Michelle Stewart

Michelle Stewart

Photo de Michelle Stewart
Téléphone : (514) 987-3000 poste 3412
Local : J-4367
Langues : Français, Anglais
Informations générales

Cheminement académique

Doctorat en Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature
University of Minnesota

Maîtrise en Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature
University of Minnesota

Baccalauréat en musique
Stanford University

Unités de recherche

Affiliations externes principales

  • Professeure associée, Département d'histoire de l'art et d'études cinématographiques, Université de Montréal
  • Professeure associée, Purchase College, State University of New York
Services à la collectivité

Directrice de la MFA in Media Arts & Culture, Film and Media Studies SUNY Purchase, 2016-2018

Directrice, School of Film and Media Studies, Film and Media Studies SUNY Purchase, 2010-2015

Directions de thèses et mémoires



Articles scientifiques
Chapitres de livre
  • Stewart, M. Due North: Contemporary Indigenous Media and Ecological Knowledge. Dans E. Winton et D. Clayton (dir.). Insiders/Outsiders: The Cultural Politics and Ethics of Indigenous Representation and Participation in Canada’s Media Arts.
    Notes: (Accepté)
  • Stewart, M. (2018). Images of Diversity: The Politics and Policy of Representing Migration and Identity in Maghrebi French Filmmaking. Dans M. Gott et T. Schilt (dir.). Cinéma-Monde: Decentred Perspectives on Global Filmmaking in French. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press.
  • Stewart, M. (2010). Cree Hunters of Mistassini: Challenge for Change and Aboriginal Rights. Dans T. Waugh, M. Brendan Baker et E. Winton (dir.). Challenge for Change Activist Documentary at the National Film Board of Canada (p. 180–189). Montréal : McGill Queen's University Press.