2014 IEEE 13th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, (p. 727-731). http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TrustCom.2014.95.
  • Zheng, L., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2014). Comparability Regarding Cross-Cultural Research: Establishing Data Equivalence Using Amos Multi-Group Analysis. Dans PLS 2014, 8th International Conference on Partial Least Squares and Related Methods, 26-28 May 2014 – Paris, france, (p. 179-180).
  • Benslimane, Y., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Bahli, B. (2014). Key Challenges and Opportunities in Cloud Computing and Implications on Service Requirements: Evidence from a Systematic Literature Review. Dans 2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, (p. 114-121). http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CloudCom.2014.115.
  • Kwong Fung, L., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Chiang, J. (2014). Perceptions of Hongkong Students: Usefulness of Current Social Issue Course in Improving Writing Skills. Dans International Conference on Law, Management and Humanities (ICLMH'14), June 21-22, 2014, Bangkok (Thailand), (p. 40-42). http://icehm.org/upload/4581ED0614040.pdf.
  • Booto Ekionea, J.-P., Fillion, G., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2014). Using the Soft System Methodology for Designing an Integrated and Inter-firm Knowledge Management Capabilities Maturity Model in municipal organization. Dans 2014 International Conference on Informatics and Advanced Computing (ICIAC-14), Dec. 30-31, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand, (p. 37-45).
  • Shi-He, N., Bernard, P. Jr., Plaisent, M. et Chiang, J. M.-H. (2014). Winning Strategy and Organizational Capacity: A Chinese Business Perspective. Dans International Conference on Economics, Education and Humanities (ICEEH'14), Dec. 10-11, 2014, Bali (Indonesia), (p. 26-29). https://icehm.org/upload/2569ED1214115.pdf.
  • Lai, C.K., Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Chiang, J. M.-H. (2013). Business Process Re-Engineering Innovation Management in Sustainable Operation and Maintenance for Green Building and Environmental Product Manufacturing. Dans The 4th Greater Pearl River Delta Conference on Building Operation and Maintenance.
  • Valerio, A.S., Juco, N.R., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2013). Controlled Environment and SMS Monitoring System for Pampanga Agricultural College Chicken Egg Farm Coop. Dans 2nd International Conference on Chemical, Ecology and Environmental Sciences (ICEES'2013), June 17-18, 2013, London (UK), (p. 251-253).
  • Hkiri, B., Aloui, C., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2013). Firm on Lawsuit: Prey or Predator? Dans 3rd International Conference on Law, Humanities and Education (ICLHE'2013), Dec. 25-26, 2013, Bangkok (Thailand), (p. 67-72).
  • Plaisent, M., Mercier, D., Bernard, P. et Zheng L. (2013). L’évaluation des organismes de bienfaisance : ratios ou certification. Dans C. Dupont, R. Giuliano et J.-M. Peretti (dir.). 31ème d’été de l’Audit social : De l’audit social à l’audit de la responsabilité sociale : la RSE, renouveau pour la GRH ? 29 et 30 août 2013 Université de Mons (Belgique), (p. 535-543).
  • Chan, C.-L., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Ming-Hsun, J. (2013). Preliminary Design of «Gennovation» for Enterprises. Dans International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAMS2013), Phnom Penh, Cambodia, July 16-19, 2013, (p. 609-615). Society for Innovation in Management (SIiM).
  • Zheng, L.-L., Favier, M., Plaisent, M., Toffoli, R. et Bernard, P. (2013). Reputation, Perceived Risk and Intention to Repurchase in Post-purchase Stage of Online shopping: A cross-Cultural Comparison Study. Dans 18th Symposium of the Association Information and Management 2013, AIM 2013.
  • Weian, C., Bernard, P. Jr et Plaisent, M. (2013). Status Quo of Family Education of Junior High School Students in Rural Areas, International Journal of Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences (IJBEES), 2(4), 92-95. http://journalsweb.org/siteadmin/upload/40957%20IJBEES024069.pdf.
    Notes: 2nd International Conference on on Eco-systems and Biological Sciences (ICEBS'2013), July 20-21, 2013 Pattaya (Thailand)
  • Xia, S., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. Jr. (2013). Study on China’s Buyout Fund, International Journal of Humanities and Applied Sciences (IJHAS), 2(4), 114-118.
    Notes: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Management and Social Sciences (ICMSS'2013), July 21, Pattaya Thailand
  • Fung Lam, L., Chan, P., Zheng, L., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2013). The Success Factors of the Succession Process in Small and Medium-sized family business in a one child context of China. Dans Proceedings of the 5th Annual International conference on Global Business (ICGB2013), Detroit, Michigan, USA, July 5-6, 2013, (p. 396-424).
  • Amroune, B., Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Taieb, H. (2012). Adaptation de la PME dans un environnement ouvert et intense, analyse de performance : cas de l’Algérie [Présentation PowerPoint]. Dans Symposium international : Regards croisés sur les transformations de la gestion et des organisations publiques. Québec, Québec, 15 et 16 novembre 2012.
  • Plaisent, M., Maguiraga, L., Bernard, P., Favreau, S. et Mercier, D. (2012). Community of Practice Mediated by Internet: The Case of Philanthropy-Quebec. Dans 2012 Second International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and it's Applications (DICTAP), Bangkok, 2012, (p. 145-148). http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/DICTAP.2012.6215340.
  • Chiang, J., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2012). Evaluation of the Practice of Quality Assurance in the China and Hong Kong SAR Construction Industry [Résumé]. Dans ANQ Congress 2012 Hong Kong. http://www.hksq.org/anq2012/doc/ANQ2012_Program_Book.pdf.
    Notes: (paper ID: HK09), co-hosted by Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ), China Association for Quality (CAQ), and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) on July 31 – August 3, 2012 in Hong Kong
  • Chang, W.-C., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2012). Promotion of Traditional Art and Integration Management of Cultural and Creative Industries. Dans International Conference on Literature, Management and Education (ICLME'2012), Nov. 17-18, 2012, Manila (Philippines), (p. 180-187).
  • Booto Ekionea, J.-P., Filion, G., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2012). Using the Soft System Methodology for Designing an Integrated and Inter-firm Knowledge Management Capabilities Maturity Model. Dans J.G. Cegarra (dir.). 13th European Conference on Knowledge Management 2012 (ECKM 2012) : Cartagena, Spain, 6-7 September 2012, (vol. 1, p. 108-117).
  • Plaisent, M., Maguiraga, L. et Bernard, P. (2011). A New Market for Philippine Universities: American E-Learning Course Requirements. Dans 3rd International Education Conference, May 18-20, 2011, Philippine: Proceedings.
  • Ouni, Z., Bernard. P. et Plaisent, M. (2011). L'impact des investissements des fonds souverains sur le coût de financement par dette obligataire, 79e congrès de l'ACFAS, Université de Bishop’s et Sherbrooke, 9-13 mai.
  • Ouni, Z., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2011). Les déterminants des primes d'acquisitions : proposition d'un modèle intégrateur [CD-ROM]. Dans Proceedings of the 39th annual conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2011, (vol. 32).
  • Nonaka, M., Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Maguiraga, L. (2011). The Effect of culture in the Formation of Strategies in Subsidiary Firms [CD-ROM, Résumé]. Dans Abstracts, ICABR 2011, VII. International Conference on Applied Business Research, November 28 – December 2, 2011, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, International Conference on Applied Business Research 2011.
  • Booto Ekionea, J.P., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2011). Towards a Maturity Model of Knowledge Management Competences as an Organisational Capability. Dans 2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE), Shanghai, China, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICEBEG.2011.5881443.
  • Booto Ekionea, J.-P., Fillion, G., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2011). Towards an Integrated Maturity Model of Knowledge Management Capabilities. Dans 2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE), Shanghai, China, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICEBEG.2011.5881444.
  • Bernard, P., Ouni, Z., Plaisent, M. et Pecquet, P. (2010). Les fonds souverains : problème ou solution? Dans Colloque Djerba : régulations financières.
  • Sarkis, H., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2010). The Process and Critical Success Factors of Acquisitions in the High-Technology Industries. Dans Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Technology Innovation and Industrial Management.
  • Hkiri, B., Aloui, C. et Plaisent, M. (2010). Volatility Dynamics around litigation announcements in Canadian Industries: Brief Theory Survey and Experimental Investigation. Dans 2010 International Conference on Accounting and Information Technology: proceedings.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2009). Building International Business Relations: China-Canada Education MODEL, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 1(1), 1605-1607. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeps.2009.09.247.
    Notes: 6th International Proceedings of the International Conference on Mining Science & Technology (ICMST2009)
  • Bellaaj, M., Zekri, I., Plaisent, M. et Pecquet, P. (2009). Conceptualizing Web-Based Information Systems Quality and its Impact on Customer Satisfaction: A Multichannel Service Provider Perspective. Dans The TIIM International conference on Technology Innovation and industrial management, (p. 36-50).
  • Ouni, Z., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Tapachai, N. (2009). Ethics for Buddhists and Christian managers: a first step. Dans The 2nd International Conference of the Buddhist Economic Research Platform : Theory and Action, Ubon Rajathanee University, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, April 9-11, 2009.
  • Yupanqui, P., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2009). Indigenous Peoples Self-Government for a Sustainable Management of Biodiversity. Dans 1st Bangkok International Forum on Indigenous Management Practices (BIFIMP), Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, February 2nd-6th.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2009). The Crisis, the Business Schools: China and the World, The Annual Global Business, Information Technology and Management for Economic Development Conference (BITMED 2009), Beijing, China, October 22-24.
  • Sarkis, H., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2009). The Process and Critical Success Factors of Acquisitions In the High-Technology Industries, The IAIT 2009 3rd International Conference on Advances in Information Technology, School of Information Technology, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Bellaaj, M., Pecquet, P. et Plaisent, M. (2008). Capacités e-commerce et avantage compétitif : une étude empirique [CD-ROM]. Dans Actes du colloque, Le e-Management : rupture ou continuité organisationnelle, Opportunités et risques majeurs ?, Grenoble (France), 27 et 28 mars 2008.
    Notes: École de Management et l'Association Francophone de Management Electronique (AFME) (Avec la collaboration du CERAG, AGRH, AIM et IAS)
  • Diallo, A., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2008). Comment les standards transforment les pratiques dans les organismes de bienfaisance [CD-ROM]. Dans N. Pattersen, J.-S. Boudras et A. Savoie (dir.). Entre tradition et innovation, comment transformons-nous l'univers du travail? : actes du 15e Congrès de lAssociation internationale de psychologie du travail de langue française.
  • Jiménez, C., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2008). Good Organizational Practices Guide for University Internationalization: Tomorrow People [CD-ROM]. Dans Education and Development Conference 2008, Bangkok, Thailand, 7-9 March.
    Notes: [CD-ROMCOBISS.SR.ID 146848012, ISBN=978-86-87043-03-9]
  • Booto Ekionea, J.P., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2008). Knowledge Management Capabilities: Towards A Integrated Maturity Model. Dans 1ière conférence internationale sur les systèmes d'information et intelligence économique, École supérieure de Commerce de Tunis et Nancy Université, 14-16 février 2008, Hammamet.
  • Plaisent, M., Mangour, W. et Bernard, P. (2008). Measuring the Internationalization of a Business School : A First Step. Dans The 2nd International colloquium on Business & Management (ICBM 2008), In conjunction with the International Conference on Business and Management Education (ICBME 2008), Bangkok Palace Hotel, Thailand.
  • Plaisent, M., Larhrib, S., Diallo, A. et Bernard, P. (2008). Teacher's e-Readiness: Toward a Conceptual Frame [CD-ROM]. Dans Conference on Educational Leadership in Cultural Diversity and Globalization, Prince of Songkla University, the Faculty of Education Phuket, April 8-10.
    Notes: CFE 2008. PSU International Conference, [CD-ROM and program book]
  • Booto Ekionea, J.P., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2008). Towards a Consensus on KM Capabilities Concepts: Evidence from a Delphi Study. Dans The International Conference on Knowledge Management: Knowledge Management Competencies & Professionalism, Columbus, Ohio, 23-24 October.
  • Plaisent, M., Diallo, A. et Bernard, P. (2007). Can e-Government improve charities effectiveness, efficiency and communication? Dans D. Remenyi (dir.). 3rd International Conference on eGovernment (ICEG 2007), (p. 189-196).
  • Booto Ekionea, J.-P., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2007). Developing knowledge management competences as an organizational capability for business performance. Dans Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM, (p. 131-138).
  • Plaisent, M., Diallo, A. et Bernard, P. (2007). Factors affecting e-Learning adoption by faculties. Dans Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on e-Learning: ICEL 2007, (p. 397-405).
  • Plaisent, M. (2007). Preface. Dans D. Remenyi (dir.). 3rd International Conference on eGovernment (ICEG 2007).
  • Jiménez, C., Rainor, W., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2006). Mind tools for intellectual produce. Dans N. Callaos, W. Lesso, W. Bo et A. Rutkauskas (dir.). The 10th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, July 16-19, 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA : Proceedings., (vol. 1, p. 137-140). International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS). https://repositorio.ucv.edu.pe/bitstream/handle/20.500.12692/21271/Mind%20Tools%20for%20Intellectual%20Produce.pdf.
  • Kaba, B., Bernard, P., Diallo, A. et Plaisent, M. (2006). Vers une nouvelle compréhension des facteurs qui influencent les attitudes et l'utilisation des technologies mobiles dans les pays en développement : cas de la téléphonie cellulaire en Guinée. Dans Managing Information in the Digital Economy: Issues and Solutions – Proceedings of the 6th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2006, (p. 466-480). International Business Information Management Association, IBIMA.
  • Larhrib, S., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Maguiraga, L. et Benslimane, Y. (2005). e-Learning success and e-Learner readiness. Dans D. Remenyi (dir.). 4th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2005), (p. 173-180). Academic Conferences Limited.
  • Perez, L., Plaisent, M., Miguaraga, L. et Bernard, P. (2004). Electronic Performance Support Systems: Applying EPSS as a Cognitive Training Tool, Conference of Information Science, Technology and Management, Alexandria, Egypt, July. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312042018_Electronic_Performance_Support_Systems_Applying_EPSS_as_a_Cognitive_Training_Tool.
  • Benslimane, Y., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2003). Applying the task-technology fit model to WWW-based conceptualization and measurement. Dans R.H. Sprague (dir.). Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'03), (p. 212). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. https://www.doi.org/10.1109/HICSS.2003.1174568.
  • Plaisent, M., Ouhelli, A., Bernard, P. et Maguiraga, L. (2003). Toward a classification of internet scientific conferences. Dans S. Hammoudi, M. Piattini, O. Camp et J. Filipe (dir.). ICEIS 2003 – Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, (vol. 3, p. 473-476). Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politecnico de Setubal.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (1990). Validation process in simulation, Simulation Series, 21(4), 84-88.
  • Plaisent, M. (1987). Electronic Mail, Managerial Efficiency Factor. Dans MONTECH '87 Conferences: COMPINT, (p. 204-207). IEEE.
Autres publications
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2021). Business between China and Canada in a difficult time. University Consortium Press.
  • Bernard, P., Jr., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2020). Le retour d’une grande puissance – La Chine 1839-2039. Consortium Universitaire.
  • Bernard, P., Bernard, P. Jr et Plaisent, M. (2019). Business in China and the World Trade Crisis. University Consortium Press.
  • Bernard, P., Jr, Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2019). China Pendulum – 1839-2039 – the Return of a Global Power. University Consortium Press.
  • Bernard, P., Bernard, P. Jr. et Plaisent, M. (2018). Les affaires en Chine en 2019. UCA-ASIA.
  • Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Librowicz, M. (2018). The New Chinese Silk Road. March 2018. UCA-ASIA.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2017). American Protectionism: Impact on Canada-China Trade. May 2017. UCA-ASIA.
  • Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Pogoy, A. (2016). Decisions in a Changing World. UCA-ASIA.
  • Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Librowicz, M. (2016). One World [同一个世界]. UCA-ASIA.
  • Plaisent, M., Dayagbil, F., Zheng, L., Zucarro, C. et Bernard, P. (2016). Web Surveys Issues and Methods: A Primer. Editions Fidal.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2014). Décisions 2013-2014. Fidal.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2014). Estrategia de Bombardier. University Consortium of the Americas.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2014). Face à un monde incertain. Fidal Amérique.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2014). La bataille des géants. University Consortium of the Americas.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2014). Strategy for Growth. A model. UCA.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2014). 增长战略. UCA. Asia.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2009). Business Integration. Fidal Éditeur.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2009). Global Business Integration. Fidal Éditeur.
  • Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Iqbal, P. (2009). International Strategic Decisions. UCA-ASIA.
  • Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Iqbal, P. (2009). MSU. Fidal Éditeur.
  • Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Espinoza, C. (2008). Estrategia Global – Caso no 11 : MSU. Andres Gaitan Editor.
  • Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Miranda, J. (2008). Global 360 – Una simulación Internacional. Fidal Éditeur.
  • Bernard, P., Plaisent, M. et Espinoza, C. (2008). Global Strategies – Case no. 10 : MSU. Andres Gaitan Editor.
  • Plaisent, M., Favreau, S. et Bernard, P. (2002). Access XP. Les Éditions Guérin.
  • Plaisent, M., Favreau, S. et Bernard, P. (2002). Excel XP. Les Éditions Guérin.
  • Plaisent, M., Favreau, S. et Bernard, P. (2002). Outlook XP. Les Éditions Guérin.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, S. et Bernard, P. (2002). PowerPoint XP. Les Éditions Guérin.
  • Plaisent, M., Favreau, S. et Bernard, P. (2002). Windows XP. Guérin Éditeur.
  • Plaisent, M., Favreau, S. et Bernard, P. (2002). Word XP. Les Éditions Guérin.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2000). Decisiones, estadística, y finanzas. Éditions de l'Institut Fidal.
  • Miranda, J., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (2000). Simulación BPG. Éditions Institut Fidal.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2000). Statistiques, finances et prise de décisions. Éditions de l'Institut Fidal.
  • Miranda, J., Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2000). Toma de decisiones en las empresas, utilizando un modelo de simulación (logiciel). Éditions de l'Institut Fidal.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (2000). Tools for Decision Making in Statistics, and in Finance. Éditions de l'Institut Fidal.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Favreau, S. et Nadeau, J. (1999). Access 2000. Les Éditions Guérin.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Favreau, S. et Nadeau, J. (1999). Access 97. Éditions de l'Institut Fidal.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Favreau, S. et Nadeau, J. (1999). Excel 2000. Les Éditions Guérin.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Favreau, S. et Nadeau, J. (1999). Outlook 2000. Les Éditions Guérin.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Favreau, S. et Nadeau, J. (1999). Outlook 97. Éditions de l'Institut Fidal.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Favreau, S. et Nadeau, J. (1999). PowerPoint 2000. Les Éditions Guérin.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Favreau, S. et Nadeau, J. (1999). Word 2000. Les Éditions Guérin.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Favreau, S. et Nadeau, J. (1998). Excel 97 pour Windows 95/98/NT. Guérin Éditeur.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Cronin, M.J. (1998). Faire affaire sur Internet : le guide des gestionnaires. Guérin Éditeur.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Favreau, S. et Nadeau, J. (1998). PowerPoint 97 pour Windows 95/98/NT. Guérin Éditeur.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Favreau, S. et Nadeau, J. (1998). Windows 98. Guérin Éditeur.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Favreau, S. et Nadeau, J. (1998). Word 97 pour Windows 95/98/NT. Guérin Éditeur.
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (1997). Internet : le monde à portée de la main, version Macintosh. Guérin Éditeur.
  • Dubé, L., Plaisent, M., Bernard, P. et Zuccaro, C. (1996). Execmédia. Les Éditions Guérin.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (1996). Formation sans frontières. Les Éditions Guérin.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (1996). Integracion Economica y Educacion en America del Norte. Les Éditions Guérin.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (1996). International Business Education for the 21 st Century. Les Éditions Guérin.
  • Morin, E., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (1996). Microsoft Word 6.0 pour Windows. Guérin Éditeur.
  • Bernard, P. et Plaisent, M. (1996). Université de l'ALENA. Les Éditions Guérin.
  • Beauchesne, M., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (1995). Excel 5.0. Chenelière / McGraw-Hill.
  • Beauchesne, M., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (1995). Guide dBase IV, version 2.0. Guérin Éditeur.
  • Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (1995). Internet : le monde à portée de la main. Guérin Éditeur.
  • Beauchesne, M., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (1995). Windows 3.1 et 3.11. Chenelière / McGraw-Hill.
  • Morin, E., Plaisent, M. et Bernard, P. (1995). Word 6.0 pour Windows. Guérin Éditeur.
  • Plaisent, M., Decoste, C. et Pichet, C. (1993). Initiation à la micro-informatique. Gaëtan Morin éditeur.
  • Plaisent, M., Decoste, C. et Bernard, P. (1993). La micro-informatique au service des gestionnaires. Gaëtan Morin éditeur.
  • Plaisent, M., Decoste, C. et Vienneau, M. (1992). DOS à la portée du personnel bancaire. Institut des banquiers canadiens.
  • Plaisent, M., Decoste, C. et Pichet, C. (1991). Comprendre et maîtriser Lotus 1-2-3, version 2.3. Gaétan Morin éditeur.
  • Plaisent, M., Pichet, C. et Decoste, C. (1991). Initiation à l'utilisation de la micro-informatique. Gaétan Morin éditeur.
  • Decoste, C., Garnier, J. et Plaisent, M. (1991). La gestion de l'information par dBASE III Plus. Gaétan Morin éditeur.
  • Plaisent, M., Bernard, P., Marion, G. et Decoste, C. (1991). La micro-informatique au service des gestionnaires. Gaétan Morin éditeur.
  • Plaisent, M., Maguiraga, L., Decoste, C. et Beauchesne, M. (1991). Lotus 1-2-3 à la portée du personnel bancaire. Institut des banquiers canadiens.
  • Plaisent, M., Maguiraga, L., Decoste, C. et Beauchesne, M. (1991). Wordperfect à la portée du personnel bancaire. Institut des banquiers canadiens.
  • Plaisent, M., Decoste, C., Pichet, C. et Marion, G. (1990). Comprendre et maîtriser Lotus 1-2-3, version 2.2.. Gaétan Morin éditeur.
  • Marion, G., Plaisent, P., Decoste, C. et Bernard, P. (1989). Comprendre et maîtriser Lotus 1-2-3, v2.01. Gaétan Morin éditeur.
  • Decoste, C., Garnier, J. et Plaisent, M. (1988). La gestion de l'information par dBASE III Plus. Gaétan Morin éditeur.